Lisa Ward is joined by her colleague Mr Paul Akon to discuss crime, the success of Indigenous Circle Sentencing and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
In this episode, Paul shares with us his expansive knowledge of customary law, criminal law and ADR. As well, Paul speaks about the Aboriginal community justice system and the difference between Indigenous circle sentencing and the sentencing procedures conducted through the traditional court system.
Paul currently teaches LAW157 – Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). He says, ‘the unit is not only helpful in a law degree but in life as well’. Paul also says that ADR has become so increasingly popular that the Law Council of Australia wants to make ADR a compulsory subject in all law degrees. So, for those interested, law students at UNE can elect to do LAW157 – Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) from first year!
Join our Law in the Bush host Lisa Ward and this week’s guest speaker Mr Paul Akon to learn more about crime, the success of Indigenous Circle Sentencing and Alternative Dispute Resolution!
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Lisa Ward Lecturer UNE Law School
Excellent – a clear explanation of the talking circle and the law.
a relevant discussion by Paul Akon. It is a pleasure to listen to a succinct and substantial oral presentation
Marcia Tsimboukis
SID 220145411