In 2025 UNE is using an updated version of the Writing Feedback service, called Writing Feedback+. The Writing Feedback+ service provides the same feedback support to students but uses Artificial Intelligence technology in the creation of the feedback, rather than relying on human tutors. As a result, the feedback is provided within minutes, rather than within 24 hours.

To tell you more about the new service from Studiosity, which UNE will be offering to students in T1, David Farquhar from Studiosity presented a short overview session of the service – the recording is now available

It is important to note that neither the traditional Writing Feedback nor the new Writing Feedback+ services provides students with answers to questions, corrects or changes student work, adjust student voice, or otherwise removes cognitive load from students. Both services provide feedback on structure, language, argument / idea development, spelling, grammar and referencing. It is then up to the student to make changes to their assessment to action the feedback provided.

UNE’s transition to Writing Feedback+ has a range of important advantages for students, including students receiving feedback in real time; and students being able to submit their assessment tasks multiple times for feedback within a shorter time span.