Last week  the Australian Cotton Research Conference took place in Toowoomba with >130 research presentations covering all aspects of all things cotton. From a UNE perspective there were talks from Samieh Nasrabadi on the impacts of sodicity on mycorrhizal colonisation of cotton, Oliver Knox on nematodes found under cotton and Rhiannon Smith talking carbon sequestration on cotton farms. A/Prof Lily Pereg chaired the pathologt session and several other UNE staff were in attendance.

There was a lot on during the 3 days and the conference was both motivational and informative with the 200 + attendees never short for something to hear about or provide an opinion on. Highlights of the conference can be found here as well as a link to all the abstracts and posters.

The conference closed with a dinner and the Association of Australian  Cotton Scientists awards, which were taken home by Warren Conaty and Dave Larsen. It would be safe to say that there will be a great expectation of the next meeting scheduled for Canbera in 2017.