While the standard grade codes (HD, D, C, P) are straightforward, there are many other grade codes that perform other functions that aren’t always well understood. This post details the two main areas of confusion to help facilitate a smooth and stress-free results release period each trimester.

Special Assessment

Special Assessment provisions have three codes that have administrative significance and perform system functions, so they should be understood and used appropriately. These are:

SET – Special Extension of Time on an Assignment

SPS – Deferred (Special) Exam to arranged by the School

SPE – Deferred (Special) Exam to be centrally managed, held via OLX platform (SPE exams can be held at any time you wish but require 3-4 weeks notice – unless advised otherwise they will default to the next exam period)

The Special Assessment grades SET, SPS and SPE have significance throughout our various systems. They will:

  • keep a student’s Moodle access open to allow them to complete the work,
  • remove them from show cause processes
  • include them on the next exam timetable if that is required.

The RU (Result Unavailable) grade is not appropriate in this context and should not be used. Please do not use the RU grade for these circumstances.


Fail grades

UNE has three fail grades in use, which should be applied in the appropriate circumstances:

N (Fail) – all required assessments have been submitted, and the overall mark is 49% or less

NI (Fail Incomplete) –fail result has occurred due to non-completion of a required assessment item (overall mark can be higher than 49%)

NC (Compulsory Fail)  –fail result has occurred due to having completed but failed an assessment item that MUST BE PASSED in order to pass the unit (overall mark can be higher than 49%)

The NI and NC grades are especially handy where the student has achieved an overall mark of 50% or higher, but will still fail due to not completing/satisfactorily completing a mandatory assessment item.


Ensuring smooth results periods

Ensuring all results are submitted on time is the best way to reduce workload and stress during results. If no result is received, a RU grade is allocated by default. Unnecessary RU grades create significant issues around reworking across School staff, TDS and Exams & eAssessment, and can result in grievances. 

If any grade amendments are required for any reason, these can be made via Board of Examiners meetings or after release via the formal Amended Grades process.

Please do not hesitate to contact Kylie Day, Angela Moon or Cheryl Campbell in the Exams & eAssessment Team should you require any clarification or assistance during any results period.