The year is very rapidly coming to an end, and the compressed exam period for T3 occurs pretty quickly after we all get back from a well-deserved break.
Thank you to everyone who has been working with the Exams & eAssessment team, the Learning Design team, and our friends in the Administrative Services team to have your online exams and your alternative assessments ready for the coming exam period.
This a reminder that the due date to have exams ‘student ready’ and complete in Moodle for T3 is Friday 6th January 2023.
If you have been or are still working with a member of the Learning Design team to get your exam ready in Moodle, thank you, and please continue working together so that your exam can be made ready as soon as possible. The Learning Design Team is also working hard to have all T1 teaching sites built for handover. You can assist with resourcing this peak time by responding in a timely way to any requests for information and not leaving exam build tasks until the deadline.
If you will need assistance and have not yet reached out to either the Exams & eAssessment team or the Learning Design team, please do so as soon as possible. While our teams will check settings for every exam, we will expect that you have your exam content build and presentation under control unless you ask for help.
Guardian Secure Browser – Until now, access to OLX has relied on a specific ‘browser extension’ being installed on test takers’ computers. To increase security, decrease tech issues and reduce the involvement of third-party providers, the same functionality will now be provided by installing the Guardian Secure Browser. Students will still be supervised by the same real people in real time. UNE Exams & eAssessment Team has been extensively involved with testing and all exams for T3 will utilise the new secure browser.
Compressed Exam Period update
The compressed exam period has not generated any student issues that we are aware of so far. Students seem to have had a lot of success in managing their exam load utilising the flexible start times UNE provides. If you are aware of any issues for students at all, please let us know and we can work with you to explore options for individual students.
The Exams & eAssessment Team has been asked to take on the decisions and some of the admin relating to Alternative Assessment applications for Psychology, ERS and UNE Business School. We will be communicating the details of approved applications this week to admin teams and to unit coordinators in those Schools. The School of Law will delegate their application process to us in 2023 and other Schools are also invited to join our process when they are ready.
Handy dates for T3
- Friday 6th January 2023 – Your exam will need to be complete and ‘student ready’, the Exams & eAssessment Team will then complete the configuration of your exam conditions with the exam supervisors based on the information you have provided to us
- Monday 6th February – Exam period starts (compressed exam period, one week only)
- Monday 20th February – Results submission deadline (by 3pm)
- Results released to students Friday 24th Feb
Please do not hesitate to contact us via if you would like to ask any questions, discuss any issues, or request any assistance that you require.