Written by Julia Day

Current Law student, Mackenzie Edmonds, wanted to spread her wings after she finished high school. Like many of us have done before, she decided to have a gap year in London working in hospitality. She had a wonderful and life changing time overseas. Life threw her a curve ball though- Covid hit!! So instead of only being away for a year, she was away for 3 ½ years!

In some ways- her forced hiatus away from her home and family was a blessing. Mackenzie had always wanted to study law and suddenly the perfect opportunity to do so was presenting itself. Mackenzie was concerned, however, that she wouldn’t get into a law degree. She spoke to an IP Solicitor in London who explained that there are many different pathways to enrolling into a law degree. Mackenzie enrolled in a Diploma of Paralegal Studies at UNE after hearing good things about UNE’s online law degree. The lockdown situation gave her a perfect opportunity to focus on her studies.  She ended up topping the introductory law unit, winning a $200 prize and then switching to a Bachelor of Laws.

At this stage, Mackenzie’s favourite subject has been Criminal Law with Paul Sattler. I think it is only fair to say this will change now she is completing the Torts unit….

Law runs in Mackenzie’s family- in fact her mum owns a conveyancing firm in Ballina. Mackenzie worked in her mum’s practice for a time but decided to spread her wings and move to Newcastle. Luckily, Mackenzie was able to secure a job at Catherine Henry solicitors in Newcastle. Mackenzie notes ‘I chose Catherine Henry Solicitors as I wanted to start my legal career in a nurturing and supportive firm. I liked the fact there were so many female solicitors working at the law firm and was excited about learning from them!’ 

Within the firm, Mackenzie supports the Health Law team, assisting mainly with Medical Negligence cases. Mackenzie notes ‘I really enjoy developing my problem-solving skills and delving into the history of a case. I work under three solicitors and assist them in all aspects of their work. For example, I request and arrange to get medical records sent to us. This experience is invaluable as it allows me to understand the legal process from the bottom up. This will help me exponentially when I become a solicitor!’

Mackenzie- thank you for sharing your story with us!