Islam Explained by a non-Muslim

A very informative video about Islam for non-Muslim friends, explained by a non-Muslim. Giving a brief history of Islam and answering many misconceptions and false rumors. Click to watch: What is...

Nasheed: My eyes are full of longing

  رقت عيناي شوقًا Watch in this link: Nasyid Raqqat Ayna performed by Iman Farrar and the Malay Chanting Group at the Sydney Multicultural Mawlid Concert in early 2015. (Lyrics below) رقت عيناي شوقًا .. ولطيبة ذرفت...

Khotbat Al Gomaa Sat. 4 Nov 2016

Brother Bashirul Rahman delivered Friday Sermon to day and it was about "A heart that Perseveres in Obedience"   A Heart that Perseveres in Obedience Blessed Friday Jemaah, Let us strive to increase and develop our taqwa in Allah s.w.t. through sound and...


اهــلا وســهلا و مرحــبا This is a forum for all Muslims and all persons interested in exchanging ideas and views about current issues, personal experience, and the teachings of Islam. This mailing list is aspiring to promote understanding and foster friendship and...