To further enhance UNE’s commitment to quality online delivery and continuous improvement, the myLearn unit template will be updated from T3 2024 to include a dedicated page for ‘Updates and Improvements’, which will allow Unit Coordinators to close the loop with students and communicate any changes and improvements made to units in response to feedback.

Feedback on unit design and delivery comes from a range of different sources, including:

  • Unit and teaching evaluations
  • Unit review process
  • Accreditation processes
  • Curriculum design and renewal activity
  • Strategic initiatives such as Project Uplift and Institutional TELAS accreditation
  • QILT Student Experience Survey
  • Informal feedback

Regardless of source, communicating explicitly and transparently with students around actions taken in response to feedback demonstrates our commitment and care to quality online teaching. The addition of the Updates and Improvements page to the myLearn template will support Unit Coordinators in regularly engaging with feedback and closing the loop with students effectively. Use of the page is optional, but all UCs are encouraged to make use of it each trimester.

Using the Updates and Improvements page

The new page is located in the Unit Information and Resources tile of the myLearn unit template just below the Feedback page. It will, by default, be hidden from students.

screenshot of new page in context

The Updates and Improvements page will be added as an item on the myLearn site setup checklist, prompting you to add content to the page, update any previous content, or hide the page if you are not using it. It’s important to make sure you are using the page effectively so that absent or out-of-date information doesn’t impact negatively on students’ overall experience of your unit.

To populate the page, you can draw on any recent sources of feedback relevant to your unit and communicate changes made to students in any format that’s appropriate to your context. Below are some examples of different approaches you can consider.

Prose format

If you prefer a more conversational tone, you can share updates with students in prose form. Some suggested text is below:

Drawing on [feedback source], some common themes identified by [students/reviewers/the data] for this unit were xxx, yyy and zzz.

In response to these, I’ve made the following changes to this unit for this trimester:

  • aaa
  • bbb

If you have other thoughts or ideas about how this unit can be an even better experience for students, you can let me know via the Feedback activity.

Tabular format

If you prefer a more structured approach or if coordination of your unit is shared by a teaching team, a tabular change log approach may work best for you. A suggested table format is as follows:

Teaching period Feedback source Identified priority Change made
T3 2024 xxx yyy aaa
xxx zzz bbb

The new page will be hidden by default, but we encourage you to update it and make it visible to students prior to the start of T3 teaching.

If you have any questions about using the Updates and Improvements page, you can contact the Learning Design Team.