For all academic colleagues who are coordinating a Trimester 1 unit with an exam, or for those who have deferred or supplementary exams being held this trimester, we need your exam information.
You should have received an email on Monday 24 February from UNE Qualtrics which contained a survey link that allows you to easily convey all of your exam preferences, requirements, and exam conditions so we can get to work.
Thank you to all who have already responded.
- Not yet responded? If you have not yet responded, please do so by COB this Monday 3 March.
- We need these lead times to ensure we provide all the information your students require to have the best possible exam experience.
- Lost or can’t find the email? If you have lost, or don’t remember getting the survey link via email, please respond by COB Monday using this link for Online Supervised Exams supervised via ProctorU.
- Organising your own exam supervision? If you are hosting your own exam and would like us to find a clash-free spot on the exam timetable for your students; and include your exam on their personalised exam timetable in MyUNE; let us know the details using this link for School Based Assessment Scheduling Request Form.
- Do you want to hold supervised in-term quizzes? If you are hoping to have your in-term quizzes supervised using the online supervision platform, and have not made contact with us yet, you need to make URGENT contact with the details via We need a minimum of four weeks’ notice to host the exam for your students.
Remember if you need to change any of the details you provide to us through these surveys, just drop us a line at so that we can make sure everything is taken care of.