As a key component of Project Uplift, UNE has been undertaking a tender process to engage a partner organisation to provide additional resourcing. This process has now been completed, and we are pleased to announce that Curio has been selected as our partner organisation. Curio have worked with a number of different universities on LMS change and unit uplift projects in the past, and their experience and resources will now assist UNE through the first phases of the uplift process, such as the evaluation of units against UNE’s 16 Elements and the creation of workplans for each unit ready to uplift into myLearn from T3/2023.
UNE has also engaged a coordinator for Project Uplift, who will work closely with us and with Curio to coordinate the process over 2023. Tass Katsoulidis joins us from RMIT and brings a wealth of experience with large-scale uplift and LMS transformation projects to UNE.
If you are a T3 unit coordinator you will receive information soon about the next steps, and an invitation to select a suitable time for a first meeting with the project team.
For more information about Project Uplift, please visit the project website, or get in touch via