Co-creation and active learner involvement in the design and development of education are gaining momentum in educational practice and research. Pebblepad (our ePortfolio platform) is hosting a webinar on the 4th of April focusing on co-creation and student-generated...
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3D light scans out-shines photogrammetry in the digitisation process.
What is 3D digitising? What is photogrammetry or light-based scanning? Which is best to start with? Read through this post and see some examples that UNE are currently using.
Call for interest: CMALT accreditation
As part of UNE's institutional membership to ASCILITE, we have access to the Association for Learning Technology's CMALT accreditation program. ALT is a leading professional body for Learning Technology in the UK, who provide a collaborative community for individuals...
Invitation to join ASCILITE
We are pleased to announce that UNE has recently upgraded its membership to ASCILITE to a three-year unlimited membership, which means that membership is now open to all staff at UNE. By joining ASCILITE, you become a member of one of Australasia’s most vibrant...