There are a range of support provisions available for students when they encounter unexpected circumstances that impact their ability to complete the assessment. Some of these provisions can affect how marking works in Moodle, particularly those related to online examinations. Below is an overview of some of the common scenarios and how to mark them correctly, as well as strategies you can use to manage marking workflows for a more effective experience.

Note that all exam activities, including alternative assessments, are now accessed directly from the Assessment tile. 

Marking scenarios

When you are marking, you will need to check your exam activity or activities for student attempts to determine which scenario below applies and ensure you mark the correct submission for each student.

Student was able to complete the exam

This should be the case for most students, and can be marked in the exam activity as normal.

Student was granted additional time

This will result in a second attempt displaying for a student – the exam can be marked as normal but ensure that you are marking the most recent attempt for that student.

Student was granted a resit

Where students were granted a resit/reschedule at a later time, their resit must be completed before marking. Once the student has completed their resit, mark the most recent attempt for that student. A list of these students can be requested from, and email alerts for late submission can be set up (see below).

Student completed an alternative assessment or other exam type

If a student was directed to complete an alternative assessment or other exam type, marking should be undertaken in that activity, not in the original exam. You will need to check both activities to determine which a student has completed. 

If you need assistance or are not sure on any of the above, please contact for advice to avoid marking errors.

Management strategies

There are also some additional strategies that you can use to make the marking and results process easier for you – please contact for assistance with these.

Alerts for late submissions

Some students may submit their exams late as a result of rescheduling/resits – an alert can be added to your exam activity to send you an email notification when a student has submitted their exam and their attempt is ready to mark. Please contact the Learning Design Team to request this alert be added to your exam.

Marking groups

Groups can be used in Moodle to allocate groups of students to specific markers – this can be useful for allocating affected students away from casual markers who may have more difficulty with the above. It can also give your markers a very easy way to just filter the particular student responses they’ve been allocated to mark. Please contact the Learning Design Team to discuss marking group options.