If you are looking at running an online supervised exam in T2 and haven’t yet built it, please make sure you do that soon. So far only a quarter of exams (that we know of) have been set up.

If you have not already done so, please add the necessary content to your exam or contact your Education Support Officer should you require assistance. 

 How do students with SET (or deferred exams) keep their Moodle access
The special assessment application process is separate and distinct from the results process BUT if a student requires continued access to the relevant Moodle site because they have some form of special assessment approved (either Special Extension, Deferred exam, deferred intensive school etc) then please ensure that students grade is

SET (for an extension),
SPE (for a deferred exam centrally managed) or
SPS (for a deferred exam held either by us or School).
While-ever that grade remains, so will their Moodle access.
Note: The RU grade is not appropriate in this context and does not extend Moodle access.