As we upgrade MyLearn, there are a number of updates that are coming through to support your teaching and learning. Here is another update related to a new feature to Mylearn Quizzes

Grade Section

What is ‘Quiz Section Grades’?

‘Quiz Section Grades’ is a new feature in MyLearn that allows you to divide quizzes into sections and assign specific grades to each section. Instead of grading the entire quiz as a whole, you can now organise questions into meaningful sections, with each section contributing a portion to the overall quiz grade.


In our context, assessments often cover multiple topics or skills, and section-based grading helps break down the assessment process. Here’s why it’s particularly useful:

  • Targeted assessment: You can create sections within a quiz that focus on different learning outcomes, such as critical thinking, application of theory, or factual recall. Each section can be weighted based on its importance.
  • Granular feedback: Students receive a clearer breakdown of their performance, helping them understand where they excelled or need improvement, rather than getting a single overall score.
  • Fairer grading: By assigning different weightings to sections, you can ensure that more complex or important sections of a quiz carry greater influence over the final grade.

This feature provides more flexibility and depth in designing assessments, making it easier for both educators and students to focus on specific areas of learning.

Here is how to navigate to access and set up the Grade Item in your Quiz


Possible use case

Below is a possible approach to using this feature


For further information on this feature, please go into Teaching Online at UNE, Mylearn: Quizzes.