As we approach the first week of teaching, it’s a great time to consider where you’ll store your Zoom recordings and relevant unit readings. Echo360 & Reading List, respectively, provide easy and accessible solutions to this – lets look at these now, and how to make sure they’re ready to use for Tri 1! 

icon-echo360 Echo360 Lecture Recordings 

Located in your top ‘Topic 0’ section of your unit, Echo360 can be identified by its green play arrow icon, and likely named something like ‘Lecture Recordings’. Its especially useful for videos like tutorial or lecture recordings that are invaluable for current students but don’t need to be reused next trimester. 
Here’s what you need to know to make sure its set up!

  • If an Echo activity exists in your unit: its set up in the backend BUT you will need to do a very quick final step to confirm it belongs to YOUR unit. Open the activity and click the blue ‘Link Content’ button.
  • If NO Echo activity exists in your unit: Turn on editing in the top right. Click ‘add activity’ and pick ‘Echo360’. In the settings simply give it a name (eg ‘Lecture Recordings’) and save
     Now that it exists, open the activity and follow the ‘Link Content’ step above to finalise!
  • Embedding Echo videos: Like Kaltura, Echo can also add videos in content, as well as in a consistent location at the top of your unit. You can do this using the Atto Editor, and picking the Echo icon from the editor – it’s the blue play icon again, middle of the second row of icons. 
     After clicking the Echo icon in the editor you will be given the option to add a video file, record a new one, or pick one from your Echo library.
     Unlike videos in the regular playlist, embedded videos WILL come across into next trimester, so this can be useful for videos you want to reuse.
  • Automatic Zoom to Echo integration: New, if you would like your Zoom recordings in your unit to AUTOMATICALLY appear in your Echo playlist instead of moving them one by one, you can now opt-in to this! When you add a new Zoom activity a Moodle ‘user tour’ will guide you through setting this up, or you can see the video in this DigEd Blog post here for instructions how! 
  • Transcripts: Automatic transcript is now opt-out in all units however, which means any video or recording added will have transcripts, supporting both accessibility and learning, added to your videos. No extra steps required.
  • Who to contact for support:

icon-readinglist READING LIST 

Also within the ‘Topic 0’ top section, Reading List can be identified by its green swirly icon. To check if it has been set up and contains the readings you need, simply click it from within your teaching unit. 

Once inside, look at the top left corner – make sure this is marked as ‘2022 T1 Trimester 1’ to show it’s the current version and will become available during the correct trimester dates. 

If this is not the case, or if there is no list at all: 

  • Click ‘New list’ at the top to begin creating your Tri 1 reading list 
  • Click ‘Predefined’ and pick the teaching period (2022 T1) – Next  
  • Under Unit begin typing your unit code THEN the most recent old version to copy from (eg 2021 T3) 
  • Underneath you’ll see a preview of the readings used last time the unit ran. If you want all, click the ‘all’ button and you should see everything tick. – Next 
  • The next screen is just a confirmation window so click the green ‘Create button
  • Almost there, just ONE FINAL STEP. At the top of this page click ‘Publish, then ‘Yes to confirm. 

The Library team has a great Reading List Guide resource for more details, including sorting, embedding, & adding additional readings
For any queries, contact for additional support