Current Student Profile- Chris Dockrill

At the UNE School of Law we are proud to say we have a number of amazing law students with diverse and interesting lives. One such example is Chris Dockrill who is an incredibly talented writer, producer and director. In fact Chris is the main creator (with his...

‘I have the unusual ability to swim for long periods of time in cold conditions. I have chosen to use this bizarre gift to help others’- Tom Pembroke- Current LLB Student

Tom Pembroke, who is one of our current law students, will next month be attempting a double crossing of the English Channel in freezing cold temperatures. We recently caught up with Tom in order to find out why he would attempt something as difficult and painful...

Tom and Sara standing near a dam

Top Tips for Exam Preparations

Exam periods are probably the most daunting and stressful time for students. As this is the case here are some tips to help you navigate your way through this nerve-wracking period: Check your exam date, time (morning or afternoon) and venue Visit the venue before...

checklist Exam preparations

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