Because our students are humans, and humans have lives in which things happen, there are often situations in which students aren’t able to submit assessments by the due date or sit exams on time. UNE has a number of provisions in our Assessment Guidelines that help support student success under these circumstances. Understanding what provision is applicable in what circumstances and how each provision is accessed can be tricky though – this post explains each of the provisions, how they’re accessed and some new initiatives designed to make things quicker and easier for everyone.


Short extensions – less than a week

Extensions for 7 days or less generally don’t require supporting documentation. In Trimester 2, there are two ways students can access a 7-day extension:

Moodle self-selection extension tool

Developed by the Learning Design Team, this tool allows students to self-select an automatic 7-day extension for assignments. It allows students instant access to support when life happens, and requires no administration work for staff. Use of the tool is currently opt-in and is available in selected schools and units in Trimester 2.

AskUNE Extension Form

For those units where the self-selection extension tool isn’t available, the new AskUNE extension form (see next section) can also be used for short extensions. 


Longer extensions – more than a week, still within the trimester bounds

Extensions for longer than a week require supporting documentation, and in Trimester 2 a new application process will be in place. Developed by the SRM Team in Integrated Services, the AskUNE Extension Form is a single consistent application form that replaces a range of different email and web-based processes previously in place. The Learning Design and Digital Landscapes teams have been working to ensure correct links and information are in T2 units, but if you come across any issues please contact

It’s important to be aware that all extensions requested must fall within the bounds of the trimester – anything longer than this must make use of Special Assessment provisions instead.


Special Assessment – extensions beyond trimester bounds and support for when things go wrong

Special Assessment describes a suite of provisions available to students when more significant things happen:

  • Special extension of time – a new due date for assignment submission falling after the end of the trimester
  • Special (also known as Deferred) exam – an examination taking place later than scheduled (eg the exam period in the next trimester)
  • Special consideration – extra marks awarded to offset impact of adverse circumstances impacting performance in any assessment
  • Other academic provisions such as resubmission, passing grade or withdrawal without failure

Special Assessment provisions must be applied for using the relevant form and process for each category. When students have been granted one of these provisions, the correct grade code should be used when submitting results to ensure relevant system actions take place.

Digital Education currently has a major project underway to redesign Special Assessment application and decision-making processes to improve the student experience and streamline staff processes and workload. Look out for updates in the coming months on both the technical architecture and business process workstreams.