In T2 this year, DigEd piloted a new integrated approach to OLX delivery. Following a successful trimester, the OLXi project team ran an evaluation phase and have designed an improved process based on consultation and feedback from stakeholders. Following the principles of effective design practice, the evaluation focused not just on tasks but on the overall experience of all stakeholders. Some of the key goals that were identified in response to feedback were around reducing workload and barriers to engagement, enabling assessment design practices that ease pain points and aligning responsibilities and language to support effective relationships. 

Here are some of the key changes that you’ll see in T3 as a result:

  • Simplified information gathering, with the questions separated into shorter, targeted pieces that make more sense rather than a single, more cumbersome survey
  • Presenting the information already known from CourseLoop for confirmation to save time and data entry
  • A ‘same as last time’ option is now included
  • Broadening the targeted offer of assistance to include setting up Gradebook, building OLX activities, implementing question banks and understanding different options available for OLX exam conditions, as well as alternative assessment design advisory
  • The formal ‘UC review’ step has been removed to eliminate bottlenecks. This will be replaced by trust-based communication to unit coordinators to offer assistance with review prior to the deadline
  • A single channel to request assistance ( to reduce cognitive load
  • Refining our shared wiki so the Exams & eAssessment, Learning Design and Admin Services Teams can more easily collaborate
  • Recognising each team’s strengths and core responsibilities and clarifying process roles accordingly
  • Changing the language used to reflect a collegial, trust-based culture
  • Including Heads of School in higher level communications to support effective engagement and resourcing
  • Implementing a tracking system for alternative assessments to surface data for effective decision-making

While all coordinators of units with exams for T3 will receive individualised communications, any general queries can be directed to the project team via