David Andrew Roberts and Cathy Dunn, ‘Directory of the Norfolk Island First Settlement, 1788-1814’, Open Access Dataset, University of New England, March 2024, DOI: 10.25952/x2y6-sw49 https://hdl.handle.net/1959.11/57760

This project identifies the majority of individuals associated with the ‘First Settlement’ phase of the colonial occupation of Norfolk Island, from the arrival of the small advance party on the Supply from Port Jackson in March 1788 to the final evacuations of the Island in February 1814. The population of the island is believed to have peaked at around 1,150 persons between May 1792 and July 1794. However, based on extensive archival research, we have identified a little under 3,650 unique individuals in over seventy key historical documents, suggesting a highly fluid population and a preponderance of short-term residents.

Those individuals are named here, with our preferred spelling and each given a unique alphanumeric identifier (UID). This is intended to facilitate the development of a relational database for students and community researchers interested in employing big data approaches to the study of this unique and intriguing colonial enterprise. A range of options are currently being explored for public facing outputs to showcase the value of the Directory and the document transcriptions which have informed it.

This research was undertaken with support from the University of New England, with some input from students and volunteers (including Hayley Odgers). Broadly, our Directory owes much to years of granular (and relatively manual) research undertaken by Australian History Research, some of it published in numerous works since 2012. [Picture left: Footstone for ‘T E’, c.1833 or 1835, believed to be a recycled headstone from the First settlement period]

Our effort expands the pioneering work of historian, Reg Wright, whose studies of what he called ‘The Forgotten Generation’ of Norfolk Island and Van Diemen’s Land remain highly regarded for their detailed investigations of the people and places of the Island’s early history. Wright’s remarkable ‘List of Residents of Norfolk Island 1788–1814’ was included in Raymond Nobbs’ Norfolk Island and its First Settlement (Sydney, 1988, pp. 186-209). That list named 2,773 individuals. The prodigious Biographical Database of Australia (BDA), by ‘adding in aliases and cross referencing of connected individuals mentioned’, has expanded Wright’s list to 3,187. James Donohoe’s Norfolk Island 1788-1813: The People and Their Families (Sydney, 2011) claims to have located ‘3000 people and their families on Norfolk Island to late 1813’.

Significantly, we have extended Wright’s list by some 30%, adding around 870 new names. This was achieved mostly by consulting a greater range of materials. The best and most used sources for reconstructing the population of Norfolk Island are the so-called ‘Victualing Books’. There are records of this type for the years 1788, 1792 to 1796, and for 1802 and 1803, and then for every six month-period until March 1810. Unfortunately, there are no surviving books for the years 1797–1801. There are in addition a number of ‘general musters’ held in the State Archives and Records Authority New South Wales, and numerous ‘lists’ of settlers and convicts that were sent, for various purposes, to the Colonial Office in London. Some of these were also used by Wright (and the BDA), although again there a notable gap for the years immediately either side of 1800.

Our research, however, is drawn from records (some of the digitised and online,) found across a greater range of repositories, including:

Subsequently, we have incorporated shipping records, population and landholder lists, and data gleamed from accounts kept by Lieutenant-Governor Phillip Gidley King, the convict clergyman Reverend Henry Fulton and the ‘First Fleet’ officer and diarist Ralph Clark. Our work includes the first known use of the Papers of Thomas Jamison, 1797-1809, held in the Records of the Chancery and now available online via the National Library of Australia. Amongst these papers is a list of farmers on Norfolk Island (free men and expired convicts) who between 1797 and 1798 supplied pork and maize for commercial trade. These records have provided new identities ― marines, NSW Corps, prisoners, families and settlement staff ― not noticed in the standard sources.

Of particular value are the Royal Navy Ships’ Musters, maintained by The National Archives (for England and Wales) in the Admiralty series in (ADM36), also available via the National Library of Australia. These record the presence of persons on board a number of ships that moved people and goods between Sydney and Norfolk Island, notably the Supply (1 and 2), Reliance, Porpoise, Buffalo and Lady Nelson. We have not exhausted this body of records, focusing for now on shipping lists which identified new individuals for database, but yielding over 1,800 rows of data pertaining to 1,334 individuals, including 77 individuals who worked in the settlement’s ‘boat’s crews’ between 1796 and 1805. These Ships’ Musters can only be described as messy and chaotic in places, but they nonetheless highlight, among other things, the fluidity and movement of the population of early Norfolk Island.

Extract from the Royal Navy Ships Musters for the Supply, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island on March 1790, recording the mustering of supernumeraries, in this case Marines from 'The First Fleet'..


We have also used a newly discovered record (in the Tasmanian Colonial Secretary’s Correspondence) of the late East Indiaman sloop/barque Hunter, which was shipwrecked on Norfolk Island in 1799, depositing a number of stranded seamen who became settlers. There is more to gleamed from these records about the coming and going people from the Island. Some of these records are also important sources of information on a period, notably between 1796 and 1800, which many historians have thought to be largely bereft of documentation.

There are other exciting documents retrieved from the General Correspondence of the Colonial Secretary’s Office in the Tasmanian Archives, detailing the embarkation of Norfolk Island residents on vessels bound for the Derwent in 1807 and 1808. Further, we have consulted a General Muster of Norfolk Island taken on 14 August 1811, that was missed by Wright, and also a ‘List of persons left at Norfolk under the direction of Mr William Hutchinson Superintendent’ in 1813, located in State Archives and Records New South Wales, believed to be one of the last surviving records from the First Settlement of Norfolk Island. The latter contains the names and status of 34 men, some with wives and children, who were left behind ‘to assist in the final evacuation’. It was critical to the research undertaken by Dunn and Lambert and published as The Inhabitants of Norfolk Island Late 1808–1814 (2021).

The key challenge, once every name in every record set was compiled into a spreadsheet, was to establish a set of unique identities, determining, for example, the exact number of individuals who shared a name, and taking into account variations in spelling. This process at times required laborious cross-referencing, and considerable patience, given that, for example, there were at least 10 different individuals named John Smith, 9 named William Smith, 8 by the name of John Jones, and another 7 called Thomas Jones (just to note the more egregious examples). There were also identification problems arising from the use of aliases, and multiple variations in the spelling of names such as GODWIN v GOODING.

Further, it was necessary to combine or distinguish entries that were problematically similar — for example, establishing ABRAHAM JOHN as distinct from ABRAHAMS JOHN, KING FRANCIS from KING FRANCES, and GRIFFIN ELIZABETH from GRIFFITH ELIZABETH. (We have indicated many of these cases in a separate column in the Directory, mostly to confirm that the distinction has been checked and confirmed).

The quest however has been substantially advanced by even the most basic use of digital techniques. By converting documents into well-organised spreadsheets, the ability to display, manipulate and cross-reference data has enhanced our ability to distinguish and trace individuals across different record sets and through time.  

In the final product, individual names are usually rendered using the spelling found most consistently across the records (SURNAME / FIRSTNAME) although we have also aimed to ensure that each name is uniquely spelt. Sometimes we have taken account of multiple surnames and aliases, where they were used interchangeably — FISHER EDWARD (aka William Blatherhone) for example, a First Fleet convict who went by both names) or, more commonly, names that were changed on account of marriage (like ANSTEY MARY who became STANLEY MARY on her marriage in 1791).

Where there are multiple individuals with the same name, our Directory distinguishes them with a numeral in parenthesis. In some cases, where multiple individuals of the same name are known to have been present in the population at the same time but a document does not relate sufficient information to determine which is which, we have used the symbol (+) after a name. This also allows also for the occasional possibility that there may be another, as yet unidentified individual using that name. For example, we use HERBERT JOHN (+), because in a number of records we cannot distinguish between HERBERT JOHN (1), a convict who arrived on the HMS Sirius in 1790, and HERBERT JOHN (2), one of the prisoners who escaped Sydney on the Endeavour in 1795.

Occasionally we have used the same symbol where a record contains only a surname and no other distinguishing data — as in ANDERSON (+), which acknowledges the recording of two individuals listed in an ‘Account of stores and Slop Clothing from His Majesty Stores’ in 1802, by surname only, when there were 10 distinct individuals, 9 men and 1 woman, known to have that surname. Sometimes the practice reflects damaged documents where a full name can no longer be deciphered, such as the list of ‘Present proprietors of the Allotments on Norfolk Island, October 1796’ in the Colonial Office papers, although manual research frequently allows us to fill such gaps. Frequently the approach is applied to children such as BOND (+) recorded in the 1792-1796 Victualling Book as a ‘convict’s child [on] 1/2 rations’, who may be the child BOND ISAAC (recorded on the previous page of the same book), although we cannot be certain of that.

Thus, with a greater range of documents and more advanced technologies now available for compiling and analysing date, we have become more expansive, more granular and precise than our predecessors in identifying unique individuals. That includes, in some cases, distinguishing more people by a given name. For example, where Wright had two men called William Jones (which he identified as convicts per the Coromandel and Britannia), we can see three adults by that name, and another two children. Wright did not capture the individual we label JONES WILLIAM (2), a convict by the Pitt who appears in the victualing record from 1792. Further, there was a JONES WILLIAM who appears as an emancipist landholder in an 1805 list of residents ‘off the stores’, who was a convict of the second fleet ship Mary Ann and who in 1808 left Norfolk Island on board the Estramina schooner for Hobart Town.

Our closer analysis has also corrected previous misidentifications. We ascertained, for example, that Wright’s FROST MARY #3 was in fact the same person we identified as FROST-TIMMS MARY, who from the records after 1810 we know was in a relationship with Martin Timms. This and other confusions appear to have arisen from the known factual errors in the 1792–1796 Victualling Book which misattributed the ship upon which some women had arrived.

Fresh analysis based on new documents and digital techniques will continue to provide more precision and clarity in our Directory, resulting in the location of more double entries and revealing new names missed in this stage of our research. With more information, on departures and deaths especially (more data is need of the period October 1796 to January 1802 especially), we will likely be able to better distinguish between individuals with the same or a similar name.

We know also of individuals who were children on Norfolk Island but were not named in the records we have used (and to the best of our knowledge do not appear in the Norfolk Island paper trial at all) – especially children of soldiers of the NSW Corps who were not recorded in the Victualling Books. These are omitted from our Directory, for the time being. Others, like the convict Sarah Pitcher, was at Norfolk Island, according to a return of persons left on the island in 1813, although she is not actually named in that return, or in any other extant records that we have consulted, and so is presently omitted from the current version of the Directory.

The searchable and sortable database below contains the unqiue ID and preferred spelling of each individual, followed by the first and last date and event recorded in our datasets for each individual.

uidfullnameaka / distinct fromevent_yeardoc_stubevent_year2doc_stub2
uneNIFS_A001ABBOTT EDWARD1790entered into Victualling Book, military department, Lieut NSW Corps, from/per Supply Port Jackson<[nd]>lieutenant, purchased lot 12, 60 acres, formerly belonging to John Drummond
uneNIFS_A002ABBOTT JOSEPH1790Drummer, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance January 1796
uneNIFS_A003ABEL THOMAS1802born November 1802, free womans's child1802born November 1802, free womans's child
uneNIFS_A004ABEL WILLIAM1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Abel William, per Pitt, off stores, Certificate
uneNIFS_A005ABLE ROBERT1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1798bill for pork, received from Clark
uneNIFS_A006ABRAHAM JOHNdistinct from ABRAHAMS JOHN1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_A007ABRAHAMS ESTHER (1)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply 1791
uneNIFS_A008ABRAHAMS ESTHER (2)1790Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply 1791
uneNIFS_A009ABRAHAMS GEORGE1790Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply 1791
uneNIFS_A010ABRAHAMS HENRY1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1792-1793delivered maize 6 bushells
uneNIFS_A011ABRAHAMS JOHNdistinct from ABRAHAM JOHN1791Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_A012ACTON SARAH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_A013ADAMS CHARLOTTE1807free woman, 94 days on stores1810free woman, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_A014ADAMS KEZIAH1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores1810child above 2 years at 1/2 rations, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_A015ADAMS MARY BROWN1805woman from sentence expired off the stores1810Women whose sentence are expired, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_A016ADDIE JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1812government servant victualled, labourer, Assistant to Stockkeeper
uneNIFS_A017ADLIN FANE1802military department, Private, on stores for 365 in 1802 (since January)1804New South Wales Corps, Private, 84 days victualled
uneNIFS_A018AGNEW JOHN1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792-1793delivered maize 33.5 bushells
uneNIFS_A019AINSLEY MARIA1805woman from sentence expired off the stores1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_A020AINSWORTH JOSEPH1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_A021AKERS JOHN1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_A022AKERS WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795victualled in 1795 for 275 days all species
uneNIFS_A023ALEXANDER THOMAS1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Alexander Thomas, per Albemarle, on stores, Overseer Gaol Gang
uneNIFS_A024ALLEN CHARLES1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1794silk weaver, rents four acres from Samuel King, settler
uneNIFS_A025ALLEN FRANCIS1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by labour for government, remained on Norfolk Island without Leave1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance, found concealed in the ship
uneNIFS_A026ALLEN GEORGE1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Sudan
uneNIFS_A027ALLEN JAMES1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_A028ALLEN JOHN (1)1788male convict1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_A029ALLEN JOHN (2)1796<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, status and origin not stated1796<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, status and origin not stated
uneNIFS_A030ALLEN JOHN (3)1794labourer, hired for twelve month by Richard Knight, settler1794labourer, hired for twelve month by Richard Knight, settler
uneNIFS_A031ALLEN JOSEPH1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per late Endeavour Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per late Endeavour Port Jackson
uneNIFS_A032ALLEN MARYaka PROCTOR MARY1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1808Women whose sentence expired, 135 days victualled departed 14 May River Derwent
uneNIFS_A033ALLEN TAMSIN1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_A034ALLEN WILLIAM1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_A035ALLUM JOHNdistinct from ALLUM WILLIAM1801Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise1802military department, Private, on stores for 365 in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_A036ALLUM WILLIAMdistinct from ALLUM JOHN1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 128 days on treasury ration, 237 days on military ration1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_A037ALSWORTH JOHN1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1801Norfolk to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_A038ALT MATTHEW BOWLES1790midshipman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius1790midshipman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius
uneNIFS_A039ALT THOMAS1796Norfolk Island Boats Crew1796Norfolk Island Boats Crew
uneNIFS_A040ALTREE JOHN TURNPENNY1788Came out as a Surgeon - not on the staff in the Lady Penrhyn1790mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_A041ANDERSON (+)1802received stores and/or slop clothing1802received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_A042ANDERSON DAVID1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_A043ANDERSON ELIZABETH1788female convict1796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 1796
uneNIFS_A044ANDERSON JOHN (+)1792taken off stores by Owen Cavanagh, to work for Cavanagh1792taken off stores by Owen Cavanagh, to work for Cavanagh
uneNIFS_A045ANDERSON JOHN (1)1788male convict1792-1793delivered maize 12 bushells
uneNIFS_A046ANDERSON JOHN (2)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1796Norfolk Island Boats Crew
uneNIFS_A047ANDERSON JOHN (3)1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_A048ANDERSON JOHN (4)1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_A049ANDERSON RICHARD1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance June 17981798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance June 1798
uneNIFS_A050ANDERSON ROBERT1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave1804New South Wales Corps, Ensign, 174 days victualled
uneNIFS_A051ANDERSON THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1810Detachment of the 102" Regiment, Private, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_A052ANDERSON WILLIAM180730 acres in total180730 acres in total
uneNIFS_A053ANDREWS JAMES1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1804male convicts, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_A054ANDREWS THOMAS1799Norfolk Island Boats Crew1799Norfolk Island Boats Crew
uneNIFS_A055ANGELL JAMES1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1792-1793delivered maize 4 bushells
uneNIFS_A056ANGUISH JAMES1803male convicts, 239 days victualled 1804male convicts, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_A057ANSON1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_A058ANSON JOHN1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave
uneNIFS_A059ANSTER JOSEPH1805child of all descriptions off the stores1817passenger on the Jupiter for the Derwent, by birth in Norfolk Island
uneNIFS_A060ANSTER MARY1791entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Atlantic1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_A061ANSTER/STANLEY/LOWE MARYaka STANLEY MARY1805child of all descriptions off the stores1807free woman, 106 days on stores
uneNIFS_A062ANTONIA BASTIAN1805free men off the stores, 1809VDL Derwent River settler, 60 acres, New Norfolk District
uneNIFS_A063ANTONIA ZOZE1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_A064ANTONIO1807free man Apprentices, Prisoner of War, 42 days on stores1807free man Apprentices, Prisoner of War, 42 days on stores
uneNIFS_A065ANTONIO MARK1810free man victualled, labourer1812free sailor, shipped on board the New Zealander 14 October 1811
uneNIFS_A066APLIN THOMAS1803male convicts, 274 days victualled 1804male convicts, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_A067APPLEFORD JOSEPH1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance September 1796
uneNIFS_A068APPLETREE RICHARD1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Barwell1812Free Pardon granted by Macquarie, APPLETREE RICHARD per Barwell 1798
uneNIFS_A069ARBICK WILLIAM1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_A070ARCHER JAMES1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_A071ARIOO (TAHITIAN)1809free man, 181 days victualled 1809free man, 181 days victualled
uneNIFS_A072ARMIDALE ANNE1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Fancy, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_A073ARMSDEN ANN1791sow provided to by George Legg1791sow provided to by George Legg
uneNIFS_A074ARMSTRONG ELIZABETH1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise, 2/3 provisions1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise, 2/3 provisions
uneNIFS_A075ARMSTRONG MARTIN1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, 14 days victualled 1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_A076ARNDEL JOHN1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply
uneNIFS_A077ARNETT JAMES1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by labour for government, remained on Norfolk Island without Leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by labour for government, remained on Norfolk Island without Leave
uneNIFS_A078ARNETT JOHN1805sentence expired on the stores, constable1805sentence expired on the stores, constable
uneNIFS_A079ARNOLD JOHN1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, Surgeon, from/per Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, Surgeon, from/per Port Jackson
uneNIFS_A080ARNOLD MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_A081ARNOLD RICHARD1796Norfolk Island Boats Crew1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_A082ARSNIP JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1804male convicts, 147 days victualled
uneNIFS_A083ASBURY CATHERINE1811woman of the detachment1812woman of the detachment
uneNIFS_A084ASBURY ELIZABETH1810free woman, 14 days victualled 1812woman of the detachment
uneNIFS_A085ASBURY SAMUEL1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, Private, 14 days victualled 1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_A086ASBURY THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1810Detachment of the 102" Regiment, Private, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_A087ASCOTT WILLIAM1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791convict, Sydney Town
uneNIFS_A088ASH JAMES1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Troops for Port Jackson, from Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_A089ASHFORD WILLIAM1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Port Jackson
uneNIFS_A090ASHMAN HESTER HEATH1805child under two years of age, 184 days on stores1809child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 184 days victualled
uneNIFS_A091ASHMAN SUSANdistinct from ASHMAN SUSANNAH 1803female convict, 196 days victualled 1809child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 184 days victualled
uneNIFS_A092ASHMAN SUSANNAHdistinct from ASHMAN SUSAN 1805female convicton the stores, 1809Woman whose sentence are expired, 181 days victualled
uneNIFS_A093ASHMAN WILLIAM1803child under two years of age, 197 days victualled 1804child under two years at 1/4 ration, 17 days victualled
uneNIFS_A094ASHON JAMES1798Boats Crew Norfolk Island1798Boats Crew Norfolk Island
uneNIFS_A095ATESIE GEORGE1812New Zealander. Free Sailor1812New Zealander. Free Sailor
uneNIFS_A096ATKINS JOSEPH1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_A097ATKINS WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Atkins William, per Neptune, off stores,
uneNIFS_A098ATKINSON GEORGE1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792-1793delivered maize 12 bushells
uneNIFS_A099ATTWOOD WILLIAM1809male convict, 9 days victualled 1814Free Pardon granted by Macquarie, ATTWOOD WILLIAM per Coromandel 1804
uneNIFS_A100AULT SARAH1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Fancy, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B001BADCOCK JOHN1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1807male convicts, 35 days on stores
uneNIFS_B002BAGNALL RALPH1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_B003BAILEY JAMES1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B004BAILEY JOSEPH1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1792removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_B005BAILEY NICHOLAS1801Norfolk to Port Jackson per Porpoise1801Norfolk to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_B006BAILEY WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_B007BAIN JAMES1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Chaplain, from/per Queen Port Jackson1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Francis, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B008BAINISON THOMAS1809male convict, 181 days victualled 1809male convict, 181 days victualled
uneNIFS_B009BAKER ELIZABETH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1794convict, married, 0 children, maintained off stores by Richard Slaney
uneNIFS_B010BAKER JAMES (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_B011BAKER JAMES (2)1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_B012BAKER MARTHA1789prisoner, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Britannia
uneNIFS_B013BAKER SAMUEL1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_B014BAKER THOMAS1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Francis, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B015BAKER WILLIAM (1)1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Baker William, per Came Free, on stores, Constable Overseer with Governor Court
uneNIFS_B016BAKER WILLIAM (2)1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance September 17961810Detachment of the 102" Regiment, Corporal, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_B017BALDWIN JAMES1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B018BALL FRANCIS1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_B019BALL HENRY LIDGBIRD1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1790mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_B020BALMAIN WILLIAM1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Fancy, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B021BAMPKIN JOHN1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 237 days on military ration1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 55 days victualled
uneNIFS_B022BANARE SAMUEL1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1794labourer, jobbing work
uneNIFS_B023BANE BEN1808individual holds no land, to embark for the Derwent1808individual holds no land, to embark for the Derwent
uneNIFS_B024BANNISTER GEORGE1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792-1793delivered maize 25 bushells
uneNIFS_B025BANNISTER THOMAS1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1801Norfolk to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_B026BARBER GEORGE1804male convicts, 127 days victualled 1805male convictoff the stores, labourer
uneNIFS_B027BARBER THOMAS1803male convicts, 231 days victualled 1803male convicts, 231 days victualled
uneNIFS_B028BARFORD JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1792-1793delivered maize 17 bushells
uneNIFS_B029BARKE JOHN1803male convicts, 219 days victualled 1807male convicts, 10 days on stores
uneNIFS_B030BARKER JAMES1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance February 17961796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance February 1796
uneNIFS_B031BARKER WILLIAM (1)1809New South Wales Corps, Corporal, 181 days victualled 1809New South Wales Corps, Corporal, 181 days victualled
uneNIFS_B032BARKER WILLIAM (2)1805Norfolk Island Boats Crew, coxwain1805Norfolk Island Boats Crew, coxwain
uneNIFS_B033BARNES (+)1804child under two years at 1/4 ration, 133 days victualled 1804child under two years at 1/4 ration, 133 days victualled
uneNIFS_B034BARNES ANN1804child under two years, 184 days victualled 1806child above 2 Years at 1/2 ration, 401 days on stores to 12 August, 126 days on stores 13 August to 31 December
uneNIFS_B035BARNES GEORGE (1)1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1794removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_B036BARNES GEORGE (2)1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1798child, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_B037BARNES HANNAHdistinct from BURNE HANNAH 1804free woman, 184 days victualled 1809Free Woman, 98 days victualled departed 8 April 1809 Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B038BARNES HENRY1798child, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1798child, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_B039BARNES JOHN (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1792-1793delivered maize 21 bushells
uneNIFS_B040BARNES JOHN (2)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Barnes John, per Atlantic, on stores, Ferryman
uneNIFS_B041BARNES JOHN (3)1796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 17961796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 1796
uneNIFS_B042BARNES MARGARET1805child above two years of age, 181 days victualled 1809child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 98 days victualled departed 8 April 1809 Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B043BARNES MARY (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_B044BARNES MARY (2)1803free woman, 239 days victualled 1804free woman, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_B045BARNES MARY (3)1803child above two years of age, 239 days victualled 1805child above two years on the stores,
uneNIFS_B046BARNES RICHARD1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 237 days on military ration1809contracted onboard the Estramina for Port Jackson, part of detachment, a wife, 4 children
uneNIFS_B047BARNES WILLIAM1803child above two years of age, 239 days victualled 1809child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 98 days victualled departed 8 April 1809 Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B048BARNETT HENRY1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B049BARNEY JOSEPH1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_B050BARNSLEY JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, from/per Queen1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus
uneNIFS_B051BARNSLEY THOMAS (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1792-1793delivered maize 5 bushells
uneNIFS_B052BARNSLEY THOMAS (2)1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_B053BARNSLY ELIZABETH1791entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Queen1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus
uneNIFS_B054BARRENJOEY1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_B055BARRETT JOHN1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1810Detachment of the 102" Regiment, Private, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_B056BARRISFORD DOROTHY1805child of all descriptions off the stores1795<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, child of civil military and free, status and origin not stated
uneNIFS_B057BARRISFORD ESTHER1805child of all descriptions off the stores1795<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, child of civil military and free, status and origin not stated
uneNIFS_B058BARRISFORD HANNAH1791entered into Victualling Book, free woman, from/per Atlantic1805free woman off the stores,
uneNIFS_B059BARRISFORD JOHN1791marine, at Cascade Stream, Philipsburg Township, 60 acres18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Beresford John, per Came Free, off stores,
uneNIFS_B060BARRISFORD JOSEPH1791entered into Victualling Book, child of civil military and free, from/per Atlantic18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Beresford Joseph, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_B061BARRISFORD MARY1791entered into Victualling Book, child of civil military and free, from/per Atlantic1808settler, to embark on the City of Edinburgh
uneNIFS_B062BARRISFORD SARAH1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_B063BARRY (CHILD)child of BARRY ANNE per Lady Juliana 17901793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty1792<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, status and origin not stated
uneNIFS_B064BARRY ANN1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1812child of the detachment
uneNIFS_B065BARRY JAMES1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_B066BARRY JOHN1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Barry John, per Barrington, on stores, Charity
uneNIFS_B067BARRY JOSEPH1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1803male convicts, 273 days victualled
uneNIFS_B068BARRY MARY1810free woman, 14 days victualled 1812woman of the detachment
uneNIFS_B069BARTHWICK JAMES1798Port Jackson to Norfok Island per HMS Reliance, child at 1/2 allowance1798Port Jackson to Norfok Island per HMS Reliance, child at 1/2 allowance
uneNIFS_B070BARTIANNA1805free man, no wife, no children, 9 acres under cultivation1805free man, no wife, no children, 9 acres under cultivation
uneNIFS_B071BARTLETT CATHERINE1803child above two years of age, 29 days victualled 1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_B072BARTLETT ELIZABETH (1)1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1805female convictoff the stores,
uneNIFS_B073BARTLETT ELIZABETH (2)1803female convict, 22 days victualled 1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_B074BARTLETT SOPHIA1803child above two years of age, 29 days victualled 1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_B075BARTLEY WILLIAM1796entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1796entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_B076BASNEY JOHN1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave
uneNIFS_B077BASON ANN1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply, Port Jackson<[blank]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/4 rations, from/per Fancy
uneNIFS_B078BASON ELIZABETH (1)1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_B079BASON ELIZABETH (2)1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply, 1796<[blank]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born
uneNIFS_B080BASON JAMES1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1792<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born
uneNIFS_B081BASON MARY1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_B082BASON THOMAS1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_B083BATCHELOR JOHN1788Private 15 Jun 1788 drowned1788Private 15 Jun 1788 drowned
uneNIFS_B084BATELEY & COVENTRY1807has 60 acres1807has 60 acres
uneNIFS_B085BATELEY JOHN1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1808male convict, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_B086BATEMAN GEORGEaka George Guest Jnr1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Guest George, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_B087BATEMAN JOHN1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_B088BATEMAN MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_B089BATEMAN SARAH1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1805child of all descriptions off the storesReturns to Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B090BATEMAN THOMAS1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by government, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by government, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_B091BATEMAN WILLIAM1804baptised, child of George Guest and Mary Guest1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_B092BATES JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795victualled in 1795 for 303 days all species
uneNIFS_B093BATES THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Drummer, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_B094BATLEY OTEN1789entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Supply1792-1793delivered maize 10 bushells
uneNIFS_B095BAXTER SUSANNAH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1792removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_B096BAXTER WILLIAM1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B097BAYLES RICHARD1803male convicts, 365 days victualled 1804male convicts, 184 days victualled
uneNIFS_B098BAYLEY JAMES1794labourer, jobbing work1794labourer, jobbing work
uneNIFS_B099BAYLEY RICHARD1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Active1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Active
uneNIFS_B100BAYLEY WILLIAM1792punished for absconding himself from the his public work and going into the woods1792punished for absconding himself from the his public work and going into the woods
uneNIFS_B101BAYLIS RICHARD1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1804male convicts, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_B102BAYLISS JAMES1790entered into Victualling Book, settler and free person, employed as a Sawyer, from/per Sirius1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus
uneNIFS_B103BAYLISS JOHN1791convict, Queensborough1794settler, DOUGLAS ELIZABETH maintained off stores by
uneNIFS_B104BAYLISS JOSEPH1791Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_B105BAYNE DAVID1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1790mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_B106BEABY SAMUEL1802received stores and/or slop clothing1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_B107BEACHCROFT MARY1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1793punished for confined by mr balmain esq.
uneNIFS_B108BEACHY CHARLES1805child under two years of age, 51 days victualled 1809child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 98 days victualled departed 8 April 1809 Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B109BEACHY JAMES1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_B110BEACHY MARGARET1802wives of military (New South Wales Corps), 365 in 1802 (since January)1809Free Woman, 98 days victualled departed 8 April 1809 Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B111BEACHY MARY1802child of military above two years of age, 365 in 1802 (since January)1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_B112BEACHY SAMUEL1802military department, Private, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1809contracted onboard the Estramina for Port Jackson, part of detachment, a, wife, 2 children
uneNIFS_B113BEACHY THOMAS1802child of the military under two years of age, 365 in 1802 (since January)18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Betchey Thomas, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_B114BEACROFT FRANCIS1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance June 17981798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance June 1798
uneNIFS_B115BEADLE JOSEPH1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1817at Hobart Town
uneNIFS_B116BEADLE THOMAS1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_B117BEARD ANNaka BEER ANN1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise, 2/3 provisions1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise, 2/3 provisions
uneNIFS_B118BEARD WILLIAM1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_B119BEARUP GEORGE1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_B120BEATH PATRICK1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_B121BEAZLEY ANNaka BEZELY ANN1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1794free, married, 2 children, maintained off stores by John McCarthy, settler
uneNIFS_B122BEAZLEY CHARLES1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_B123BEAZLEY DIANAaka BEZELY DIANA1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_B124BEAZLEY HARRIETaka MCCARTY HARRIET1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1807Individual not holding land, to embark on the Porpoise for the Derwent
uneNIFS_B125BEAZLEY MARY1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1819passenger on the Mary for Calcutta, Mary Ann McCarthy from by birth Norfolk Island
uneNIFS_B126BECKWITH WILLIAM1793lieutenant nsw corps, has 15 acres 1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Francis, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B127BEDELL JOSEPH1807has a 30 lease 14 grant, 44 acres in total18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Beadell Joseph, per Neptune, off stores,
uneNIFS_B128BEECROFT FELIX1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 28 days on treasury ration,
uneNIFS_B129BELBIN JAMES1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Belbin James, per Came Free, on stores, Inspector of Stock
uneNIFS_B130BELL ADAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_B131BELL JOHNaka Philip Marks 1809recommended for mitigation of sentence1812Indispensible whaler 15 January 1812 time expired
uneNIFS_B132BELL WILLIAM1791convict settler, at Mount Pitt Path, Queensboro Township, 12 acres1812free man victualled, carpenter, landholder
uneNIFS_B133BELLAMY JOHN1793punished for gambling1793punished for gambling
uneNIFS_B134BELLAMY WILLIAM1807free man from sentence expired, 28 days on stores1807free man from sentence expired, 28 days on stores
uneNIFS_B135BELLEW GEORGE1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Marquis Cornwallis, Europe
uneNIFS_B136BELON DOMINQUE FERD1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, Sea Gunny, from/per late Endeavour1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, Sea Gunny, from/per late Endeavour
uneNIFS_B137BENEAR SAMUEL1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_B138BENNALONGAboriginal1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, New Hollander, from/per Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, New Hollander, from/per Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B139BENNETT JOHN1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B140BENNETT THOMAS1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1802military department, Private, on stores for 22 in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_B141BENNETT WILLIAM1806free man from sentences expired, victualled from stores1806free man from sentences expired, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_B142BENSON ANN (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, free woman, from/per Atlantic1805free woman, 61 days victualled
uneNIFS_B143BENSON ANN (2)1802child of military above two years of age, 365 in 1802 (since January)1804child above two years of age at half rations, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_B144BENSON ELIZABETH1802child of military above two years of age, 365 in 1802 (since January)1805child above two years of age, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_B145BENSON GEORGE1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_B146BENSON SARAH1802child of military above two years of age, 365 in 1802 (since January)1805child above two years of age, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_B147BENSON WILLIAM1802child of the military under two years of age, 365 in 1802 (since January)1805child above two years of age, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_B148BENT RICHARD1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance February 17961796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance February 1796
uneNIFS_B149BENTLEY JOHN1792male convict, stowaway on the Pitt1808Individual holding no Land, to embark on the Estramina
uneNIFS_B150BENTLEY WILLIAM1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1809VDL Derwent River settler, 30 acres, Clarence Plains
uneNIFS_B151BERRY (CHILD)1791removed from Victualling Book, died1795<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, origin not stated
uneNIFS_B152BERRY THOMAS1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_B153BEST JOHN1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792-1793delivered maize 27 bushells
uneNIFS_B154BEVAN JOHN1800convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porposie1804male convicts, 112 days victualled
uneNIFS_B155BEVAN RICHARD1805settler from convict off the stores, 1805settler from convict off the stores,
uneNIFS_B156BEYER AUGUSTIES1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_B157BIGGINS ELIZABETH1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_B158BILLETT JACOBaka BELLETT1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1792-1793delivered maize 10 bushells
uneNIFS_B159BINK RICHARD1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_B160BIRD ANN1802child above two years of age, on stores for 161 days in 1802 (since July)1803child above two years of age, 126 days victualled
uneNIFS_B161BIRD ELIZABETH1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise, 2/3 provisions
uneNIFS_B162BIRD SARAH1802child above two years of age, on stores for 161 days in 1802 (since August)1803child above two years of age, 126 days victualled
uneNIFS_B163BIRT FRANCIS1805Norfolk Island Boats Crew1805Norfolk Island Boats Crew
uneNIFS_B164BISHOP EDWARD1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_B165BISHOP ELIAS1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792-1793delivered maize 10 bushells
uneNIFS_B166BISHOP JOSEPH1794settler, SMITH JAMES (1) hired for twelve month by 1807free man from sentence expired, 184 days on stores
uneNIFS_B167BISHOP ROBERT1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1807Individual not holding land, to embark on the Porpoise for the Derwent
uneNIFS_B168BISHOP THOMAS (1)1790Able Seaman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius1790Able Seaman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius
uneNIFS_B169BISHOP THOMAS (2)1791marine, at Grenville Vale, Sydney Township, 60 acres1792-1793delivered maize 38 bushells
uneNIFS_B170BLABER RICHARD1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1806male convicts, 104 days on stores
uneNIFS_B171BLACKBURN DAVID1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_B172BLACKHALL ANN1810free woman victualled1812free woman victualled
uneNIFS_B173BLACKHALL ELIZABETH1810female child victualled1812child victualled
uneNIFS_B174BLACKHALL WILLIAM1788male convict <[blank]>late a convict
uneNIFS_B175BLACKSTOCK JOHN1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, Private, 14 days victualled 1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_B176BLAKE DAVID1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_B177BLAKE WILLIAMaka William Black1800convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porposie1804male convicts, 84 days victualled
uneNIFS_B178BLATER RICHARD1805male convicton the stores, carpenter1805male convicton the stores, carpenter
uneNIFS_B179BLEN JAMES1807free man from sentence expired, 150 days on stores1807free man from sentence expired, 150 days on stores
uneNIFS_B180BLONDELL JOHN1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Blundell John, per Neptune, on stores, Constable; Certificate
uneNIFS_B181BLORE JAMESaka James Blower1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, first class
uneNIFS_B182BLUNT WILLIAM1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1807settlers of all descriptions, 181 days on stores
uneNIFS_B183BOARSAW WILLIAM1812free man not victualled, no land 1812free man not victualled, no land
uneNIFS_B184BOATSMAN JOHN1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_B185BOGGIS WILLIAM1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1796entered into Victualling Book, settler continued from December 1795, convict, settler, from/per Sirius
uneNIFS_B186BOHANNON JAMES1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B187BOHANNON WILLIAM1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing1806NSW Corps, indebted for merchandise drawn from public stores
uneNIFS_B188BOLA AMBER1805free men off the stores, 1807Individual not holding land, to embark on the Porpoise for the Derwent
uneNIFS_B189BOLLABOLLA JAMES1811child not victualled1812child not victualled
uneNIFS_B190BOLT JOHN1804child under two years, 101 days victualled 1805child under two years of age, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_B191BOLTON ANN1802orphan child, received stores and/or slop clothing1804child above two years of age at half rations, 133 days victualled
uneNIFS_B192BOLTON CHARLOTTE1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1806orphans and other child at 2/3 rations, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_B193BOLTON ELIZABETH<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, died1794<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_B194BOLTON GEOFFREY1792punished for neglecting the goats and <[?]> forcing them to destroy govt wheat1792punished for neglecting the goats and <[?]> forcing them to destroy govt wheat
uneNIFS_B195BOLTON GEORGE1791entered into Victualling Book, settler and free person, employed as a Sawyer, from/per Atlantic1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_B196BOLTON JANE1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1806orphans and other child at 2/3 rations, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_B197BOLTON JEFFERY1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1795victualled in 1795 for 226 days all species
uneNIFS_B198BOLTON JEMIMA1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1807child above 2 Years at 1/2 ration, 184 days on stores
uneNIFS_B199BOLTON PETER1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_B200BOLTON THOMAS1791Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1810Detachment of the 102" Regiment, Private, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_B201BOLTON WILLIAM1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B202BOLTON/DAY MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1812free woman victualled
uneNIFS_B203BOLTON/HERBERT ELIZABETH1805child above two years on the stores, 1812age 13 born at Norfolk
uneNIFS_B204BOLTON/HERBERT JAMES1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1812child victualled
uneNIFS_B205BOND (+)<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, died1795<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born
uneNIFS_B206BOND ISAAC1790entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, origin not stated1792removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Atlantic, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B207BOND JOHN1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance September 1795
uneNIFS_B208BOND SARAHalso Mary Benson1801Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Porpoise1805woman from sentence expired on the stores,
uneNIFS_B209BONO PHILIP1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_B210BOSWELL JAMES1808individual holds no land, to embark for the Derwent1808individual holds no land, to embark for the Derwent
uneNIFS_B211BOTT JOHN1804baptised, child of John Davis and Sarah Bott1804baptised, child of John Davis and Sarah Bott
uneNIFS_B212BOTT SARAH1804child of, BOTT THOMAS baptised, father John Davis1804child of, BOTT THOMAS baptised, father John Davis
uneNIFS_B213BOTT THOMAS1804baptised, child of John Davis and Sarah Bott1805child above two years of age, 55 days victualled
uneNIFS_B214BOTTOMS WILLIAM1796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 17961796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 1796
uneNIFS_B215BOURKE FRANCIS1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B216BOWEN JOHN1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_B217BOWER1804settlers from Seamen, Marines, free man etc, 122 days victualled 1804settlers from Seamen, Marines, free man etc, 122 days victualled
uneNIFS_B218BOYD WILLIAM1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Pitt, "sentenced for death at Sydney Port Jackson but respited on condition of transportation to Norfolk Island1803male convicts, 190 days victualled
uneNIFS_B219BOYLE JAMES1801baptised, child of James Holland and Martha Edwards1801baptised, child of James Holland and Martha Edwards
uneNIFS_B220BOYLE JOHN1788entered into Victualling Book, settler and free person, employed as a Stone cutter, from/per Supply18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Boyle John, per Scarborough, off stores,
uneNIFS_B221BRABYN ANN1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply
uneNIFS_B222BRABYN JOHN1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply, Ensign New South Wales Corps1801Norfolk to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_B223BRABYN JOHN FREDERICK1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply
uneNIFS_B224BRABYN MARY (1)1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply
uneNIFS_B225BRABYN MARY (2)1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply
uneNIFS_B226BRACKENRIG JAMES 1791Sergeant. Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791Sergeant. Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_B227BRADBURY JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_B228BRADLEY WILLIAM1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_B229BRADSHAW ELIZABETH180260 acres held by grant1808landholder, to embark for the Derwent
uneNIFS_B230BRADSHAW JAMES1805child of all descriptions off the stores18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Bradshaw James, born in the Colony, off stores,
uneNIFS_B231BRADSHAW MARY ANN1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_B232BRADSHAW SUSANNA1806baptised, child of Robert Jillet and Elizabeth Bradshaw1806baptised, child of Robert Jillet and Elizabeth Bradshaw
uneNIFS_B233BRADSHAW WILLIAM1805child of all descriptions off the stores18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Bradshaw William, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_B234BRADY CATHERINE1806female convict, victualled from stores1812free woman victualled
uneNIFS_B235BRADY JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_B236BRAMIN THOMAS1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1800convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porposie
uneNIFS_B237BRAMWELL JOSEPH1803male convicts, 239 days victualled 1805male convicton the stores, labourer
uneNIFS_B238BRAMWELL MARY1793entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Kitty1793entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Kitty
uneNIFS_B239BRAMWELL THOMAS1791marine, at Cascade Stream, Philipsburg Township, 60 acres1793 <[sic: 1794]>entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B240BRANHAM MARY1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_B241BRANHAM WILLIAM1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_B242BRANNAGAN JAMES1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791convict, 1 acres cleared, Sydney Town
uneNIFS_B243BRANNAN THOMAS1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_B244BRANNON MICHAEL1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B245BRANSWICH THOMAS1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance September 17961798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance September 1796
uneNIFS_B246BRAYDON THOMAS1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave
uneNIFS_B247BREWER WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen
uneNIFS_B248BRIGS BENJAMIN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Briggs Benjamin, per Matilda, on stores, invalid
uneNIFS_B249BRIGS JAMES1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing1804male convicts, 104 days victualled
uneNIFS_B250BRINDLEY JOHN1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792-1793delivered maize 20 bushells
uneNIFS_B251BRODDICK JAMES1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance June 1798
uneNIFS_B252BRONSON JOHN1812time expired no certificate1812time expired no certificate
uneNIFS_B253BROOKER JAMES1799Boats Crew, Norfolk Island1799Boats Crew, Norfolk Island
uneNIFS_B254BROOKER JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen
uneNIFS_B255BROOKMAN HENRY1790Able Seaman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius1790Able Seaman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius
uneNIFS_B256BROOKS ANN1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1810Women whose sentence are expired, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_B257BROOKS DINAH1802child above two years of age, on stores for 351 days in 1802 (since January)1807child above 2 Years at 1/2 ration, 184 days on stores
uneNIFS_B258BROOKS GEORGE1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_B259BROOKS JANE1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Reliance, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B260BROOKS JOHN (1)aka John COX born 1794 Sydney son of John Cox and Ann Brooks1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1805child above two years on the stores,
uneNIFS_B261BROOKS JOHN (2)born June 1805 Child of James MORRISBY and Ann BROOKS1806baptised, child of James Morrisby and Ann Morrisby1806baptised, child of James Morrisby and Ann Morrisby
uneNIFS_B262BROOKS JOHN (3)Soldier, Pte of 73rd 1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, Private, 14 days victualled 1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_B263BROOKS JOSEPHaka Joseph Cox born 1802 Norfolk Island1802child above two years of age, on stores for 154 days in 1802 (since August)1812child victualled
uneNIFS_B264BROOKS MARGARET1812age 4 born at Norfolk1812age 4 born at Norfolk
uneNIFS_B265BROOKS MARYaka COX MARY, child born 1807 Norfolk Island1810female child not victualled1812child not victualled
uneNIFS_B266BROOKS RICHARDaka Richard Larson1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Larson Richard, born at Norfolk Island, on stores, Constable
uneNIFS_B267BROOKS SAMUELaka Samuel Cox born 1800 Sydney1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since February)1812child victualled
uneNIFS_B268BROOKS SUSANNAHaka BROOKS SUSAN and COX SUSAN1804child under two years at 1/4 ration, 133 days victualled 1812child not victualled
uneNIFS_B269BROOKS THOMAS1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_B270BROOKS WILLIAM1790entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 2-3 rations, origin not stated1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_B271BROOKS-COX ANN (1)1802free women from sentence expired, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1812free woman victualled
uneNIFS_B272BROOKS-COX ANN (2)1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1812child victualled
uneNIFS_B273BROOKS/LAVENDER RICHARD1802child above ten years of age, on stores for 50 days in 1802 (since January)1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_B274BROOME JOHN1802male convict, on stores for 203 days in 1802 (since June)1809male convict, 111 days victualled Died 21 April 1809
uneNIFS_B275BROTHERHOOD JOSEPH1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_B276BROTON GEORGE1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave
uneNIFS_B277BROUGH RALPH1789Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B278BROUGHTON JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Broughton John, per Salamander, off stores, Certificate
uneNIFS_B279BROUGHTON WILLIAM1800Deputy Commissary, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise1808Civil Department, Deputy Commissary, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_B280BROWE STEPHEN1802male convict, on stores for 42 days in 1802 (since November)1804male convicts, 166 days victualled
uneNIFS_B281BROWN (+)1796late convict, married, proprietor of Lot No.19, 12 acre lease, first settler in 17911796late convict, married, proprietor of Lot No.19, 12 acre lease, first settler in 1791
uneNIFS_B282BROWN EDWARD1792male convict, stowaway on the Admiral Barrington1796Norfolk Island Boats Crew
uneNIFS_B283BROWN ELIZABETH1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_B284BROWN GEORGE (1)1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_B285BROWN GEORGE (2)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Browne George, per Matilda, on stores, Constable
uneNIFS_B286BROWN GEORGE (3)1804male convicts, 41 days victualled 1807male convicts, 28 days on stores
uneNIFS_B287BROWN GEORGE (4)1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance June 17981798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance June 1798
uneNIFS_B288BROWN JAMES1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance September 1796
uneNIFS_B289BROWN JOHN (+)1804free man from sentence expired, 182 days victualled 1804free man from sentence expired, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_B290BROWN JOHN (1)1789Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1792marine settler, Phillipsburg, Phillipsburg Township, 60 acres
uneNIFS_B291BROWN JOHN (2)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1813left on Norfolk island to assist evacuation, Stockkeeper, 1 wife,
uneNIFS_B292BROWN JOHN (3)1802Port Jackson to Norfolk Islande per Porpoise1803male convicts, 365 days victualled
uneNIFS_B293BROWN JOHN (4)1803male convicts, 330 days victualled 1803male convicts, 330 days victualled
uneNIFS_B294BROWN RICHARD1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1806free, indebted for merchandise drawn from public stores
uneNIFS_B295BROWN THOMAS1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_B296BROWN WILLIAM (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_B297BROWN WILLIAM (2)1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_B298BROWN WILLIAM (3)1789entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Supply1792-1793delivered maize 14 bushells
uneNIFS_B299BROWN WILLIAM (4)1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_B300BROWN WILLIAM (5)1800Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise1804New South Wales Corps, Private, 84 days victualled
uneNIFS_B301BROWN WILLIAM (6)1811originally transported per Royal Admiral, tried Old Bailey 1799, 7 years1812stowed away in the New Zealander 14 October 1811
uneNIFS_B302BROWNE JOHN1808free man from sentence expired, 184 days victualled 1810free man From sentence expired, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_B303BROWNE RICHARD1790entered into Victualling Book, settler and free person, late convict, now settlers, from/per Sirius<[nd]>late a convict, purchased lot 40, 60 acres, formerly belonging to Robert Ryan
uneNIFS_B304BROWNE STEPHEN1802labourer, received stores and/or slop clothing1802labourer, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_B305BROWNING WILLIAM1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1792entered into Victualling Book, settler and free person, Marine settler, from/per Detachment
uneNIFS_B306BRUCE DANIELaka Daniel Anderson1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Anderson Daniel, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_B307BRUCE ELIZABETH1788female convict1808Women whose sentence expired, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_B308BRUCE FRANCISaka Francis Flexmore Jnr1803child above two years of age, 322 days victualled 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Flexmore Francis, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_B309BRUCE GEORGEaka George Flexmore1802child above two years of age, on stores for 196 days in 1802 (since June)18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Flexmore George, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_B310BRUCE JOHNaka John Anderson1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Anderson John, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_B311BRUCE ROBERT1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791convict, 1 acres cleared, Sydney Town
uneNIFS_B312BRUCE WILLIAMaka William Anderson1790entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Anderson William, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_B313BRUMONGE SAPOIGE1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_B314BRYAN HENRY1792punished for breaking the peace1792punished for breaking the peace
uneNIFS_B315BRYAN JOHN1788male convict1788male convict
uneNIFS_B316BRYAN PATRICK1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply
uneNIFS_B317BRYAN WILLIAM1805Boats Crew, Norfolk Island, coxwain1805Boats Crew, Norfolk Island, coxwain
uneNIFS_B318BRYANT JOHN1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per late Endeavour Port Jackson1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_B319BRYANT WILLIAM1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_B320BUCHANNAN ELIZABETH1803baptised, child of William Buchannan and Elizabeth Buchannan1803baptised, child of William Buchannan and Elizabeth Buchannan
uneNIFS_B321BUCHANNON MARGARET1805buried, child1805buried, child
uneNIFS_B322BUCHANNON WILLIAM1802military department, Private, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1809contracted onboard the Estramina for Port Jackson, part of detachment, a, wife, 3 children
uneNIFS_B323BUCK JAMES1813left on Norfolk island to assist evacuation, Boats Crew1814Conditional Pardon granted by Macquarie, BUCK JAMES per Guildford 1812
uneNIFS_B324BUCKALL ANTONIOdistinct from ANTONIA BASTIAN1805free men off the stores, 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Buckall Anthony, per Came Free, on stores, Charity
uneNIFS_B325BUCKLEY CATHERINE1794entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Daedalus1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance June 1798
uneNIFS_B326BUCKLEY STEPHEN1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_B327BULL DOG1806free man, victualled from stores1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, prisoner
uneNIFS_B328BULLOCK JOSEPH1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1805settler from convict, no wife, no children, 8 acres under cultivation
uneNIFS_B329BUNDLEAboriginal1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_B330BUNRTAIN JOHN1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_B331BUNYAN JOHN1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_B332BURGER WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_B333BURGESS JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander
uneNIFS_B334BURK JOHN1800prisoner for Norfolk Island per HMS Buffalo1800prisoner for Norfolk Island per HMS Buffalo
uneNIFS_B335BURKE FRANCIS1803male sentence expired, 232 days victualled 1806free man from sentence expired, 95 days on stores
uneNIFS_B336BURKE JAMES1803male sentence expired, 77 days victualled 1803male sentence expired, 77 days victualled
uneNIFS_B337BURKE JOHN1802gardener, received stores and/or slop clothing1806male convicts, 207 days on stores to 12 August, 141 days on stores 13 August to 31 December
uneNIFS_B338BURKETT MARTHA1788female convict1802free women from sentence expired, on stores for 22 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_B339BURN CATHERINE1803female convict, 93 days victualled 1808female convict, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_B340BURN ELIZABETH1804child above two years of age at half rations, 73 days victualled 1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_B341BURN JAMES (1)1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791convict, Sydney Town
uneNIFS_B342BURN JAMES (2)1812arrived in NSW a convict in 1800, current status not given18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Burn James, per Ann, off stores, Free Pardon
uneNIFS_B343BURN JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_B344BURN RICHARD1800prisoner for Norfolk Island per HMS Buffalo1805male convicts, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_B345BURN STEPHEN1799Norfolk Island Boats Crew1799Norfolk Island Boats Crew
uneNIFS_B346BURN SUSANNAH1805woman from sentence expired off the stores1807Individual not holding land, to embark on the Porpoise for the Derwent
uneNIFS_B347BURN TERENCE1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_B348BURNE FRANCES1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_B349BURNE HANNAH1806free woman from sentences expired, victualled from stores1806free woman from sentences expired, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_B350BURNE HENRYaka Henry Burn1790Able Seaman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius1790Able Seaman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius
uneNIFS_B351BURNE JOHN1805settler from convict, 1 wife, 2 children, 7 acres under cultivation1813left on Norfolk island to assist evacuation, Stockkeeper
uneNIFS_B352BURNE JOSEPHaka Joseph Chipman Jnr1803child under two years of age, 92 days victualled 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Chipman Joseph, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_B353BURNE MARY1802free women from sentence expired, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1808Individual not holding land, to embark on the City of Edinburgh
uneNIFS_B354BURNE MICHAELaka Michael Lackey1800prisoner for Norfolk Island per HMS Buffalo18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Lackey Michael, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_B355BURNE SUSANAH1802free women from sentence expired, on stores for 140 days in 1802 (since November)1803Female sentence expired, 217 days victualled
uneNIFS_B356BURNE/ROACH MARYdistinct from BURNE MARY 1804child above two years of age at half rations, 73 days victualled 1812free woman not victualled
uneNIFS_B357BURNELL FRANCIS1802military department, Private, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1804New South Wales Corps, Private, 84 days victualled
uneNIFS_B358BURNES ANN1806child under 2 years at 1-4 ration, victualled from stores1806child under 2 years at 1-4 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_B359BURROWS CORNELIUSaka BURROWS RICHARD1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1817at Hobart Town
uneNIFS_B360BURT JOHN1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 55 days victualled
uneNIFS_B361BUSH JOHN1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing1812Late Superintendent
uneNIFS_B362BUTCHER BENJAMIN1799Troops for Port Jackson, from Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1810Detachment of the 102" Regiment, Private, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_B363BUTCHER JOHN1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_B364BUTLER MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1812free woman victualled
uneNIFS_B365BUTLER NEVIL1802military department, Private, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1804New South Wales Corps, Private, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_B366BUTLER/SALTMARSH WILLIAM1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, second class
uneNIFS_B367BUTTLE DANIELaka Daniel Buddle 1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_B368BUZO ABRAHAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1808Individual not holding land, to embark on the City of Edinburgh
uneNIFS_B369BYRAN HENRYaka Byron1790mentioned in Clark's Journal18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Byron Henry, per William & Ann, on stores, Invalid; Certificate
uneNIFS_B370BYRNE FRANCIS1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_B371BYRNE JOHNaka John Burne1794labourer, jobbing work1812government servant victualled, cow herd
uneNIFS_B372BYRON THOMAS1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Minerva1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Minerva
uneNIFS_C001CABLE WILLIAM1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1796sold lot 70, 60 acres, to WILLIAMS THOMAS (1)
uneNIFS_C002CADDY1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1790mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_C003CAFFREY JAMES1805Norfolk Island to Port Dalyrmple per Buffalo October 1805, Private NSW Corps1805Norfolk Island to Port Dalyrmple per Buffalo October 1805, Private NSW Corps
uneNIFS_C004CALLAM JAMES1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_C005CALVER JOHN1806free man, 90 days on stores to 12 August, 30 days on stores 13 August to 31 December1806free man, 90 days on stores to 12 August, 30 days on stores 13 August to 31 December
uneNIFS_C006CAMERON DANIEL1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance, found concealed in the ship
uneNIFS_C007CAMERON RUTH1802child above ten years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1807orphan at 2/3 rations, 143 days on stores
uneNIFS_C008CAMMERON DUNCAN1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance February 1796
uneNIFS_C009CAMPBELL ANNE1795entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Supply1795entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Supply
uneNIFS_C010CAMPBELL JAMES1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_C011CAMPBELL WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1792removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Atlantic
uneNIFS_C012CAMPION EDWARD1790Serjerant, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790Serjerant, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_C013CANE CORNELIUS1792male convict, stowaway on the Pitt1803male sentence expired, 190 days victualled
uneNIFS_C014CANN JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1792removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_C015CANN THOMAS1802male convict, on stores for 356 days in 1802 (since January)1802male convict, on stores for 356 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_C016CANNON JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_C017CAPEY JAMES1791Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1805New South Wales Corps, Private
uneNIFS_C018CAPON ROBERT1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander
uneNIFS_C019CARDELL ROBERT1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Francis, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_C020CARDINELL THOMAS1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson
uneNIFS_C021CAREN ROGER1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_C022CAREY ANNE1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave
uneNIFS_C023CAREY MARYBaptised as Sarah Gilbert1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty1792<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_C024CAREY THOMAS1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance February 17961805male convicton the stores, Salt Boiler
uneNIFS_C025CARIN MARKAM1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_C026CARLEY MARGARET1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Reliance, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_C027CARLOW BRYAN1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Boddington1805male convictoff the stores, labourer
uneNIFS_C028CARNEY LAURENCE1803male convicts, 139 days victualled 1812sent for rebellion . departed Anne Whaler for headquarters 19 April 1812. Pardoned by Govr Macquarie
uneNIFS_C029CARR DANIEL1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_C030CARR GEORGE1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic
uneNIFS_C031CARR JOHN1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1810male convicts, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_C032CARR ROGER1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_C033CARR WILLIAM1805male convicts, 138 days victualled 1810free man not victualled, labourer
uneNIFS_C034CARRELL CATHERINE1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_C035CARROLL JOHN1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1799Troops for Port Jackson, from Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_C036CARROLL MARY1788female convict1794free, single, 0 children, maintained off stores by William Thomspon, settler
uneNIFS_C037CARTER AND HARRIS1807has 21 acres1807has 21 acres
uneNIFS_C038CARTER BRYAN1802male convict, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1802male convict, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_C039CARTER JOHN1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_C040CARTER MARGARET1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_C041CARTER MARK1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Carter Mark, per Matilda, off stores,
uneNIFS_C042CARTER MARY (1)1791sow provided to by Government1791sow provided to by Government
uneNIFS_C043CARTER MARY (2)1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_C044CARTER MARY (3)1803baptised, child of John Trainer and Sarah Carter1803baptised, child of John Trainer and Sarah Carter
uneNIFS_C045CARTER SAMUEL1802labourer, received stores and/or slop clothing1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, second class
uneNIFS_C046CARTER SARAH1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise1807free women from sentence expired, 39 days on stores
uneNIFS_C047CARTER THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1803male convicts, 190 days victualled
uneNIFS_C048CARTER WILLIAM (1)1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_C049CARTER WILLIAM (2)1805baptised, child of John Trainor and Sarah Carter1805baptised, child of John Trainor and Sarah Carter
uneNIFS_C050CARTER WILLIAM (3)1806male convict, victualled from stores1814Free Pardon granted by Macquarie, CARTER WILLIAM (3) per Barwell 1798
uneNIFS_C051CARTHY BARTHOLOMEW1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_C052CARTWRIGHT WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1807Individual not holding land, to embark on the Porpoise for the Derwent
uneNIFS_C053CARTY ANN1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance
uneNIFS_C054CARTY MARY1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply
uneNIFS_C055CARTY MARY ANNE1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1802child above ten years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_C056CASEY PRENTICE1809New South Wales Corps, Private, 181 days victualled 1810Detachment of the 102" Regiment, Private, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_C057CASEY THOMAS1803male convicts, 365 days victualled 1806male convicts, 5 days on stores to 12 August,
uneNIFS_C058CASSAWAY RATAN1805free men off the stores, 1817at Hobart Town
uneNIFS_C059CASTILLO EMANUEL1790Able Seaman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius1790Able Seaman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius
uneNIFS_C060CATAPRODI JOHN1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_C061CAVANAGH HANNAH1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_C062CAVANAGH MARIAdistinct from CAVANAGH MARY 1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_C063CAVANAGH MARY (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Atlantic1808Women whose sentence expired, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_C064CAVANAGH MARY (2)1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1808child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_C065CAVANAGH OWEN1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for <[blank]>, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_C066CAVANAGH WILLIAMaka William Kimberley1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Kimberley William, born at Norfolk Island, off stores, at Port Jackson
uneNIFS_C067CAVENAUGH CHARLES1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1792removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_C068CAW WILLIAM1805male convicton the stores, Judge Advocate Clerk1805male convicton the stores, Judge Advocate Clerk
uneNIFS_C069CELLS HENRY1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_C070CESAR JOHN1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_C071CHADWICK THOMAS1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_C072CHAFFEY MARY1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1790mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_C073CHAFFEY THOMAS1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Chaffey Thomas, per Scarbrough, off stores,
uneNIFS_C074CHALMERS ROBERT1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_C075CHAM JAMES1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1809VDL Derwent River settler, 30 acres, Clarence Plains
uneNIFS_C076CHAMBERS & CLARK CHAMBERS1807has 32.5 acres1807has 32.5 acres
uneNIFS_C077CHAMBERS ROBERT1805settler from convict off the stores, 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Chambers Robert, per Barrington, off stores,
uneNIFS_C078CHAMPION ISAAC1803New South Wales Corps, Sergeant, 237 days on military ration1805New South Wales Corps, Serjeant, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_C079CHANDLER ANTHONY1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Barwell1808settler, to embark on the City of Edinburgh
uneNIFS_C080CHANDLER WILLIAM1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1805male convicton the stores, Black Smith
uneNIFS_C081CHAPLAIN MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_C082CHAPMAN WILLIAM NEATE1791entered into Victualling Book, civil department, Storekeeper, from/per England1792-1793delivered maize 2 bushells
uneNIFS_C083CHARLTON HENRY1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_C084CHARLTON WILLIAM1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1805New South Wales Corps, Corporal, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_C085CHERRY WILLIAM1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Royal Admiral1805settler from convict, no wife, no children, 11 acres under cultivation
uneNIFS_C086CHESHAM ANN1798Port Jackson to Norfok Island per HMS Reliance, child at 1/2 allowance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_C087CHESHAM JANE1798Port Jackson to Norfok Island per HMS Reliance, child at 1/2 allowance1798Port Jackson to Norfok Island per HMS Reliance, child at 1/2 allowance
uneNIFS_C088CHESHAM MARY1798Port Jackson to Norfok Island per HMS Reliance, child at 1/2 allowance1798Port Jackson to Norfok Island per HMS Reliance, child at 1/2 allowance
uneNIFS_C089CHESHAM THOMASdistinct from CHESHIRE THOMAS1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_C090CHESHIRE THOMASdistinct from CHESHAM THOMAS1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_C091CHESLETT GEORGE1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791Private, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_C092CHESTERTON JOHN1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1805New South Wales Corps, Private
uneNIFS_C093CHILDS HENRY1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_C094CHILDS WILLIAM1789entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Supply1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Chesterfield, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_C095CHIPMAN JOSEPHaka Joseph Simmons; his son is BURNE JOSEPH1803male convicts, 21 days victualled 1809VDL Derwent River settler, 75 acres, Clarence Plains
uneNIFS_C096CHIPP THOMAS1791marine, at Cascade Stream, Philipsburg Township, 60 acres1796sold lot 81 & 95, 60 acres, to MARTIN STEPHEN
uneNIFS_C097CHIPPENHAM REBECCA1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Neptune, off the stores, Victual themselves for the Voyage1813has 7 acres not cleared
uneNIFS_C098CHRISTMAS CHARLES1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_C099CHRISTMAS ELIZABETH1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_C100CHRISTMAS MARY (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_C101CHRISTMAS MARY (2)1802baptised, child of Thomas Crowder and Mary Christmas1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_C102CHRISTMAS SARAHdistinct from CHRISTMAS SUSANNAH 1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_C103CHRISTMAS SUSANNAHdistinct from CHRISTMAS SARAH 1796entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1796entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_C104CLAPSHAW JOHNdistinct from CLAPSON JOHN1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance February 1796
uneNIFS_C105CLAPSON JOHNdistinct from CLAPSHAW JOHN1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Clapson John, per Minorca, on stores, Slaughter House Kangaroo Point
uneNIFS_C106CLARK (+)1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_C107CLARK ANN1803free woman, 365 days victualled 1803free woman, 365 days victualled
uneNIFS_C108CLARK ANTHONY1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1805male convicton the stores, labourer
uneNIFS_C109CLARK CATHERINE (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1806free women from sentence expired, 181 days on stores
uneNIFS_C110CLARK CATHERINE (2)1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_C111CLARK CHARLES1791convict settler, at Plantation Vale, Queensboro Township, 4 acres1807has a grant, 50 acres in total
uneNIFS_C112CLARK ELIZABETH (1)1805female convictoff the stores, 1805female convictoff the stores,
uneNIFS_C113CLARK ELIZABETH (2)1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_C114CLARK GEORGE (1)1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 237 days on military ration1806New South Wales Corps, Private, 144 days on stores
uneNIFS_C115CLARK GEORGE (2)1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_C116CLARK JAMES (1)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_C117CLARK JAMES (2)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1792removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_C118CLARK JAMES (3)aka James Morgan1805child of all descriptions off the stores18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Morgan James, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_C119CLARK JANE1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_C120CLARK MARGARET (1)1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_C121CLARK MARGARET (2)aka BUCHANNAN MARGARET1804child above two years of age, 184 days victualled 1805child above two years on the stores,
uneNIFS_C122CLARK MARY1804child above two years of age at half rations, 176 days victualled 1805child above two years on the stores,
uneNIFS_C123CLARK RALPH17901st Lieutenant, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius17901st Lieutenant, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_C124CLARK RICHARDaka Richard Morgan Jnr1804child above two years of age at half rations, 176 days victualled 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Morgan Richard, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_C125CLARK SARAH1805Norfolk Island to Port Dalyrmple per Buffalo October 18051805Norfolk Island to Port Dalyrmple per Buffalo October 1805
uneNIFS_C126CLARK SOPHIA1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_C127CLARK THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Clark Thomas, per Neptune, off stores, Certificate
uneNIFS_C128CLARK WILLIAM (1)1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1817at Hobart Town
uneNIFS_C129CLARK WILLIAM (2)1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1805child above two years on the stores,
uneNIFS_C130CLARK ZACHARIAH (1)1793purchased land from MUNDAY JOHN1817at Hobart Town
uneNIFS_C131CLARK ZACHERIAH (2)1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for <[blank]>, Port Jackson1796<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, free people, from/per Port Jackson
uneNIFS_C132CLARKE JOHN1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1802male convict, on stores for 71 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_C133CLAYFIELD RACHEL1790Marine Wives and children, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790Marine Wives and children, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_C134CLAYFIELD WILLIAM1790Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_C135CLAYMAN WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander
uneNIFS_C136CLAYTON EDWARD1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1800Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_C137CLAYTON HENRY1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson
uneNIFS_C138CLAYTON JOHN (1)1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_C139CLAYTON JOHN (2)1801buried, a soldier1801buried, a soldier
uneNIFS_C140CLAYTON SARAH1804free women from sentence expired, 38 days victualled 1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_C141CLAYTON WILLIAM1803male convicts, 70 days victualled 1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, third class
uneNIFS_C142CLEMENTS HENRY1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance January 17961796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance January 1796
uneNIFS_C143CLEPHAN JOHN1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Ensign, from/per Francis Port Jackson1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Reliance, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_C144CLEVERLEY JOSEPH1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_C145CLIFFORD JOHN1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1805male convicts, 64 days victualled
uneNIFS_C146CLINCH RICHARD1790Serjeant, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance January 1796
uneNIFS_C147CLIPPS SARAH1805woman from sentence expired off the stores1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_C148CLUGH RICHARD1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1792removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Atlantic
uneNIFS_C149COATES JOSEPH1803male convicts, 239 days victualled 1806male convict, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_C150COBLEY JOHN1806free man from sentence expired, 181 days on stores1806free man from sentence expired, 181 days on stores
uneNIFS_C151COCHRAN MARY1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Frances
uneNIFS_C152COCKEROFT JOHN1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_C153COCKING JOSEPH1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_C154COCKRAN SAMUEL1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1808individual holds no land, to embark for the Derwent
uneNIFS_C155COFFIN JOHN1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Chesterfield
uneNIFS_C156COHEN HENRY1809VDL Derwent River settler, 30 acres, New Town District1809VDL Derwent River settler, 30 acres, New Town District
uneNIFS_C157COLE ANN1803baptised, child of Cornelius Burrows and Elizabeth Coal1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_C158COLE ELIZABETH1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_C159COLE HENRY1805Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Buffalo1805Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Buffalo
uneNIFS_C160COLE JOHNaka John Burrows1803baptised, child of Cornelius Burrows and Elizabeth Coal18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Burrows John, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_C161COLE MARIA1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_C162COLE MARY1795<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1795<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_C163COLE RICHARDaka Richard Burrows Jnr1803baptised, child of Cornelius Burrows and Elizabeth Coal18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Burrows Richard, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_C164COLE SARAH1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_C165COLE THOMAS1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Cole Thomas, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_C166COLE WILLIAM (1)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1792-1793delivered maize 7 bushells
uneNIFS_C167COLE WILLIAM (2)1793entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Boddington1794labourer, jobbing work
uneNIFS_C168COLE WILLIAM (3)1802free boy, received stores and/or slop clothing1802free boy, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_C169COLEBROOK THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1803male convicts, 70 days victualled
uneNIFS_C170COLEMAN ANN1803child above two years of age, 239 days victualled 1805child above two years of age, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_C171COLEMAN JOHN1803child above two years of age, 239 days victualled 1805child above two years of age, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_C172COLEMAN MARY1803free woman, 239 days victualled 1805free woman, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_C173COLEMAN ROBERT1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_C174COLEMAN WILLIAM1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 237 days on military ration1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_C175COLESFORD ANN1804female convicts, 167 days victualled 1805female convictoff the stores,
uneNIFS_C176COLEY SAMUEL1794punished for neglecting sheep he had in charge1794punished for neglecting sheep he had in charge
uneNIFS_C177COLLETT SAMUEL1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance June 1798
uneNIFS_C178COLLEY <[child]>1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1790mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_C179COLLEY ELIZABETH (1)1788female convict1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_C180COLLEY ELIZABETH (2)1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_C181COLLEY HARRIOT1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_C182COLLEY JOHN1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Colley John, per Surprize 1, on stores, Storeman
uneNIFS_C183COLLEY MARIA1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1793<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, origin not stated
uneNIFS_C184COLLEY THOMAS (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_C185COLLEY THOMAS (2)1796Norfolk Island Boats Crew1813Conditional Pardon granted by Macquarie, COLLEY THOMAS per <[blank]> <[blank]>
uneNIFS_C186COLLIER EDWARD1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance June 1798
uneNIFS_C187COLLIER THOMAS1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize<[nd]>late a convict, purchased lot 66, 60 acres, formerly belonging to Joseph McCaulden
uneNIFS_C188COLLIER WILLIAM1796Norfolk Island Boats Crew1796Norfolk Island Boats Crew
uneNIFS_C189COLLIMAN ALICE1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1803Female sentence expired, 200 days victualled
uneNIFS_C190COLLINS BRIDGET1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_C191COLLINS CATHERINE1800to be sent to Norfolk Island1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise, 2/3 provisions
uneNIFS_C192COLLINS GEORGE1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance September 17961804free man from sentence expired, 62 days victualled
uneNIFS_C193COLLINS JOSEPH1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1794labourer, jobbing work
uneNIFS_C194COLLINS MARY1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Minerva1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Minerva
uneNIFS_C195COLLINS MICHAEL1794victualled in 1794 for 88 days all species1793 <[sic: 1794]>entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson
uneNIFS_C196COLLINS PETER1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Britannia1803male convicts, 190 days victualled
uneNIFS_C197COLLINS RICHARD1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance June 1798
uneNIFS_C198COLLINS WILLIAM (1)1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1796removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_C199COLLINS WILLIAM (2)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1809VDL Derwent River settler, 50 acres, From Risdon to Clarence Plains
uneNIFS_C200COLLINS WILLIAM (3)1796entered into Victualling Book, settler continued from December 1795, status and origin not stated1796entered into Victualling Book, settler continued from December 1795, status and origin not stated
uneNIFS_C201COLLIS HENRY1804male convicts, 174 days victualled 1804male convicts, 174 days victualled
uneNIFS_C202COLLIS THOMAS1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Royal Admiral18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Colley Thomas, per Royal Admiral, off stores, Emancipated
uneNIFS_C203COLLS MARTIN1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1796late convict, married, proprietor of Lot No.84, 22 acre grant, first settler in 1791
uneNIFS_C204COLLY RICHARD1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791convict, Queensborough
uneNIFS_C205COLOMBINE SAMUEL1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Columbine Samuel, per Surprize, off stores, Certificate
uneNIFS_C206CONDROM JOHN1802male convict, on stores for 50 days in 1802 (since January)1802male convict, on stores for 50 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_C207CONE HENRY1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Guardian and afterwards Neptune, "notorious offender who have been confined Gaol waiting an opportunity of being sent to Norfolk Island"18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Cone Henry, per Guardian, off stores, Emancipated
uneNIFS_C208CONN JOHN RAM1805free men off the stores, 1817at Hobart Town
uneNIFS_C209CONNAN PATRICK1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_C210CONNELL JOHN1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, Serjeant, 14 days victualled 1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, segerant
uneNIFS_C211CONNELL PATRICK1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_C212CONNELLON JOHN (1)1803male convicts, 330 days victualled 1804male convicts, 126 days victualled
uneNIFS_C213CONNELLON JOHN (2)Other names: Connellon1806civil department, victualled from stores1812civil department, assistant surgeon
uneNIFS_C214CONNER DANIEL1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_C215CONNOLLY MARY1804female convict, 182 days victualled 1808female convict, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_C216CONNOLLY WILLIAM (+)1792punished for selling his shoes to james mitchell settler1792punished for selling his shoes to james mitchell settler
uneNIFS_C217CONNOLLY WILLIAM (1)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792-1793delivered maize 43 bushells
uneNIFS_C218CONNOLLY WILLIAM (2)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1794labourer, jobbing work by the week for John McCarthy, settler
uneNIFS_C219CONNOR BRYAN1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Minerva1804free man from sentence expired, 49 days victualled
uneNIFS_C220CONNOR ROGER1802military department, Private, on stores for 42 in 1802 (since April)1804New South Wales Corps, Private, 174 days victualled
uneNIFS_C221CONNOWAY JOSEPH1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander
uneNIFS_C222CONSIDEN DENIS1790Surgeon, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_C223CONWAY GEORGE (1)1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_C224CONWAY GEORGE (2)1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson1799Troops for Port Jackson, from Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_C225CONWAY GEORGE (3)1801Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_C226CONWAY GEORGE (4)1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Scarborough (2), "notorious offender who have been confined Gaol waiting an opportunity of being sent to Norfolk Island"1804free man from sentence expired, 140 days victualled
uneNIFS_C227CONWAY JOHN1790Able Seaman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius1790Able Seaman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius
uneNIFS_C228COOK WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_C229COOKE GEORGE1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Fancy, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_C230COOLEY SAMUEL1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 28 days on treasury ration,
uneNIFS_C231COOLY1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_C232COOMBE JOHN1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance June 17981798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance June 1798
uneNIFS_C233COOMBS ANN1788female convict1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_C234COOMBS ISAAC1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson
uneNIFS_C235COOPER (+)1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_C236COOPER CHARLES1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1805sentence expired on the stores, labourer
uneNIFS_C237COOPER CHARLOTTE1806child under 2 years at 1-4 ration, victualled from stores1810child above 2 years at 1/2 rations, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_C238COOPER EDMOND1801Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_C239COOPER ELIZABETH1790entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, origin not stated1810child above 2 years at 1/2 rations, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_C240COOPER JOHN (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795victualled in 1795 for 351 days all species
uneNIFS_C241COOPER JOHN (2)1804male convicts, 8 days victualled 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Cooper John, per Matilda, on stores, Invalid
uneNIFS_C242COOPER JOSEPH1802military department, Private, on stores for 330 in 1802 (since January)1802military department, Private, on stores for 330 in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_C243COOPER JOSIAH1801Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise1801Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_C244COOPER MARGARET1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_C245COOPER MARYdistinct from COOPER/HUTCHINSON MARY (1) and (2);1789prisoner, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island1795victualled in 1795 for 103 days all species
uneNIFS_C246COOPER ROBERT1805male convicton the stores, Boats Crew1808male convict, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_C247COOPER WILLIAM (1)1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_C248COOPER WILLIAM (2)1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Marquis Cornwallis, Europe
uneNIFS_C249COOPER WILLIAM (3)1813left on Norfolk island to assist evacuation, Boats Crew1814Conditional Pardon granted by Macquarie, COOPER WILLIAM (3) per Fortune 1806
uneNIFS_C250COOPER/HUTCHINSON MARY (1)1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing1812free woman victualled
uneNIFS_C251COOPER/HUTCHINSON MARY (2)1801married1812child not victualled
uneNIFS_C252COOPER/HUTCHINSON WILLIAM1809child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 56 days victualled 1812child victualled
uneNIFS_C253COPE JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1794removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_C254COPLEY JOHN1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 181 days victualled
uneNIFS_C255COPLEY JOSEPH1803male convicts, 365 days victualled 1810male convicts, 68 days victualled Died 9 March 1810
uneNIFS_C256CORBELLY JOSEPH1796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 17961796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 1796
uneNIFS_C257CORBY SARAH1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Indispensible1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Indispensible
uneNIFS_C258CORDLE BENJAMIN1811government servant victualled, boats crew1812free sailor, Stowed away in the New Zealander 14 October 1811
uneNIFS_C259CORNELIUS 1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_C260COROTHERS JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen
uneNIFS_C261CORRMICK JAMES1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_C262COSSOMS MUHAMMAD1805free men off the stores, 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Cassam Mahomet, per Came Free, off stores,
uneNIFS_C263COTTLE MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1801married
uneNIFS_C264COTTRELL ELIZABETH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_C265COTTRELL MARY1794punished for riotous behaviour by lt govrs order1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_C266COULSON GEORGE1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Drummer, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_C267COURTNEY PATRICK1802Port Jackson to Norfolk Islande per Porpoise1810male convicts, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_C268COURTS GEORGE1807free man Apprentices, 42 days on stores1807free man Apprentices, 42 days on stores
uneNIFS_C269COUSINS SAMUEL1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_C270COVENTRY JAMES1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1790mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_C271COVENTRY WILLIAM1803male convicts, 274 days victualled 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Coventry William, per Atlas, off stores,
uneNIFS_C272COWARD JOHN1805settler from convict, no wife, no children, 6 acres under cultivation1805settler from convict, no wife, no children, 6 acres under cultivation
uneNIFS_C273COWEN HENRY1802overseer, received stores and/or slop clothing1802overseer, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_C274COWER GEORGE1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson
uneNIFS_C275COX AND ABLE1807has 51 acres1807has 51 acres
uneNIFS_C276COX CHARLESaka Charles Brooks1812male child not victualled1812male child not victualled
uneNIFS_C277COX FRANCIS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1808Individual not holding land, to embark on the City of Edinburgh
uneNIFS_C278COX GEORGE1810male child not victualled1812child victualled
uneNIFS_C279COX JAMES1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_C280COX JOHN1802military department, Private, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, first class with 1 wife, 7 children
uneNIFS_C281COX JOHN MATHEW1791convict settler, at Mount Pitt Path, Queensboro Township, 10 acres<[nd]>late a convict, purchased lot 26, 14 acres, formerly belonging to George Guest
uneNIFS_C282COX MARY1791entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Queen1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_C283COX MICHAEL1800prisoner for Norfolk Island per HMS Buffalo1804male convicts, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_C284COX RICHARD1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_C285COX ROBERT1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Cox Robert, per Salamander, off stores,
uneNIFS_C286COX THOMAS1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave
uneNIFS_C287COX WILLIAM1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize1807free man Apprentices, 35 days on stores
uneNIFS_C289COXON GEORGE1791punished for suspected of stealing a pair of slop and shoes1802free men and settlers from marines etc, Seaman from H M Ship Porpoise, on stores for 175 in 1802 (since June)
uneNIFS_C290COY PRENTICE1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1809Private
uneNIFS_C291CRADDOCK JOSEPH1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_C292CRAHAN THOMAS1802free people from sentences expired, on stores for 273 days in 1802 (since January)1817at Hobart Town
uneNIFS_C293CRAIG MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_C294CRANE SAMUEL1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_C295CRANE TANKERVILLE ALEXANDER1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, Lieutenant Commandant, 14 days victualled 1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, commandant
uneNIFS_C296CREAMER JOHN1789entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Supply1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance September 1796
uneNIFS_C297CREEK JANE1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_C298CRESWELL JOHN17891st Lieutenant, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply 1791
uneNIFS_C299CRIBB JOHN1810convict recommended for pardon, arrived in NSW per Persius, 1810convict recommended for pardon, arrived in NSW per Persius,
uneNIFS_C300CRIPS JOHN1805sentence expired off the stores, labourer1807to embark on the Lady Nelson
uneNIFS_C301CROAKER JOHNdistinct from CROKER JOHN1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_C302CROKER JOHNdistinct from CROAKER JOHN1792punished for neglecting the public work and running away into the woods1796removed from Victualling Book, departed per/for Reliance, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_C303CROPPER JOHN1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Cropper John , per Alexander, on stores, Constable
uneNIFS_C304CROSBY MARY1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply
uneNIFS_C305CROSS JOHN1796late convict, married, proprietor of Lot No.55, 33 acre grant, first settler in 17911796late convict, married, proprietor of Lot No.55, 33 acre grant, first settler in 1791
uneNIFS_C306CROSS MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1796removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_C307CROSS THOMAS1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_C308CROSS WILLIAM1791convict settler, at Mount Pitt Path, Queensboro Township, 12 acres1792-1793delivered maize 25 bushells
uneNIFS_C309CROWDEN ISAAC1792punished for neglecting the public work and running away into the woods1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_C310CROWDER EDWARD1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1792-1793delivered maize 10 bushells
uneNIFS_C311CROWDER MARY1802born Jun 1802, settlers child1802born Jun 1802, settlers child
uneNIFS_C312CROWDER THOMAS RESTELL1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1792-1793delivered maize 40 bushells
uneNIFS_C313CROWLEY CATHERINE1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance February 1796
uneNIFS_C314CROWLEY DORSETaka Darcy Crowley1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1796child, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance February 1796
uneNIFS_C315CROWLEY MARTHA1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1796child, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance February 1796
uneNIFS_C316CROWLEY WILLIAM1790entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, origin not stated1796child, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance February 1796
uneNIFS_C317CROWN ROBERT1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Port Jackson
uneNIFS_C318CRUMBECK WILLIAM1802military department, Private, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_C319CRUMP CHARLES1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_C320CRUMP THOMAS1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1804male convicts, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_C321CRUPPS JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_C322CRUTCHLEY SAMUEL1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1801Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_C323CUCKOW WILLIAM1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_C324CUFFE FARREL1800prisoner for Norfolk Island per HMS Buffalo1805male convicts, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_C325CULLEN JAMESdistinct from CULLEN JAMES BRYAN1800convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porposie1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_C326CULLEN JAMES BRYANdistinct from CULLEN JAMES1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Cullen J B, per Scarborough, off stores,
uneNIFS_C327CUMBERLAND SARAH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_C328CUMBERLEDGE THOMAS1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_C329CUMMINGHAM JAMES1788Midshipman 6 August 1788 drowned1788Midshipman 6 August 1788 drowned
uneNIFS_C330CUMMINS ABIGAIL1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1806free women from sentence expired, 94 days on stores
uneNIFS_C331CUNNINGHAM ALEXANDER1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, Corporal, 14 days victualled 1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, corporal
uneNIFS_C332CUNNINGHAM ELIZABETH1810free woman, 14 days victualled 1812woman of the detachment
uneNIFS_C333CUNNINGHAM JAMES A1810child of the detachment victualled, female1810child of the detachment victualled, female
uneNIFS_C334CUNNINGHAM JANET1810child under 2 years at 1/4 rations, 14 days victualled 1812child of the detachment
uneNIFS_C335CUNNINGHAM MARGARET1811child of the detachment1812child of the detachment
uneNIFS_C336CUNNINGHAM MICHAEL1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 237 days on military ration1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 55 days victualled
uneNIFS_C337CURRAN ANTHONY1800Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Porpoise1812Free Pardon granted by Macquarie, CURRAN ANTHONY per Friendship 1800
uneNIFS_C338CURRIE JOHN (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_C339CURRIE JOHN (2)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1796removed from Victualling Book, departed
uneNIFS_C340CURRIE JOSEPH1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance February 1796
uneNIFS_C341CURRIE LEWIS1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1799Troops for Port Jackson, from Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_C342CUSLEY BENJAMIN1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791Private, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_C343CUTLER MARTHA1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Chesterfield
uneNIFS_D001DAGLEY ROBERT1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Barwell1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Barwell
uneNIFS_D002DALE ROSLAND1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_D003DALTON JOHN1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply
uneNIFS_D004DALY ANNE1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply
uneNIFS_D005DANIELS DANIEL1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1794labourer, hired for twelve months by James Painter, settler
uneNIFS_D006DARCY THOMAS1796Norfolk Island Boats Crew1796Norfolk Island Boats Crew
uneNIFS_D007DARGON PETER1796entered into Victualling Book, military department, from/per Reliance Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, military department, from/per Reliance Port Jackson
uneNIFS_D008DARK JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Drummer, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_D009DARLING CHARLES1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Francis, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_D010DARLING GRACE1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for <[blank]>, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_D011DARLING MARGARET1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for <[blank]>, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_D012DARLING OWEN1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1794removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_D013DARLINGTON WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795victualled in 1795 for 296 days all species
uneNIFS_D014DAROSARIO VINCENT1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, Sea Gunny, from/per late Endeavour1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, Sea Gunny, from/per late Endeavour
uneNIFS_D015DAVERSON ROBERT1812Stowed away in the New Zealander 14 October 18111812Stowed away in the New Zealander 14 October 1811
uneNIFS_D016DAVEY JAMES1811 originally transported per Calcutter, tried Chelmsford 1802, 7 years1812time expired no certificate
uneNIFS_D017DAVIDSON JAMESdistinct from DAVIDSON JOHN1794victualled in 1794 for 88 days all species1793 <[sic: 1794]>entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson
uneNIFS_D018DAVIDSON JOHNdistinct from DAVIDSON JAMES1790prisoner, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island1792-1793delivered maize 12 bushells
uneNIFS_D019DAVIE JAMES1810free man From sentence expired, 29 days victualled 1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_D020DAVIES JOHN1812time expired no certificate1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, first class
uneNIFS_D021DAVIES THOMAS1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Ensign, from/per Supply Port Jackson1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_D022DAVIS AARON1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792-1793delivered maize 74.5 bushells
uneNIFS_D023DAVIS ANNE1803child above two years of age, 239 days victualled <[blank]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_D024DAVIS BENJAMIN1800convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porposie1805male convicton the stores, Hospital Sick
uneNIFS_D025DAVIS CATHERINE (1)1803free woman, 239 days victualled 1810free woman, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_D026DAVIS CATHERINE (2)1805child under two years of age, 107 days victualled 1810child above 2 years at 1/2 rations, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_D027DAVIS CHARLOTTE1806child under 2 years at 1-4 ration, victualled from stores1806child under 2 years at 1-4 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_D028DAVIS DEBORAH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1808Women whose sentence expired, 134 days victualled departed 14 May River Derwent
uneNIFS_D029DAVIS EDWARD (1)1792taken off stores by Thomas Bishop, to work for Bishop1804free man from sentence expired, 127 days victualled
uneNIFS_D030DAVIS EDWARD (2)1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_D031DAVIS ELIZABETH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1810child above 2 years at 1/2 rations, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_D032DAVIS EVAN1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 237 days on military ration1810Detachment of the 102" Regiment, Private, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_D033DAVIS FRANCES1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_D034DAVIS JAMES (1)1788male convict1792removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Atlantic, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_D035DAVIS JAMES (2)1793punished for stealing a hammock the property of govt1793punished for stealing a hammock the property of govt
uneNIFS_D036DAVIS JAMES (3)1803male convicts, 70 days victualled 1804free man from sentence expired, 22 days victualled
uneNIFS_D037DAVIS JAMES (4)1805sentence expired off the stores, Surgeon18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Davis James, per Pitt, off stores,
uneNIFS_D038DAVIS JAMES (5)1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_D039DAVIS JOHN (+)1794labourer, hired for six months by Thomas Scully, settler.1805male convicton the stores, labourer
uneNIFS_D040DAVIS JOHN (1) 1791convict settler, at Right of Cascade Road, Philipsburg Township, 10 acres1807has a grant, 10 acres in total
uneNIFS_D041DAVIS JOHN (2) 1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1793victualled in 1793 for days all species
uneNIFS_D042DAVIS JOHN (3) 1790entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, from/per Surprize1790entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, from/per Surprize
uneNIFS_D043DAVIS JOHN (4) 1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson
uneNIFS_D044DAVIS JOHN (5)1803male convicts, 239 days victualled 1812free man victualled, constable, Has 16 acres allocated by Captain Piper
uneNIFS_D045DAVIS JOHN (6) 1809child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 181 days victualled 1810child above 2 years at 1/2 rations, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_D046DAVIS JOHN (7) 1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 237 days on military ration1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 55 days victualled
uneNIFS_D047DAVIS MARGARET1809child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 181 days victualled 1810child above 2 years at 1/2 rations, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_D048DAVIS MARY (1)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_D049DAVIS MARY (2)1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_D050DAVIS MARY (3)later known as Charlotte Bishop, Child of DAVIS MARY (1) ; 1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, origin not stated1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_D051DAVIS MARY (4)1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_D052DAVIS MARY ANN1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_D053DAVIS OLY1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_D054DAVIS OWEN1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_D055DAVIS RICHARD1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_D056DAVIS SARAH1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1793victualled in 1793 198 days meat only
uneNIFS_D057DAVIS THOMAS (1)1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Surprize (2)1807free man from sentence expired, 184 days on stores
uneNIFS_D058DAVIS THOMAS (2)1804New South Wales Corps, Lieutenant, 8 days victualled 1805New South Wales Corps, Lieutenant, 55 days victualled
uneNIFS_D059DAVIS WILLIAM1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize1792-1793delivered maize 5 bushells
uneNIFS_D060DAVISEN SAMUEL1803male convicts, 365 days victualled 1803male convicts, 365 days victualled
uneNIFS_D061DAVISON REBECCA1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1794free, single, 0 children, Mantna work
uneNIFS_D062DAVISON SAMUEL1804male convicts, 182 days victualled 1804male convicts, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_D063DAVOREAUX JOHN1805male convicton the stores, labourer1805male convicton the stores, labourer
uneNIFS_D064DAVOREN LAURENCE1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing1805free man from sentence expired, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_D065DAVOREN RICHARD1802free boy, received stores and/or slop clothing1804child above two years of age at half rations, 167 days victualled
uneNIFS_D066DAW WILLIAM1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1810Detachment of the 102" Regiment, Private, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_D067DAWSON ANNE1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Fancy, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_D068DAWSON JAMES1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Albermarle, "sentenced at Sydney Port Jackson for transportation for life to Norfolk Island"1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_D069DAWSON MARGARET1791entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Atlantic1792-1793delivered maize 5 bushells
uneNIFS_D070DAWSON ROBERT1809male convicts, 41 days victualled 1811government servant victualled, assistant <[?]>
uneNIFS_D071DAY CATHERINE1810female child victualled1812child victualled
uneNIFS_D072DAY MARY1810female child victualled1812child victualled
uneNIFS_D073DAY RICHARD1805male convicts, 59 days victualled 1805male convicts, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_D074DAY SAMUEL1791pig provided to by Lt Governor Ross1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, first class with 1 wife, 2 children
uneNIFS_D075DAY THOMAS1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Barwell, sentenced for death at Sydney Port Jackson but respited on condition of transportation to Norfolk Island1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_D076DAY WILLIAM1799Troops for Port Jackson, from Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Troops for Port Jackson, from Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_D077DAYES1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1790mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_D078DE TOUZENIE ZEDONA1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_D079DEADMARSH JOHN1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1807free man from sentence expired, 181 days on stores
uneNIFS_D080DEANE JAMES1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1792removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_D081DEANE THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_D082DEAVES WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1796removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_D083DECOSTA J ANTO1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, Sea Gunny, from/per late Endeavour1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, Sea Gunny, from/per late Endeavour
uneNIFS_D084DEFEUS JAMES1805sentence expired off the stores, labourer1805sentence expired off the stores, labourer
uneNIFS_D085DEJUISUS MANUAL1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, Sea Gunny, from/per late Endeavour1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, Sea Gunny, from/per late Endeavour
uneNIFS_D086DELANEY JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_D087DELL JOHN1791Drummer, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_D088DELL MARY1798Port Jackson to Norfok Island per HMS Reliance, child at 1/2 allowance1798Port Jackson to Norfok Island per HMS Reliance, child at 1/2 allowance
uneNIFS_D089DEMPSEY MATHEW1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1805settler from Mariners and Seamen off the stores,
uneNIFS_D090DEMPSEY WILLIAM1791marine, at Cascade Stream, Philipsburg Township, 60 acres18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Dempsey William, per Came Free, on stores, Charity
uneNIFS_D091DENNETT DIANA1810female child not victualled1812born here child. departed Anne Whaler for headquarters 19 April 1812
uneNIFS_D092DENNETT JOHN1812born here. departed Anne Whaler for headquarters 19 April 18121812born here. departed Anne Whaler for headquarters 19 April 1812
uneNIFS_D093DENNETT MARK1810male child not victualled1812born here child. departed Anne Whaler for headquarters 19 April 1812
uneNIFS_D094DENNETT WILLIAM1804male convicts, 8 days victualled 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Dennett William, per Royal Admiral, on stores,
uneNIFS_D095DENNISON MICHAEL1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792taken off stores by W Hathaway (Henry), to work for Hathaway
uneNIFS_D096DENNY JOHN1792male convict, stowaway on the Pitt1793punished for leaving work
uneNIFS_D097DERRY THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795victualled in 1795 for 288 days all species
uneNIFS_D098DERRY WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander
uneNIFS_D099DESAUZA ISIDERO1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, Sea Gunny, from/per late Endeavour1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, Sea Gunny, from/per late Endeavour
uneNIFS_D100DEVEREUX JOHN1804male convicts, 8 days victualled 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Deveneux John, per Came Free, off stores,
uneNIFS_D101DEWRY PATRICK1803male convicts, 365 days victualled 1805male convicts, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_D102DEZE ZEG MAMUEL1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_D103DIAS JAMES1794plater, rents six acres from William Dempsey, settler.18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Dyas James, per Salamander, off stores, Certificate
uneNIFS_D104DILL ELIZABETH1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_D105DILL JOHN1798Boats Crew, Norfolk Island1799Troops for Port Jackson, from Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_D106DILL MARY1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_D107DINAH LASCAR1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, Lascar, from/per late Endeavour1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, Lascar, from/per late Endeavour
uneNIFS_D108DIXON EDWARD1796entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Reliance Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Reliance Port Jackson
uneNIFS_D109DIXON JAMES1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander
uneNIFS_D110DIXON JOHN1806male convict, victualled from stores1808free man from sentence expired, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_D111DIXON JOSEPH1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_D112DIXON MARY1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_D113DIXON RICHARD1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance January 17961796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance January 1796
uneNIFS_D114DIXON THOMASaka DIXON THOMAS aka Ralph Raw and Ralph Dixon1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1806male convicts, 100 days on stores
uneNIFS_D115DIXON WILLIAM1793late convict, farmer, has 12 acres 1793late convict, farmer, has 12 acres
uneNIFS_D116DOBSON JOHN1813left on Norfolk island to assist evacuation, Boats Crew1814Conditional Pardon granted by Macquarie, DOBSON JOHN per Indian 1810
uneNIFS_D117DOBSON WILLIAM1793entered into Victualling Book, settler and free person, Freeman, from/per Britannia1793entered into Victualling Book, settler and free person, Freeman, from/per Britannia
uneNIFS_D118DOCKER JOHN1802labourer, received stores and/or slop clothing1802labourer, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_D119DODDING JAMES1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Dodding James, per Friendship, on stores, Turn Key under Gaoler at County Gaol
uneNIFS_D120DOGHERTY EDWARD1802Port Jackson to Norfolk Islande per Porpoise1803male sentence expired, 148 days victualled
uneNIFS_D121DOIDGE WILLIAM1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1796sold lot 87, 15 acres, to NOWLAND MICHAEL
uneNIFS_D122DOLLIS ALEXANDER1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1803Civil Department, Superintendent, 266 days victualled
uneNIFS_D123DON ZARES VICONTE1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_D124DONALDSON ALEXANDER1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_D125DONNELL WILLIAM1810free man From sentence expired, 90 days victualled 1810free man From sentence expired, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_D126DONOVAN DENNIS1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing1807male convicts, 97 days on stores
uneNIFS_D127DONOVAN STEPHEN1788Midshipman 1792-1793delivered maize 20 bushells
uneNIFS_D128DOODY JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_D129DORAN GEORGE1805male convicton the stores, Tool Halver1805male convicton the stores, Tool Halver
uneNIFS_D130DORAN GREGORY1802Port Jackson to Norfolk Islande per Porpoise1805male convicts, 109 days victualled
uneNIFS_D131DORAN WILLIAM (1)1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Francis
uneNIFS_D132DORAN WILLIAM (2)1794entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Francis1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_D133DORDON THOMAS1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Hillsborough1804male convicts, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_D134DORKER JOHN1800convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porposie1804male convicts, 76 days victualled
uneNIFS_D135DOROTHY HUGH1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_D136DORSELL SARAH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1794victualled in 1794 for 38 days all species
uneNIFS_D137DORSET REBECCA1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus
uneNIFS_D138DORVENT ANN JONES1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_D139DOUGHENDSE HUGH1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_D140DOUGLAS ELIZABETH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1794free, single, 1 children, maintained off stores by John Baylis, settler
uneNIFS_D141DOUGLAS JAMES1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_D142DOUGLAS MARY1803female convict, 218 days victualled 1806female convicts, 279 days on stores to 12 August, 141 days on stores 13 August to 31 December
uneNIFS_D143DOUGLAS PETER1803male convicts, 239 days victualled 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Douglass Peter, per Barwell, on stores, Invalid; Emancipated
uneNIFS_D144DOUGLAS ROSE1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_D145DOUGLAS SUSANNAH1806female convict, victualled from stores1808female convict, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_D146DOUGLAS THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1802military department, Private, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_D147DOUGLAS WILLIAM (1)1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791Private, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_D148DOUGLAS WILLIAM (2)1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 128 days on treasury ration, 237 days on military ration1804New South Wales Corps, Private, 84 days victualled
uneNIFS_D149DOWLAND MARGARET1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_D150DOWLAND MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_D151DOWNEY NICHOLAS1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_D152DOWNTON THOMAS1802male convict, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1802male convict, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_D153DOYLE (+)1796entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1796entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_D154DOYLE ANN1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1808Women whose sentence expired, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_D155DOYLE EDWARD1803child above two years of age, 56 days victualled 1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_D156DOYLE LUKE1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_D157DOYLE REBECCA1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1808child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_D158DOYLE SARAH1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born1808child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_D159DOYLE THOMAS1802child above two years of age, on stores for 140 days in 1802 (since September)1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_D160DRING WILLIAM1788male convict1792-1793delivered maize 9 bushells
uneNIFS_D161DRUMMOND JOHN1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1812civil department, beach master
uneNIFS_D162DRUMMOND THOMAS/NEW ZEALANDER TOMMY1810male child not victualled1812child not victualled
uneNIFS_D163DRY RICHARD1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1804male convicts, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_D164DUBOIS JOHN1800Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise1805New South Wales Corps, Returns to Port Jackson
uneNIFS_D165DUFF JOHN1792male convict, stowaway on the Pitt1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance September 1796, found concealed aboard the Britannia Transport and sent for security
uneNIFS_D166DUGGAN MARY1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance September 17961798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Buffalo June 1798
uneNIFS_D167DUGGAN MICHAEL1799Troops for Port Jackson, from Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Troops for Port Jackson, from Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_D168DUKES THOMAS1788Private 1792-1793delivered maize 15 bushells
uneNIFS_D169DUNBAR MARY ANNE1794entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Daedalus1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_D170DUNCOMBE JAMES1793punished for accused of steaing a plank the property of government1793punished for accused of steaing a plank the property of government
uneNIFS_D171DUNCOMBE JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1809VDL Derwent River settler, 35 acres, From Risdon to Clarence Plains
uneNIFS_D172DUNCOMBE WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1792taken off stores by James Dyer, to work for Dyer, dwelling land and carpenter
uneNIFS_D173DUNDAS JANE1791entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Atlantic1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Britannia, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_D174DUNKELLY JOHN1805Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Buffalo1805Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Buffalo
uneNIFS_D175DUNN GEORGE1811free man victualled, boats crew, landed by premission from the Spring Grove Whaler1812Free Sailor, shipped on board New Zealander Cumberland 9 October 1811
uneNIFS_D176DUNNAGE JOSEPH1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_D177DUNNOVAN THOMAS1800convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porposie1800convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porposie
uneNIFS_D178DUNSTAN JOSEPHaka Dunstil, Dunstoe1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Dunstill Joseph, per Albemarle, off stores, Certificate
uneNIFS_D179DURRANT JONATHAN1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by labour for government, remained on Norfolk Island without Leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by labour for government, remained on Norfolk Island without Leave
uneNIFS_D180DUTTON ANN1788female convict1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_D181DUTTON HENRY1791punished for detected of robbing a garden18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Dutton Henry, per Salamander, off stores, Certificate
uneNIFS_D182DUTTON ISAAC1802male convict, on stores for 50 days in 1802 (since January)1805male convicts, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_D183DUVOY PATRICK1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_D184DWYER WILLIAM1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave
uneNIFS_D185DYCE ANDREW1799Norfolk Island Boats Crew1799Norfolk Island Boats Crew
uneNIFS_D186DYE SAMUELaka Edward Dyer1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_D187DYER JAMES1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1808free man from sentence expired, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_D188DYER JOHN1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porposie January 18011801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porposie January 1801
uneNIFS_D189DYER JOSEPH1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance September 17961796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance September 1796
uneNIFS_D190DYER LEONARD1788male convict1792-1793delivered maize 20 bushells
uneNIFS_D191DYER TIMOTHY1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1808Individual holding no Land, to embark on the Estramina
uneNIFS_D192DYER WILLIAM1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by labour for government, remained on Norfolk Island without Leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by labour for government, remained on Norfolk Island without Leave
uneNIFS_D193DYSON WILLIAM1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_E001EADY JOHN1812government servant victualled, labourer1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, prisoner
uneNIFS_E002EARL JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_E003EARLE WILLIAM1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Albermarle, "sentenced for death at Sydney Port Jackson but respited on condition of transportation to Norfolk Island1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Albermarle, "sentenced for death at Sydney Port Jackson but respited on condition of transportation to Norfolk Island
uneNIFS_E004EARLY ELIZABETH1802baptised, child of Samuel Marden and Rachel Alley1796<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, status and origin not stated
uneNIFS_E005EARLY RACHEL1788female convict1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_E006EBBSWORTH JOHN1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_E007ECCLES THOMAS1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1792-1793delivered maize 45.5 bushells
uneNIFS_E008EDDINGTON/HEADINGTON THOMAS1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1798died and buried on Norfolk Island
uneNIFS_E009EDGE FANE (1)1792provost marshall, arrival on the Pitt1803settlers from Seamen, Marines, free man etc, Free, 21 days victualled
uneNIFS_E010EDGE FANE (2)1805child of all descriptions off the stores1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_E011EDGE FRANCIS1805baptised, child of Francis Cox and Sarah Edge1805baptised, child of Francis Cox and Sarah Edge
uneNIFS_E012EDGE HANNAHaka Hannah Matthews1802child of the civil department above ten years and two years, above 2 years, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1817passenger on the Governor Macquarie for Port Darymple and Hobart Town , age 21 years; by birth Norfolk Island; also with Margaret Matthews; infant daughter; age 16 months
uneNIFS_E013EDGE MARY1802child of the civil department above ten years and two years, above 2 years, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1812Endeavour Schooner 10 February 1812
uneNIFS_E014EDGE MARY ANN1803child above ten years and orphan at two thirds, 365 days victualled 1808Orphan child at 2-3 ration, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_E015EDGE SARAH (1)1792entered into Victualling Book, free woman, from/per Pitt1805free woman off the stores,
uneNIFS_E016EDGE SARAH (2)aka Sarah Cox1805child of, EDGE FRANCIS baptised, father Francis Cox1806child of, EDGE HANNAH baptised, father Fane Edge
uneNIFS_E017EDMUNDS WILLIAM1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1808Individual not holding land, to embark on the City of Edinburgh
uneNIFS_E018EDWARDS ELIZABETH1802child above two years of age, on stores for 35 days in 1802 (since December)1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_E019EDWARDS JAMES (1)1798Port Jackson to Norfok Island per HMS Reliance, child at 1/2 allowance1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_E020EDWARDS JAMES (2)aka James Holland1802child above two years of age, on stores for 35 days in 1802 (since January)18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Holland James, born in the Colony, off stores,
uneNIFS_E021EDWARDS JOHN1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_E022EDWARDS MARTHA1801child of, BOYLE JAMES baptised, father James Holland1805female convictoff the stores,
uneNIFS_E023EDWARDS THOMAS1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize1792punished for accused of stealing wheat, callavandes and indian corn the property of the government
uneNIFS_E024EGAN JOSEPH1801witnessed marriage1801witnessed marriage
uneNIFS_E025EGGLESTON GEORGE1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, second class
uneNIFS_E026ELDER JOHN1804male convicts, 50 days victualled 1808free man from sentence expired, 70 days victualled departed 8 September 1808 River Derwent
uneNIFS_E027ELKINGTON CHARLES1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus
uneNIFS_E028ELLEY JANE1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1802child of, ELLY MARY baptised, father Alexander Dollis
uneNIFS_E029ELLIOTT JOSEPH1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_E030ELLIOTT RICHARD1798Port Jackson to Norfok Island per HMS Reliance, child at 1/2 allowance1798Port Jackson to Norfok Island per HMS Reliance, child at 1/2 allowance
uneNIFS_E031ELLIS JANE1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1794free, single, 0 children, maintained off stores by washing and sewing
uneNIFS_E032ELLIS JOSEPH1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_E033ELLIS WALTER1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_E034ELLIS WILLIAM1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_E035ELLY CATHERINE1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1803child above two years of age, 266 days victualled
uneNIFS_E036ELLY JOHNaka John Dollis1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1803child under two years of age, 266 days victualled
uneNIFS_E037ELLY MARYaka Mary Dollis1796entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1803child above two years of age, 266 days victualled
uneNIFS_E038ELLY SARAHaka Sarah Dollis1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1803child above two years of age, 266 days victualled
uneNIFS_E039ELSWORTH JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander
uneNIFS_E040ELTHERIDGE THOMAS1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_E041ELTON JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795victualled in 1795 for 21 days all species
uneNIFS_E042EMANUEL1807free man Apprentices, Prisoner of War, 42 days on stores1807free man Apprentices, Prisoner of War, 42 days on stores
uneNIFS_E043EMERSON JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1807to Port jackson on the brig Commerce
uneNIFS_E044EMERY JOHN1811free man victualled, boats crew and labourer, deserters from the Spring Grove1812free man victualled, boats crew, no land
uneNIFS_E045ENGLAND THOMAS1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_E046ENGLISH MARY1804female convict, 49 days victualled 1807female convicts, 184 days on stores
uneNIFS_E047ENGLISH NICHOLAS1789entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Supply1792-1793delivered maize 8 bushells
uneNIFS_E048ENGLISH SARAH1804buried, child1804buried, child
uneNIFS_E049ENGLISH WILLIAM1804child under two years, 101 days victualled 1806child above 2 Years at 1/2 ration, 397 days on stores to 12 August, 37 days on stores 13 August to 31 December
uneNIFS_E050ENNES JAMES1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave
uneNIFS_E051ESCOTT JOHN1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_E052ETTON JOHN1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_E053EVANS DAVID1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_E054EVANS ELIZABETH1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_E055EVANS FRANCIS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_E056EVANS JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1809contracted onboard the Estramina for Port Jackson, inhabitant a man who was 7 years in the woods of Norfolk Island
uneNIFS_E057EVANS JOSEPH (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize1809Men From sentence expired, 91 days victualled departed 1 April 1809 Port Jackson
uneNIFS_E058EVANS JOSEPH (2) 1811free man victualled, seaman and labourer, landed from the Endeavour Schooner stowaway1812Apprentice. shipped on board Frederick Whaler 11 April 1812
uneNIFS_E059EVANS MARY1791entered into Victualling Book, free woman, from/per Atlantic1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_E060EVANS RICHARD1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Corporal, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1796troops going to Norfolk Island per Supply 1796
uneNIFS_E061EVANS SARAH1796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 17961796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 1796
uneNIFS_E062EVANS WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1794removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_E063EWER JOSEPH1810military establishment victualled, Private1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_E064EWER THOMAS1802military department, Private, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1804New South Wales Corps, Private, 84 days victualled
uneNIFS_E065EWER WILLIAM1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, 14 days victualled 1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, 14 days victualled
uneNIFS_E066EYLIDD THOMAS1790prisoner, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island1791convict, Sydney Town
uneNIFS_F001FADDY WILLIAM17902nd Lieutenant, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_F002FANE JANE1808free man apprentices, 182 days victualled 1808free man apprentices, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_F003FARLEY WILLIAM1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1792taken off stores Out of his Time, Works for his living with Settlers
uneNIFS_F004FARMER ANN1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_F005FARMER JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1794punished for abusing and insulting a soldier
uneNIFS_F006FARR ELIZABETH1796entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, from/per Port Jackson1810Orphan child on 2-3 Rations, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_F007FARR THOMAS1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Port Jackson1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance June 1798
uneNIFS_F008FARR WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_F009FARRELL ELIZABETH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_F010FARRELL LYDIA1793entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Kitty1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus
uneNIFS_F011FARRIER JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_F012FATHY EDWARD1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Barwell, "notorious offender who have been confined Gaol waiting an opportunity of being sent to Norfolk Island"1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Barwell, "notorious offender who have been confined Gaol waiting an opportunity of being sent to Norfolk Island"
uneNIFS_F013FELEX JANUARARIO1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, Gunner, from/per late Endeavour1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, Gunner, from/per late Endeavour
uneNIFS_F014FELIX JANIARISE1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_F015FELLOWS JOSEPH1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_F016FENLOW JOHN1789entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Supply1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Chesterfield, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_F017FENTON BENJAMIN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1792removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Atlantic
uneNIFS_F018FENTONA JOHN1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_F019FENTONA MARIA1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 55 days victualled
uneNIFS_F020FERGUSON ALEXANDER1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Pitt1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Pitt
uneNIFS_F021FERGUSON JAMES1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1810free man From sentence expired, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_F022FERGUSON JOHN (1)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_F023FERGUSON JOHN (2)1790midshipman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius1790midshipman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius
uneNIFS_F024FERNANDER DOMINGO1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_F025FEUTRILL THEOPHILUS1791Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_F026FIDO ALICE1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Francis
uneNIFS_F027FIDO ELIZABETH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_F028FIDO JANE1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_F029FIELD ANNE1791entered into Victualling Book, free woman, from/per Atlantic1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_F030FIELD WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Serjeant, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_F031FIELDING JOHN1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_F032FIELDIS GEORGE1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_F033FINCEY THOMASaka Thomas Fillesey1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792punished for striking and abusing the gaoler
uneNIFS_F034FINDLOW JOHN1791convict settler, at Cascade Stream, Philipsburg Township, 12 acres1791convict settler, at Cascade Stream, Philipsburg Township, 12 acres
uneNIFS_F035FINN MICHAEL1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_F036FINNAGAN JAMES1798Boats Crew, Norfolk Island1805male convicts, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_F037FISHBURNE ANDREW1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791Private, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_F038FISHER ANN1810female child victualled1812child not victualled
uneNIFS_F039FISHER EDWARD (2)1801married GREGORY ELIZABETH1807settler, to embark on the Porpoise
uneNIFS_F040FISHER EDWARD/BLATHERHORN WILLIAM1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1817at Hobart Town
uneNIFS_F041FISHER FRANCIS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1792removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_F042FISHER HANNAH1802female convict, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_F043FISHER MARY1810free woman victualled1812free woman not victualled
uneNIFS_F044FISHER REBECCA1810female child not victualled1812child not victualled
uneNIFS_F045FISHER WILLIAMaka William Windsor1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW a child1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, first class with 1 wife
uneNIFS_F046FISK THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, settler and free person, employed as a Sawyerorigin not stated1792-1793delivered maize 14 bushells
uneNIFS_F047FITZGERALD ELIZABETH1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_F048FITZGERALD JANE1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_F049FITZGERALD JENNY1796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 17961796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 1796
uneNIFS_F050FITZGERALD JOHN1802Port Jackson to Norfolk Islande per Porpoise18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Fitzpatrick John, per Friendship, off stores, Emancipated
uneNIFS_F051FITZGERALD MARY1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_F052FITZGERALD MICHAEL1800convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porposie1805male convicts, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_F053FITZGERALD ROSE1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_F054FITZGERALD SUSANNAH1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_F055FITZGERALD WILLIAM (1)1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_F056FITZGERALD WILLIAM (2)1800prisoner for Norfolk Island per HMS Buffalo1805male convicts, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_F057FITZPATRICK ROSE1805woman from sentence expired off the stores1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_F058FITZWILLIAM JOHN1803male convicts, 239 days victualled 1805male convicts, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_F059FLAHARTY ANN1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1805child above two years of age, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_F060FLANAGAN JOHN1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1808child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 135 days victualled departed 14 May River Derwent
uneNIFS_F061FLANAGAN MARY (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_F062FLANAGAN MARY (2)1792entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Pitt1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Chesterfield
uneNIFS_F063FLANAGAN PATRICK1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795victualled in 1795 for 351 days all species
uneNIFS_F064FLANNAGAN CHARLOTTE1802child above two years of age, on stores for 168 days in 1802 (since July)1792<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 2-3 rations, origin not stated
uneNIFS_F065FLANNAGAN WILLIAM1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1808child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 135 days victualled departed 14 May River Derwent
uneNIFS_F066FLANNIGAN ROBERT1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance September 17961796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance September 1796
uneNIFS_F067FLARHARTY ZACHARIAH1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born1805child above two years of age, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_F068FLARHERTY MARY1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_F069FLARTY PHEBE1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1804child of, PODMORE SARAH baptised, father Richard Podmore
uneNIFS_F070FLAXMORE HENRY1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_F071FLAYHE HENRY1798Boats Crew, Norfolk Island1798Boats Crew, Norfolk Island
uneNIFS_F072FLEMMING JOHN (1)1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Francis Port Jackson1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Francis Port Jackson
uneNIFS_F073FLEMMING JOHN (2)1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Francis
uneNIFS_F074FLEMMING MARY1791entered into Victualling Book, free woman, from/per Atlantic1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_F075FLEMMING THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Serjeant, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_F076FLETCHER ANTHONY1804Setters from convicts, Free Settler, 50 days victualled 1809VDL Derwent River settler, 100 acres, New Norfolk District
uneNIFS_F077FLETCHER CHARLES1800Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise1800Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_F078FLETCHER JAMES1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1792punished for suspected of stealing government indian corn
uneNIFS_F079FLETCHER JANE1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_F080FLETCHER MARY (1)1804free woman, 50 days victualled 1806free woman, 31 days on stores to 12 August,
uneNIFS_F081FLETCHER MARY (2)1805child above two years of age, 181 days victualled 1806child above 2 Years at 1/2 ration, 35 days on stores to 12 August,
uneNIFS_F082FLETCHER SARAH1804orphan and child above ten years at two thirds, 50 days victualled 1805child above Ten Years and Orphans on the stores,
uneNIFS_F083FLEXMORE FRANCIS1791mentioned in Clark's Journal18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Flexmore Francis, per Neptune, on stores, Constable
uneNIFS_F084FLINN CATHERINE1801buried, 1801buried,
uneNIFS_F085FLORA LAURA1789prisoner, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island1795victualled in 1795 for 205 days all species
uneNIFS_F086FLOYD ISAAC1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_F087FLOYD WILLIAM1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance June 1798
uneNIFS_F088FLYNN CATHERINE1801baptised, child of James Nixon and Mary Flinn1801baptised, child of James Nixon and Mary Flinn
uneNIFS_F089FLYNN EDWARD1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Francis, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_F090FLYNN MARY (1)1801child of, FLYNN CATHERINE baptised, father James Nixon1805female convictoff the stores,
uneNIFS_F091FLYNN MARY (2)1804child under two years, 101 days victualled 1805child under two Years on the stores,
uneNIFS_F092FLYNN PATRICK1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Boddington, "sentenced for death at Sydney Port Jackson but respited on condition of transportation to Norfolk Island1805male convicton the stores, Boats Crew
uneNIFS_F093FLYNN ROBERT1802born May 1802, convict child1805child above two years on the stores,
uneNIFS_F094FLYNNE PETER1805Norfolk Island Boats Crew1805Norfolk Island Boats Crew
uneNIFS_F095FOGARTHY MARY1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_F096FOLEY BARTHOLOMEW1804male convicts, 50 days victualled 1805male convicton the stores, Name crossed out Stockman, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_F097FOLEY HUGH (1)1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance June 17981798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance June 1798
uneNIFS_F098FOLEY HUGH (2)1810government servant victualled, seaman1812stowed away in the "Cumberland" Whaler 26 March 1812
uneNIFS_F099FOLLEY JOHN1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Foley John, per Came free, off stores, Constable (remark crossed out)
uneNIFS_F100FOLLY THOMAS1805Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Buffalo June 18051805Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Buffalo June 1805
uneNIFS_F101FORBES ANN (1)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1794free, married, 1 children, maintained off stores by William Dring, freeman
uneNIFS_F102FORBES ANN (2)1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus
uneNIFS_F103FORBES ELIZABETH1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus1794<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_F104FOREMAN JOHN1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 55 days victualled
uneNIFS_F105FORRESTER DUNCAN1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_F106FORRESTER ROBERT1791convict settler, at Mount Pitt Path, Queensboro Township, 12 acres1792-1793delivered maize 46.5 bushells
uneNIFS_F107FORSTER RHEUBEN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_F108FORSYTH JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_F109FOSSETT JOHN1793punished for gambling1793punished for gambling
uneNIFS_F110FOSSETT ROBERT1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander
uneNIFS_F111FOSSETT WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1792removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_F112FOVEAUX JOSEPH1802military department, Major, Lieutenant Governor, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1804Civil Department, Lieutenant Governor, 143 days victualled
uneNIFS_F113FOWELL NEWTON17902nd Lieutenant, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius17902nd Lieutenant, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius
uneNIFS_F114FOWKES FRANCIS1789prisoner, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island1791convict, Sydney Town
uneNIFS_F115FOWLER ANN1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance1806free women from sentence expired,, 91 days on stores 13 August to 31 December
uneNIFS_F116FOWLER ELIZABETH1802baptised, child of William Breslaw and Anne Fowler1806child above 2 Years at 1/2 ration,, 91 days on stores 13 August to 31 December
uneNIFS_F117FOWLER MARY1791sow provided to by James Davis1791sow provided to by James Davis
uneNIFS_F118FOWLER NATHANIEL1802military department, Private, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1806New South Wales Corps, Private, 144 days on stores
uneNIFS_F119FOWLER THOMAS1805child of all descriptions off the stores1806child above 2 Years at 1/2 ration,, 91 days on stores 13 August to 31 December
uneNIFS_F120FOWLER WILLIAM1802child above two years of age, on stores for 140 days in 1802 (since November)1802child above two years of age, on stores for 140 days in 1802 (since November)
uneNIFS_F121FOWLES ANN1789entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Supply1792taken off stores by Wife to John Ruglass
uneNIFS_F122FOWLES MARY1788entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 2-3 rations, from/per Golden Grove<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Womens
uneNIFS_F123FOWLES THOMAS1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by labour for government, remained on Norfolk Island without Leave18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Fowles Thomas, per Atlantic, off stores,
uneNIFS_F124FOX (+)1796entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1796entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_F125FOX JOHN1799Norfolk Island Boats Crew1799Norfolk Island Boats Crew
uneNIFS_F126FOX MARY1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply
uneNIFS_F127FOY WILLIAM1799Norfolk Island Boats Crew1805Port Jackson to Port Dalrymple
uneNIFS_F128FOYLE JANE1791sow provided to by Government1791sow provided to by Government
uneNIFS_F129FOYLE WILLIAM1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792-1793delivered maize 28 bushells
uneNIFS_F130FRANCES WILLIAM1788male convict1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per late Endeavour Port Jackson
uneNIFS_F131FRANCIS JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1808Individual not holding land, to embark on the City of Edinburgh
uneNIFS_F132FRANCIS THE LASCAR1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, Lascar, from/per late Endeavour1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, Lascar, from/per late Endeavour
uneNIFS_F133FRANCIS THOMASdistinct from THOMAS FRANCIS1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Francis Thomas, per Canada, off stores,
uneNIFS_F134FRANCIS WILLIAM1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1804buried,
uneNIFS_F135FRANKLIN GEORGE1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_F136FRANKLIN ROBERT1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1793punished for threating his overseer in the execution of his duty
uneNIFS_F137FRANKLIN THOMAS1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1803male convicts, 155 days victualled
uneNIFS_F138FRAZIER ANN1800to Norfolk Island per Porpoise1810free woman, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_F139FRAZIER WILLIAMaka FRASER WILLIAM1792male convict, stowaway on the Pitt1796Norfolk Island Boats Crew
uneNIFS_F140FREE SAMUEL1802free, received stores and/or slop clothing1809VDL Derwent River settler, 74 acres, From Hobarttown to Brown's River
uneNIFS_F141FREEMAN JOHN1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_F142FREEMAN SAMUEL1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander
uneNIFS_F143FREEMAN THOMAS1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_F144FROST / PECK MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_F145FROST / TIMMS MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, departed
uneNIFS_F146FROST FRANCES1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 1796
uneNIFS_F147FROST JOHN1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_F148FROST MARY (1)1792removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Atlantic1795<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, origin not stated
uneNIFS_F149FROST MARY (2)<[?]>removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for <[?]>, <[?]>1792<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_F150FROST MARY (3)1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_F151FROST SARAH (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_F152FROST SARAH (2)1796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 17961796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 1796
uneNIFS_F153FRY GEORGE1794entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Francis1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Fancy, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_F154FRYAN JOHN1808free man from sentence expired, 15 days victualled 1810Free Man, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_F155FRYER CHARLES1802military department, Private, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_F156FRYER RICHARD1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Francis Port Jackson1809contracted onboard the Estramina for Port Jackson, inhabitant, a wife, a settler of the service class
uneNIFS_F157FULLERTON JAMES1803male convicts, 239 days victualled 1814Free Pardon granted by Macquarie, FULLERTON JAMES per Friendship 1800
uneNIFS_F158FULTON ANN1802free women and child above ten years of age, 365 in 1802 (since January)1806free woman, 95 days on stores
uneNIFS_F159FULTON HENRY1802free people from sentences expired, Offical Chaplain, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1806Civil Department, Chaplain, 95 days on stores
uneNIFS_F160FULTON JANE1801buried, child1801buried, child
uneNIFS_F161FULTON JOHN WALKER1803child under two years of age, 253 days victualled 1806child above 2 Years at 1/2 ration, 95 days on stores
uneNIFS_F162FULTON LYDIA1805baptised, child of Henry Fulton and Anne Fulton1805baptised, child of Henry Fulton and Anne Fulton
uneNIFS_F163FULTON SARAH1802free child under two years of age, 365 in 1802 (since January)1806child above 2 Years at 1/2 ration, 95 days on stores
uneNIFS_G001GAFFNEY LAURENCE1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_G002GAHAN THOMAS1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 100 days on treasury ration, 237 days on military ration1804New South Wales Corps, Private, 84 days victualled
uneNIFS_G003GALE ELIZABETH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Buffalo June 1798
uneNIFS_G004GALE HENRY1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_G005GALE MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, origin not stated1798child, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_G006GALE ROBERT1798child, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1798child, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_G007GALE SUSAN1798child, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1798child, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_G008GALE WILLIAM1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_G009GALLAGHER JAMES1802military department, Corporal, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1804buried, Soldier
uneNIFS_G010GALSBY WILLIAM1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per late Endeavour Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per late Endeavour Port Jackson
uneNIFS_G011GALVIN PATRICK1800convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porposie1805male convicts, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_G012GAMBLE MARY1788female convict1794free, single, 0 children, maintained off stores by John Price
uneNIFS_G013GANNON PATRICK1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_G014GANSOL EMMANUEL1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_G015GANTIE TYNAN1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson
uneNIFS_G016GARDINER JOHN1791Corporal, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_G017GARLAND ANN1801buried, free Woman1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_G018GARLAND ELIZABETHaka DNNETT Elizabeth1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1812born here. departed Anne Whaler for headquarters 19 April 1812
uneNIFS_G019GARLAND JOHN1807free man Apprentices, Midshipman, 42 days on stores1807free man Apprentices, Midshipman, 42 days on stores
uneNIFS_G020GARLAND JOSEPH1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_G021GARLAND MARY J1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_G022GARRETT WILLIAM1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1794labourer, rents five acres from Sam Humphrey, settler.
uneNIFS_G023GARTER MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_G024GARTH EDWARD1788male convict<[nd]>late a convict, purchased lot 44, 60 acres, formerly belonging to Robert Stephens
uneNIFS_G025GARTH JAMES1796free, proprietor of Lot No.93, 40 acre lease, purchased from those who have quitted this settlement or who have been recently settled1796free, proprietor of Lot No.93, 40 acre lease, purchased from those who have quitted this settlement or who have been recently settled
uneNIFS_G026GARTH RICHARDborn 1807 Norflk Island; Richard Gough aka Richard Garth18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Garth Richard, born at Norfolk Island, off stores, 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Garth Richard, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_G027GARTY FRANCIS1802Port Jackson to Norfolk Islande per Porpoise1805male convictoff the stores, Taylor
uneNIFS_G028GARTY JOHN1803male convicts, 254 days victualled 1803male convicts, 254 days victualled
uneNIFS_G029GASKIN MARY1791sow provided to by Lucas<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_G030GASKIN SARAH1791sow provided to by Lucas<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_G031GASKIN/LUCAS ANN1789entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born1802child above ten years of age, on stores for 245 days in 1802 (since May)
uneNIFS_G032GASKIN/LUCAS NATHANIEL1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1818passenger on the John Palmer for Port Darymple , age 25; brother of George Lucas
uneNIFS_G033GASKIN/LUCAS OLIVIA (1)aka Olivia Gascoigne1788female convict1818passenger on the John Palmer for Port Darymple , widow of the late Nathaniel Lucas
uneNIFS_G034GASKIN/LUCAS OLIVIA (2)1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/4 rations, born1805child above two years of age, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_G035GASKIN/LUCAS WILLIAM1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1802child above ten years of age, on stores for 245 days in 1802 (since June)
uneNIFS_G036GATEHOUSE ANN1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1805child above two years of age, 181 days victualled
uneNIFS_G037GATEHOUSE ELIZABETH1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_G038GATEHOUSE JOHN (1)1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Chesterfield
uneNIFS_G039GATEHOUSE JOHN (2)1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Port Jackson
uneNIFS_G040GATEHOUSE MARYaka GETTIS-GATTEY, left Norfolk Island on 1 March 1805 travelling to Port Jackson.1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance September 17961805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_G041GATERS MARY1791pig provided to by Herself1791pig provided to by Herself
uneNIFS_G042GATERS MARY ANNEaka Gatto1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_G043GATERS WILLIAM1805child above two years of age, 114 days victualled 1805child above two years of age, 114 days victualled
uneNIFS_G044GATES JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1803settlers from Seamen, Marines, free man etc, Landed from Porpoise, 84 days victualled
uneNIFS_G045GATTEY ANN1805child above two years on the stores, 1805child above two years on the stores,
uneNIFS_G046GAUNT WILLIAM1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_G047GAVIN ROGER1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Gavin Roger, per Minerva, on stores, Constable
uneNIFS_G048GEARAN JERREMIAH1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, Private, 14 days victualled 1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_G049GEAREN JERRY1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_G050GEARY DENNISdistinct from GUIRE DENNIS 1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Geary Dennis, per Sugar Cane, off stores,
uneNIFS_G051GEARY ELIZABETH1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise, 2/3 provisions
uneNIFS_G052GEARY MARY1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_G053GEARY PATRICK1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_G054GENNERS WILLIAM1794labourer, hired for twelve months William Clark, Dep. Of Com1794labourer, hired for twelve months William Clark, Dep. Of Com
uneNIFS_G055GEOFFREY LEWIS1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_G056GETTIS ANN1805Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Buffalo July 18051805Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Buffalo July 1805
uneNIFS_G057GETTIS REBECCAaka Rebecca Gatty1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_G058GETTIS WILLIAMaka William Gatty - Gatley - Gatters1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_G059GEWALT JOHN1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize1792removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_G060GHOST JOHN1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt
uneNIFS_G061GIBSON ANN1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1808Women whose sentence expired, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_G062GIBSON BENJAMINaka Benjamin Risby1805child of all descriptions off the stores18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Risby Benjamin, born in the Colony, off stores,
uneNIFS_G063GIBSON CHARLES1804baptised, child of Charles Rizby and Anne Rizby <[blank]> buried, a child
uneNIFS_G064GIBSON HANNAH1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_G065GIBSON JOHN1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Gibson John, per Pitt, off stores,
uneNIFS_G066GIBSON JOSEPH1802child above two years of age, on stores for 238 days in 1802 (since June)18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Risby Joseph, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_G067GIBSON SUSAN1796entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1806orphans and other child at 2/3 rations, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_G068GIBSON THOMASaka Thomas Risby1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Risby Thomas, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_G069GIBSON WILLIAM1798bill paid by, to GIBSON WILLIAM1798bill paid by, to GIBSON WILLIAM
uneNIFS_G070GILBERT RICHARD1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1810Detachment of the 102" Regiment, Private, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_G071GILBERT STEPHEN1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1794marine, gave his ground up
uneNIFS_G072GILBURNE ANDREW1790Corporal, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790Corporal, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_G073GILBURNE MARGARET1790Marine Wives and children, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790Marine Wives and children, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_G074GILBURNE WILLIAM1790Marine Wives and children, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790Marine Wives and children, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_G075GILES ELIZABETH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_G076GILES HENRY1796Norfolk Island Boats Crew1796Norfolk Island Boats Crew
uneNIFS_G077GILES JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander
uneNIFS_G078GILES WILLIAM1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1792takes off stores Ann Wood
uneNIFS_G079GILL AMELIA1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Fancy, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_G080GILLETT JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Marquis Cornwallis, Europe
uneNIFS_G081GILMORE JAMESaka GILLMAN JAMES in shipping records1800convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porposie1805male convicts, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_G082GINNIS WILLIAM1802male convict, on stores for 203 days in 1802 (since June)1802male convict, on stores for 203 days in 1802 (since June)
uneNIFS_G083GLASBY WILLIAM1796Norfolk Island Boats Crew1799Boats Crew, Norfolk Island
uneNIFS_G084GLASSLEY WILLIAM1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_G085GLEAVES THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795sick with Dysenteria
uneNIFS_G086GLOSSOP ANN (1)1801child of, GLOSSOP ANN (2) baptised, father William Broughton1806free, indebted for merchandise drawn from public stores
uneNIFS_G087GLOSSOP ANN (2)aka Mary Ann Glossop and Broughton1801baptised, child of William Broughton and Lilly Heathorn1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_G088GLOSSOP REBECCAaka Rebecca Heathorn1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_G089GLOSSOP SARAH1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1804child above two years of age at half rations, 28 days victualled
uneNIFS_G090GLOSSOP WILLIAM1802child above two years of age, on stores for 230 days in 1802 (since July)1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_G091GLOSTER WILLIAM1789entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Supply1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Britannia
uneNIFS_G092GODMAN THOMAS1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, Private, 14 days victualled 1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_G093GOLDING GILES1800Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 55 days victualled
uneNIFS_G094GOLDSMITH ELIZABETH (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1809Woman whose sentence are expired, 181 days victualled
uneNIFS_G095GOLDSMITH ELIZABETH (2)1802children, received stores and/or slop clothing1809child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 181 days victualled
uneNIFS_G096GOLDSMITH GEORGEaka George Rayner1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, status and origin not stated18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Rayner George, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_G097GOLDSMITH MARY1802children, received stores and/or slop clothing1809child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 63 days victualled
uneNIFS_G098GOLDSMITH ROBERT1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1804male convicts, 41 days victualled
uneNIFS_G099GOLDSMITH WILLIAM1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_G100GOODALL WILLIAM1790Corporal, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790Corporal, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_G101GOODMAN WILLIAM1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1793victualled in 1793 for days all species
uneNIFS_G102GOODWIN ANDREW1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792-1793delivered maize 24 bushells
uneNIFS_G103GOODWIN ELIZA1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_G104GOODWIN ELIZABETH1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_G105GOODWIN WILLIAM1792punished for absenting themsleves from public works1792punished for absenting themsleves from public works
uneNIFS_G106GORDON DANIEL1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1805sentence expired off the stores, Tailor
uneNIFS_G107GORDON JAMES1790Able Seaman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius1790Able Seaman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius
uneNIFS_G108GORDON JANE1795entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Supply1808Individual not holding land, to embark on the City of Edinburgh
uneNIFS_G109GORDON MARYaka SCATTERGOOD MARY1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_G110GORDON WILLIAM1798child, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1798child, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_G111GORMAN MARY1793entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Kitty1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Fancy, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_G112GORMAN PATRICK1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing1806male convicts, 171 days on stores
uneNIFS_G113GORMAN THOMASaka NORMAN THOMAS1802overseer, received stores and/or slop clothing1808free man from sentence expired, 70 days victualled departed 8 September 1808 River Derwent
uneNIFS_G114GOUGH EDWARDborn 1795Norfolk Island; aka Edward Garth Jnr1791mentioned in Clark's Journal18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Garth Edward, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_G115GOUGH ELIZABETH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Francis
uneNIFS_G116GOUGH JAMESaka James Garth; distinct from GOUGH JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Garth James, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_G117GOUGH JOHNdistinct from GOUGH JAMES1804child above two years of age at half rations, 41 days victualled 1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_G118GOUGH MARYdistinct from GOUGH MARY ANN1791sow provided to by Edward Garth1791sow provided to by Edward Garth
uneNIFS_G119GOUGH MARY ANNaka GARTH MARY ANNE1789entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_G120GOUGH SUSANNAH (1)1788female convict1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_G121GOUGH SUSANNAH (2)1804child above two years of age at half rations, 41 days victualled 1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_G122GOUGH WILLIAMaka William Garth1804child above two years of age at half rations, 41 days victualled 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Garth William, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_G123GOWEN JOHN1788Corporal 1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_G124GRACE JAMES1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1793removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_G125GRADY HENRY1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Minerva1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_G126GRANT ELIZABETH1805woman from sentence expired off the stores1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_G127GRANT GEORGE1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Reliance, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_G128GRANT GILBERT1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1805settler from convict, no wife, no children, 10 acres under cultivation
uneNIFS_G129GRANT JAMESdistinct from GRANT JOHN1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Drummer, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_G130GRANT JOHNdistinct GRANT JAMES1805Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Buffalo June 18041811Free Pardon granted by Macquarie, GRANT JOHN per Coromandel 1804
uneNIFS_G131GRANT WILLIAM (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_G132GRANT WILLIAM (2)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_G133GRAVER JOHN BROWN1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_G134GRAVES BENJAMIN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1792removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_G135GRAY CHARLES (1)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792taken off stores Out of his Time, Works for his living with Settlers
uneNIFS_G136GRAY CHARLES (2)1802overseer, received stores and/or slop clothing1809Men From sentence expired, 181 days victualled
uneNIFS_G137GRAY GEORGE1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, Private, 14 days victualled 1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_G138GRAY WILLIAM1804buried, child1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_G139GREEN ANN1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_G140GREEN ELIZABETH1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance
uneNIFS_G141GREEN JAMES1798Port Jackson to Norfok Island per HMS Reliance, child at 1/2 allowance1808male convict, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_G142GREEN JOHN1790entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1803male convicts, 196 days victualled
uneNIFS_G143GREEN LETITIA1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_G144GREEN MARY1789prisoner, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_G145GREENBANK THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Fancy, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_G146GREENE CHARLES1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_G147GREENE MICHAEL1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, Private, 14 days victualled 1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, Private, 14 days victualled
uneNIFS_G148GREENSWITH WILLIAM1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Hillsborough1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Hillsborough
uneNIFS_G149GREENWITH WILLIAM1802labourer, received stores and/or slop clothing1804male convicts, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_G150GREGORY / FISHER EDWARD1805Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Buffalo July 18051805Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Buffalo July 1805
uneNIFS_G151GREGORY / FISHER SARAH1802born February 1802, settlers child1812child not victualled
uneNIFS_G152GREGORY / FISHER SUSANaka Susannah Fisher1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_G153GREGORY / FISHER THOMASaka Thomas Fisher; Thomas Gregory1802child of free women above the two years of age, 50 in 1802 (since January)18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Fisher Thomas, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_G154GREGORY ELIZABETH1791pig provided to by Government1793<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, status and origin not stated
uneNIFS_G155GREGORY JAMES1808free man from sentence expired, 15 days victualled 1810Free Man, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_G156GREGORY JOHNaka John Fisher1804baptised, child of Edward Fisher and Elizabeth Fisher1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_G157GREGORY SARAH (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1807died and buried on Norfolk Island
uneNIFS_G158GREGORY SARAH (2)aka Sarah Johnson1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_G159GREGORY THOMAS1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize<[nd]>late a convict, purchased lot 72, 60 acres, formerly belonging to Thomas Scully
uneNIFS_G160GRIFFIN ELIZABETHdistinct from GRIFFITH ELIZABETH 1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_G161GRIFFIN GEORGE1790entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, origin not stated1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance
uneNIFS_G162GRIFFITH ELIZABETHdistinct from GRIFFIN ELIZABETH1794free, married, 0 children, maintained off stores by washing and sewing1794free, married, 0 children, maintained off stores by washing and sewing
uneNIFS_G163GRIFFITHS JOHN (1)1789Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_G164GRIFFITHS JOHN (2)1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for <[blank]>, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_G165GRIFFITHS JOHN (3)1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1794victualled in 1794 for 310 days all species
uneNIFS_G166GRIFFITHS JOHN (4)1802free people from sentences expired, on stores for 79 days in 1802 (since January)1802free people from sentences expired, on stores for 79 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_G167GRIGGON PATRICK1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_G168GRIGGS JAMES1796entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, from/per Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, from/per Port Jackson
uneNIFS_G169GRIGGS SARAH (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 1796
uneNIFS_G170GRIGGS SARAH (2)Child of GRIGGS SARAH (1)1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1802child above two years of age, on stores for 22 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_G171GRIMES CHARLES (1)1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_G172GRIMES CHARLES (2)aka Richard Grimes1796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 17961796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 1796
uneNIFS_G173GRINDLER HENRY1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize1792-1793delivered maize 14 bushells
uneNIFS_G174GRINSLETT ANN1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1805child above two years of age, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_G175GRINSLETT ELIZABETH1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1805child above two years of age, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_G176GRINSLETT JOHN1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1805child above two years of age, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_G177GRINSLETT WILLIAM1800to Norfolk Island per Porpoise1805child above two years of age, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_G178GROOME JAMES1803male convicts, 239 days victualled 1810male convicts, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_G179GROVES THOMAS (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1794curry comb maker, hired for a twelve month by Abraham Hand, settler.
uneNIFS_G180GROVES THOMAS (2)1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by government, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_G181GUESSER LUKE1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, 14 days victualled 1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_G182GUEST GEORGE1790prisoner, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island<[nd]>late a convict, purchased lot 17, 60 acres, formerly belonging to John Monday
uneNIFS_G183GUEST LETITIA1798Port Jackson to Norfok Island per HMS Reliance, child at 1/2 allowance1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_G184GUEST MARY1802born August 1802, settlers child1804buried, George Guest child
uneNIFS_G185GUIRE DENNIS1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_G186GUISE ELIZABETH1802wives of military (New South Wales Corps), 365 in 1802 (since January)1804free woman, 14 days victualled
uneNIFS_G187GUISE RICHARD1802military department, Serjeant, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1804New South Wales Corps, Sergeant, 84 days victualled
uneNIFS_G188GUISE WILLIAM1802child of military above two years of age, 365 in 1802 (since January)1804child above two years of age at half rations, 84 days victualled
uneNIFS_G189GUNN GEORGE1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1793 <[sic: 1794]>entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson
uneNIFS_G190GUNN MICHAEL1810military establishment victualled, Private1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_G191GUNTER WILLIAM1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1794labourer, hired for a twelve month by William Fisher, Overseer.
uneNIFS_G192GUSSON LUKE1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_G193GUY GEORGE1804free man from sentence expired, 49 days victualled 1806free man from sentence expired, 94 days on stores
uneNIFS_G194GUY THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Guy Thomas, per Matilda, on stores, Constable
uneNIFS_H001HACKETT JAMES1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1804free man from sentence expired, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_H002HACKING HENRY1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Hacking Henry, per Came Free, off stores, Sup't Pilot
uneNIFS_H003HADLEY ELIZABETH1812born at Port Jackson1812born at Port Jackson
uneNIFS_H004HAGGER ANNE1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_H005HAILEY JAMES (1)1794victualled in 1794 for 88 days all species1793 <[sic: 1794]>entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson
uneNIFS_H006HAILEY JAMES (2)1803male convicts, 365 days victualled 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Healey James, per Canada, off stores, Certificate
uneNIFS_H007HAILEY JOHN1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791Private, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_H008HALE MARGARET1804free women from sentence expired, 184 days victualled 1804free women from sentence expired, 184 days victualled
uneNIFS_H009HALES GEORGE1801buried, Captain of General Boyd1801buried, Captain of General Boyd
uneNIFS_H010HALEY WILLIAM1805male convictoff the stores, Servant1808Individual not holding land, to embark on the City of Edinburgh
uneNIFS_H011HALFPENNY THOMAS1791marine, at Arthur's Vale, Queensboro Township, 60 acres1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_H012HALL ELIZABETH1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_H013HALL JOHN (1)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1817at Hobart Town
uneNIFS_H014HALL JOHN (2)1803male convicts, 365 days victualled 1808male convict, 91 days victualled departed 14 May River Derwent
uneNIFS_H015HALL JOHN (3)1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_H016HALL JOSEPH (1)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_H017HALL JOSEPH (2)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1817at Hobart Town
uneNIFS_H018HALL MARGARET1790prisoner, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island1806free women from sentence expired, 144 days on stores
uneNIFS_H019HALL ROBERT1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance September 17961805New South Wales Corps, Serjeant, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_H020HALL SARAH1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1807free women from sentence expired, 122 days on stores
uneNIFS_H021HALL THOMAS1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per late Endeavour Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per late Endeavour Port Jackson
uneNIFS_H022HALLIGAN GEORGE1802military department, Private, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1802military department, Private, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_H023HAMANWOOD JOHN1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance September 17961796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance September 1796
uneNIFS_H024HAMBLETON THOMAS1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by labour for government, remained on Norfolk Island without Leave1808male convict, 135 days victualled departed 14 May River Derwent
uneNIFS_H025HAMBLY WILLIAM1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Hambly William, per Came Free, off stores,
uneNIFS_H026HAMILTON ELIZABETH1802child above two years of age, on stores for 197 days in 1802 (since January)1817passenger on the Jupiter for Hobart Town, came from the Derwent; born at Norfolk Island
uneNIFS_H027HAMILTON JOHN1805Norfolk Island Boats Crew1805Norfolk Island Boats Crew
uneNIFS_H028HAMILTON MARGARET1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1804female convict, 41 days victualled
uneNIFS_H029HAMILTON MARIA (1)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1808Women whose sentence expired, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_H030HAMILTON MARIA (2)is in 1802 VB book as HAMBLETON1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1817passenger on the Rosetta for Port Darymple , by birth in Norfolk Island
uneNIFS_H031HAMILTON NICHOLAS1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1805free men off the stores, Surname crossed out and corrected with Hamilton Thompson
uneNIFS_H032HAMILTON WILLIAM (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_H033HAMILTON WILLIAM (2)1793<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, status and origin not stated1793<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, status and origin not stated
uneNIFS_H034HAMISH MARY1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_H035HAMMOND ELIZABETH1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_H036HAMMOND JOHN1801Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_H037HANDS ABRAHAM1791marine, at Proctors Run, Philipsburg Township, 60 acres18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Hand Abraham, per Scarbrough, off stores,
uneNIFS_H038HANDS WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Hands William, per Neptune, off stores,
uneNIFS_H039HANLEY ROBERT1805male convicton the stores, Stock Keeper1805male convicton the stores, Stock Keeper
uneNIFS_H040HANNAGAN WILLIAM1803child above two years of age, 365 days victualled 1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_H041HANNAWAY ANN1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1807free women from sentence expired, 136 days on stores
uneNIFS_H042HANNAWAY ELIZABETH1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1807child above 2 Years at 1/2 ration, 156 days on stores
uneNIFS_H043HANNAWAY JAMES1790entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, origin not stated18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Hannaway James, born on Passage to NSW, off stores,
uneNIFS_H044HANNAWAY MARIA1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1807child above 2 Years at 1/2 ration, 156 days on stores
uneNIFS_H045HANNAWAY SARAH1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_H046HANNAWAY SUSANNAH1805child under two years of age, 31 days victualled 1806child under 2 years at 1-4 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_H047HARBUCKLE WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for <[blank]>, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_H048HARDIMAN ELIZABETH1791entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Atlantic1810Women whose sentence are expired, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_H049HARDIMAN GEORGE1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_H050HARDIMAN MARY1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_H051HARDING AMELIA1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1792-1793delivered maize 4 bushells
uneNIFS_H052HARDING MARGARET1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Britannia1807free women from sentence expired, 86 days on stores
uneNIFS_H053HARDING SAMUEL1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for <[blank]>, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_H054HARMSWORTH ANN1791entered into Victualling Book, free woman, from/per Atlantic1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_H055HARMSWORTH JOHNaka AINSWORTH JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, child of civil military and free, from/per Atlantic1810Detachment of the 102" Regiment, Drummer, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_H056HARMSWORTH/MARSDEN ANN1791entered into Victualling Book, child of civil military and free, from/per Atlantic<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Womens
uneNIFS_H057HARPER JOHN1809Private1809Private
uneNIFS_H058HARPOOLE JAMES1803male convicts, 239 days victualled 1807male convicts, 37 days on stores
uneNIFS_H059HARPUR ANN (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1808Women whose sentence expired, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_H060HARPUR ANN (2)1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_H061HARPUR ELIZABETH1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_H062HARPUR JACOBaka Jacob Billett Jnr1802born December 1802, settlers child18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Billett Jacob, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_H063HARPUR JOHNaka John Billett1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Bellett John, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_H064HARPUR JOSEPH<[blank]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, status and origin not stated<[blank]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, status and origin not stated
uneNIFS_H065HARPUR MARY1796entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/4 rations, born1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_H066HARPUR SUSANNAH1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1808child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_H067HARPUR WILLIAMaka William Billett1806baptised, child of Jacob Bellett and Anne Bellett18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Billett William, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_H068HARRAGAN TEAGUE1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1798Boats Crew Norfolk Island
uneNIFS_H069HARRIMAN ELIZABETH1806free woman from sentences expired, victualled from stores1806free woman from sentences expired, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_H070HARRINGTON EDWARD1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_H071HARRINGTON JOHN1808free man and Apprentices, 70 days victualled departed 26 August 1808 River Derwent1808free man and Apprentices, 70 days victualled departed 26 August 1808 River Derwent
uneNIFS_H072HARRIS (+)1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_H073HARRIS BARTHOLOMEW1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_H074HARRIS EDWARD1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_H075HARRIS ELIZABETH1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_H076HARRIS FRANCIS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_H077HARRIS JAMES1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_H078HARRIS JASPER1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance June 1798
uneNIFS_H079HARRIS JOHN (+)1794constable, MITCHELL HENRY hired for six months by 1795sick with Dysenteria
uneNIFS_H080HARRIS JOHN (1)1790prisoner, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance February 1796
uneNIFS_H081HARRIS JOHN (2)1789entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Supply1792-1793delivered maize 26 bushells
uneNIFS_H082HARRIS JOSEPH1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1793victualled in 1793 for 154 days all species
uneNIFS_H083HARRIS MARTHA1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise, 2/3 provisions1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise, 2/3 provisions
uneNIFS_H084HARRIS MARY1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_H085HARRIS WILLIAM (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Harris William, per Matilda, off stores,
uneNIFS_H086HARRIS WILLIAM (2)1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1793removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_H087HARRISON ELIZABETH1796entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1809Woman whose sentence are expired, 181 days victualled
uneNIFS_H088HARRISON GEORGE1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born
uneNIFS_H089HARRISON HANNAHaka WHITTAKER HANNAH1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1807Individual not holding land, to embark on the Porpoise for the Derwent
uneNIFS_H090HARRISON JOSEPH (1)1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_H091HARRISON JOSEPH (2)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, second class
uneNIFS_H092HARRISON JOSEPH (3)1791entered into Victualling Book, settler and free person, Labourer, from/per Port Jackson1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_H093HARRISON MARGARET1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_H094HARRISON MARY (1)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_H095HARRISON MARY (2)1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1802child above two years of age, on stores for 50 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_H096HARROLD JAMES1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing1807male convicts, 184 days on stores
uneNIFS_H097HARSTO JAMES1806male convicts, 145 days on stores1806male convicts, 145 days on stores
uneNIFS_H098HART CATHERINE1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_H099HART FRANCES1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1792removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Atlantic
uneNIFS_H100HART JOHN (1)1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_H101HART JOHN (2)1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_H102HART JONAS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Chesterfield
uneNIFS_H103HART PATRICK1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_H104HART ROBERT1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_H105HARTLEY MARY1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_H106HARTMAN GEORGE1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_H107HARTWELL1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1790mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_H108HARVEY WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander
uneNIFS_H109HASSAN JOHN1805free men off the stores, 1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, third class
uneNIFS_H110HASSAN THOMAS1812colonial sentence still in force1812colonial sentence still in force
uneNIFS_H111HASWELL WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander
uneNIFS_H112HATCHER JOHN1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1817at Hobart Town
uneNIFS_H113HATHAWAY HENRY1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792-1793delivered maize 40 bushells
uneNIFS_H114HATTON WILLIAM1792entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Pitt Port Jackson1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_H115HAVEN EDWARD1802nsw corps, received stores and/or slop clothing1810Detachment of the 102" Regiment, Drum Matser Serjeant, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_H116HAWKINS HANNAH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_H117HAWKINS WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Hawkins William, per Matilda, off stores,
uneNIFS_H118HAYCOCK JOHN1791Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_H119HAYCROFT ROBERT1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply
uneNIFS_H120HAYDEN MARTIN1802Port Jackson to Norfolk Islande per Porpoise1805male convicts, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_H121HAYDON JAMES1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_H122HAYDON JOHN1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791convict, Sydney Town
uneNIFS_H123HAYES DENNIS1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1792-1793delivered maize 13 bushells
uneNIFS_H124HAYES HENRY BROWN1805Norfolk Island to Port Dalyrmple per Buffalo October 18051812Free Pardon granted by Macquarie, HAYES HENRY BROWN per Atlas 1 1802
uneNIFS_H125HAYES JOHN (1)1789Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1796sold lot 88, 60 acres, to WENTWORTH DARCY
uneNIFS_H126HAYES JOHN (2)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791convict, 1 acres cleared, Sydney Town
uneNIFS_H127HAYES MICHAELColonial Sentence; arrived Norfolk Island 1808; departed Norfolk Island late 1808; partner of uneNIFS_H282 HUFFNELL ELIZABETH 1812Free Pardon granted by Macquarie, HAYES MICHAEL per Friendship 18011812Free Pardon granted by Macquarie, HAYES MICHAEL per Friendship 1801
uneNIFS_H128HAYLEY THOMAS1802overseer, received stores and/or slop clothing18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Healey Thomas, per Ann, off stores,
uneNIFS_H129HAYLEY WILLIAM1800convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porposie1804male convicts, 62 days victualled
uneNIFS_H130HAYNES EDWARD1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_H131HAYWOOD BENJAMIN1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 101 days on treasury ration, 237 days on military ration1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 55 days victualled
uneNIFS_H132HAYWOOD ELIZABETH (1)also NICHOLLS Elizabeth 1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1812time expired
uneNIFS_H133HAYWOOD ELIZABETH (2)1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_H134HAYWOOD GEORGE1804child above two years of age at half rations, 113 days victualled 1812child victualled
uneNIFS_H135HAYWOOD MARGARET1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1812child victualled
uneNIFS_H136HAYWOOD ROBERT1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_H137HAZEL JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 310 days all species
uneNIFS_H138HAZLEWOOD WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Hazlewood William, per William & Ann, on stores, Charity; Certificate
uneNIFS_H139HAZZARD JOHN1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Francis, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_H140HEARLICHY CORNELIUSaka Hearlichy1800convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porposie1805male convicts, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_H141HEARLY CATHERINE1802child above two years of age, on stores for 309 days in 1802 (since January)1808child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_H142HEARLY MARY1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1808Women whose sentence expired, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_H143HEATH WILLIAM1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance January 17961808individual holds no land, to embark for the Derwent
uneNIFS_H144HEATHERBY ELIZABETH1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by government, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by government, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_H145HEATHERBY JAMES1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by government, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by government, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_H146HEATHERLEY JAMES1790Able Seaman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius1790Able Seaman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius
uneNIFS_H147HEATHORN MARY ANN1801baptised, child of William Broughton and Elizabeth Heathorn1801baptised, child of William Broughton and Elizabeth Heathorn
uneNIFS_H148HEATHORN REBEKAH1804baptised, child of William Broughton and Elizabeth Heathorn1804baptised, child of William Broughton and Elizabeth Heathorn
uneNIFS_H149HEATHORN SARAH1802baptised, child of William Broughton and Elizabeth Heathorn1802baptised, child of William Broughton and Elizabeth Heathorn
uneNIFS_H150HEATHORN WILLIAM1802baptised, child of William Broughton and Elizabeth Heathorn1802baptised, child of William Broughton and Elizabeth Heathorn
uneNIFS_H151HEMMINGS EDWARD1791Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_H152HENDERSON JAMES1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_H153HENDERSON MARY1791entered into Victualling Book, free woman, from/per Atlantic1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_H154HENDERSON ROBERT1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_H155HENDRICK SAMUEL1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by labour for government, remained on Norfolk Island without Leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by labour for government, remained on Norfolk Island without Leave
uneNIFS_H156HENNESSEY PATRICK1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_H157HENNINGS CORNELIUS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Atlantic
uneNIFS_H158HENRY CATHERINE1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_H159HENRY WILLIAM1805Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Buffalo1805Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Buffalo
uneNIFS_H160HERBERT JOHN (+)1804Setters from convicts, 184 days victualled 1807settlers of all descriptions, 181 days on stores
uneNIFS_H161HERBERT JOHN (1)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, first class, 2 children
uneNIFS_H162HERBERT JOHN (2)1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by labour for government, remained on Norfolk Island without Leave18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Herbert John, per Royal Admiral, off stores,
uneNIFS_H163HERITAGE CHARLES1788Private 1796sold lot 52, 60 acres, to LUCAS NATHANIEL
uneNIFS_H164HEWLETT SAMUEL1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1792removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_H165HIBBINS ANN1805free woman off the stores, 1805free woman off the stores,
uneNIFS_H166HIBBINS CONSTANTIA1802child of the civil department above ten years and two years, above 2 years, on stores for 351 days in 1802 (since January)1802child of the civil department above ten years and two years, above 2 years, on stores for 351 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_H167HIBBINS DOUGLAS HUNTER1801baptised, child, parents not stated18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Hibbins Douglas, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_H168HIBBINS ELEANORA1805child of all descriptions off the storesDied since the return made out1805child of all descriptions off the storesDied since the return made out
uneNIFS_H169HIBBINS ELIZABETH1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance January 17961801child of, HIBBINS DOUGLAS HUNTER baptised, father <[blank]> <[blank]>
uneNIFS_H170HIBBINS EMMELINE1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance1802child of the civil department above ten years and two years, Above 10 years, on stores for 351 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_H171HIBBINS THOMAS1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance January 1796<[nd]>Judge Advocate, purchased lot 73, 60 acres, formerly belonging to Patrick Cornwell
uneNIFS_H172HIBBS PETER1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1796Norfolk Island, Pilot
uneNIFS_H173HIBBS SAMUEL1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_H174HICKEY BRIDGET1802female convict, on stores for 141 days in 1802 (since August)1805female convicton the stores,
uneNIFS_H175HIGGINS JAMES (1)1792punished for detected stealing indian corn the property of nathaniel lucas1792punished for detected stealing indian corn the property of nathaniel lucas
uneNIFS_H176HIGGINS JAMES (2)1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Triffett James, born at Norfolk Island, on stores, Constable
uneNIFS_H177HIGGINS JOSEPH1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1812colonial sentence still in force
uneNIFS_H178HIGGINS MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1806free women from sentence expired, 94 days on stores
uneNIFS_H179HIGGINS RICHARD1809male convicts, 184 days victualled 1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_H180HIGGINS ROBERT1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Corporal, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_H181HIGGINS THOMASaka Thomas Triffitt1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Triffett Thomas, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_H182HILL ANN1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1806free women from sentence expired, 135 days on stores
uneNIFS_H183HILL JOHN1805male convicton the stores, labourer1805male convicton the stores, labourer
uneNIFS_H184HILL SYLVESTER1802Port Jackson to Norfolk Islande per Porpoise1803male sentence expired, 365 days victualled
uneNIFS_H185HILL THOMAS1791convict, 1 acres cleared, Sydney Town1796Norfolk Island Boats Crew
uneNIFS_H186HILL WILLIAM1791Captain, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791Captain, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_H187HIND JOHN1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance February 17961796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance February 1796
uneNIFS_H188HINDERS RICHARD1805free man from sentence expired, 109 days on stores1805free man from sentence expired, 109 days on stores
uneNIFS_H189HINDLE JOSEPH1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson
uneNIFS_H190HINDNEY JOHN1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_H191HINTON THOMAS1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Philadelphia1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_H192HIPPSLEY/HIPPESLEY ELIZABETH1788female convict1794free, married, 0 children, maintained off stores by Robert Stephens, settler
uneNIFS_H193HITCHCOCK JOHN1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson
uneNIFS_H194HOARE JOHN1802male convict, on stores for 42 days in 1802 (since November)1802male convict, on stores for 42 days in 1802 (since November)
uneNIFS_H195HOBBS PHILLIP1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801buried, a soldier
uneNIFS_H196HODDY CATHERINE1804baptised, child of Isaac Williams and Rachel Hoddy1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_H197HODDY ELIZABETH1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_H198HODDY HANNAH1802baptised, child of Isaac Williams and Rachel Hoddy1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_H199HODDY MARY1802born Jul 1802, free womans's child1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_H200HODDY RACHEL1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1808Individual not holding land, to embark on the City of Edinburgh
uneNIFS_H201HODDY SARAH1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_H202HODDY THOMASaka Thomas Williams1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Williams Thomas, born at Norfolk Island, off stores, (Thomas Williams per Calcutta details crossed out)
uneNIFS_H203HODGETTS ELIZABETH1801baptised, child of Thomas Hodgett and Hannah Hodgett1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_H204HODGETTS HARRIETT1800to be sent to Norfolk Island1805free woman on the stores,
uneNIFS_H205HODGETTS JAMES1804child under two years, 184 days victualled 1805child under two Years on the stores,
uneNIFS_H206HODGETTS JOHN1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW a child1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_H207HODGETTS MARIA1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW a child1805child above two years on the stores,
uneNIFS_H208HODGETTS SARAH1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW a child1805child above two years on the stores,
uneNIFS_H209HODGETTS THOMAS1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Scarborough (2)1805sentence expired on the stores, Black Smith
uneNIFS_H210HODKINSON JAMES1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_H211HODKINSON JOSEPH1801Norfolk to Port Jackson per Porpoise1801Norfolk to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_H212HOGAN EDWARD1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795victualled in 1795 for 111 days all species
uneNIFS_H213HOGG WILLIAM1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_H214HOLLAND HENRY1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing1808Individual not holding land, to embark on the City of Edinburgh
uneNIFS_H215HOLLAND JAMES1803male sentence expired, 157 days victualled 1803male sentence expired, 157 days victualled
uneNIFS_H216HOLLAND WILLIAM1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave
uneNIFS_H217HOLLIGAN ANNE1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Chesterfield
uneNIFS_H218HOLLIGAN ELIZABETH1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Chesterfield
uneNIFS_H219HOLLIGAN FRANCIS1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_H220HOLLIGAN GEORGE1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by government, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1806New South Wales Corps, Private, 144 days on stores
uneNIFS_H221HOLLINGSWORTH RICHARD1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_H222HOLMES (+)1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_H223HOLMES JOHN1791punished for wantonly using the lt. governor name with intent to defraud1805male convicts, 181 days victualled
uneNIFS_H224HOLMES WILLIAM1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1793punished for buying a regimental shirt from a soldier
uneNIFS_H225HOLT JAMES1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1793punished for accused of stealing indan corn property of owen cavanagh
uneNIFS_H226HOLT JOSEPH1804male convicts, 50 days victualled 1811Free Pardon granted by Macquarie, HOLT JOSEPH per Minerva 1800
uneNIFS_H227HOLT MARGARET1792entered into Victualling Book, free woman, from/per Pitt1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_H228HOLT THOMAS1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by labour for government, remained on Norfolk Island without Leave1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_H229HOOK ELIZABETH1803child above two years of age, 92 days victualled 1803child above two years of age, 92 days victualled
uneNIFS_H230HOOK JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Fancy, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_H231HOOK MARY (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1803child of, HOOK MATILDA baptised, father Daniel Hum
uneNIFS_H232HOOK MARY (2)1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_H233HOOK MARY ELIZABETH1803baptised, child of Daniel Hum and Mary Hook1805child under two years of age, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_H234HOOK MATILDA1803child above two years of age, 92 days victualled 1805child above two years of age, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_H235HOOK WILLIAM1791Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_H236HOOK/HUMM DANIEL1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1805child above two years of age, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_H237HOOK/HUMM WILLIAM1803child above two years of age, 323 days victualled 1805child above two years of age, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_H238HOOPER JOHN1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson1810Detachment of the 102" Regiment, Private, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_H239HOOPER MARTHA1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_H240HOPKINS JOHN (+)1791punished for suspected robbing a garden1794labourer, jobbing work
uneNIFS_H241HOPKINS JOHN (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1794government baker, COCKRAN SAMUEL does jobbing work for
uneNIFS_H242HOPKINS JOHN (2)1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson
uneNIFS_H243HOPKINS MORRIS1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_H244HOPLEY PETER1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Marquis Cornwallis, Europe
uneNIFS_H245HOPPER ELIZABETH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1802child of, HOPPER MARIA baptised, father William Hazelwood
uneNIFS_H246HOPPER MARIA1802child above ten years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1807orphan at 2/3 rations, 184 days on stores
uneNIFS_H247HOPWOOD GEORGE1804male convicts, 184 days victualled 1808male convict, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_H248HOPWOOD JOHN1803male convicts, 239 days victualled 1804male convicts, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_H249HORNE JOHN1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1804male convicts, 166 days victualled
uneNIFS_H250HORSFORD WILLIAM1791taken of stores 24 December 1791 William Holmes1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance September 1796
uneNIFS_H251HOSIER FRANCIS1804baptised, child of Aaron Davis and Elizabeth Hosier1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_H252HOUNSETT MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus
uneNIFS_H253HOUSE SARAH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1794convict, married, 0 children, maintained off stores by John Sparks, settler
uneNIFS_H254HOUSTON ANN1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795victualled in 1795 for 146 days all species
uneNIFS_H255HOUSTON JAMES<[blank]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born<[blank]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_H256HOUSTON JOHN1804Civil Department, Lieutenant, 76 days victualled 1804Civil Department, Lieutenant, 76 days victualled
uneNIFS_H257HOW JAMES1804baptised, child of William Spears and Mary How1804baptised, child of William Spears and Mary How
uneNIFS_H258HOWARD ANN1794entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Daedalus1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_H259HOWARD CHARLES1805child above two years on the stores, 1805child above two years on the stores,
uneNIFS_H260HOWARD JAMES1803male convicts, 365 days victualled 1805male convicton the stores, Boats Crew
uneNIFS_H261HOWARD JOHN (1)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Atlantic
uneNIFS_H262HOWARD JOHN (2)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Howard John, per Salamander, off stores,
uneNIFS_H263HOWARD JOHN (3)1802Port Jackson to Norfolk Islande per Porpoise1802Port Jackson to Norfolk Islande per Porpoise
uneNIFS_H264HOWARD JOHN (4)aka John Lucas; son of Thomas Lucas and Anne Howard1801baptised, child of Thomas Lucas and Anne Howard18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Lucas John, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_H265HOWARD NATHANIELaka Nathanial Lucas; son of Thomas Lucas and Anne Howard1801baptised, child of Thomas Lucas and Anne Howard18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Lucas Nathaniel, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_H266HOWARD RICHARDaka Richard Lucas; son of Thomas Lucas and Anne Howard1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Lucas Richard, born at Norfolk Island, on stores, Constable
uneNIFS_H267HOWARD THOMAS (1)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791convict, Queensborough
uneNIFS_H268HOWARD THOMAS (2)1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, from/per Daedalus1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, from/per Daedalus
uneNIFS_H269HOWARD THOMAS (3)aka Thomas Lucas; son of Thomas Lucas and Anne Howard1802child above two years of age, on stores for 50 days in 1802 (since January)18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Lucas Thomas, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_H270HOWE CATHERINE1805free women from sentence expired, 144 days on stores1805free women from sentence expired, 144 days on stores
uneNIFS_H271HOWE FRANCIS1800Drummer, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise1809contracted onboard the Estramina for Port Jackson, part of detachment, a wife, 3 children
uneNIFS_H272HOWE WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1792punished for steaing rice the property of govt
uneNIFS_H273HOWELL JABEZ1807has 2 acres1807has 2 acres
uneNIFS_H274HOWELL JOHN1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1805New South Wales Corps, Corporal, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_H275HOWLETT JOHN1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_H276HOWSON JOHN1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1805male convicts, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_H277HOYLE HENRY1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_H278HUCKLES THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Marquis Cornwallis, Europe
uneNIFS_H279HUDDLESTON ESTHER1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_H280HUDDLESTON WILLIAM1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_H281HUDSON JOHN1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_H282HUDSON WILLIAM1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1805male convicton the stores, Charcoal
uneNIFS_H283HUFFNELL ELIZABETH1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1808Women whose sentence expired, 19 days victualled
uneNIFS_H284HUFFNELL FRANCES (1)1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_H285HUFFNELL FRANCES (2)1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_H286HUFFNELL SUSANNAH1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1809Woman whose sentence are expired, 21 days victualled Off Stores 21 January 1809
uneNIFS_H287HUFNELL SARAH1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_H288HUGH MALAI1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, Lascar, from/per late Endeavour1796entered into Victualling Book, free people, Lascar, from/per late Endeavour
uneNIFS_H289HUGHES ANN1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_H290HUGHES HENRY1804New South Wales Corps, Private, 134 days victualled 1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_H291HUGHES JOHN1804child under two years at 1/4 ration, 86 days victualled 1804child under two years at 1/4 ration, 86 days victualled
uneNIFS_H292HUGHES MARY1794free, single, 0 children, maintained off stores by her own means1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Fancy, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_H293HUGHES RICHARD1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_H294HUGHES ROBERT1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus
uneNIFS_H295HUGHES SARAH1804free woman, 73 days victualled 1804free woman, 73 days victualled
uneNIFS_H296HUGHES THOMAS1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_H297HUGHES WILLIAM (+)1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 35 days on treasury ration,
uneNIFS_H298HUGHES WILLIAM (1)1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_H299HUGHES WILLIAM (2)1794victualled in 1794 for 88 days all species1793 <[sic: 1794]>entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson
uneNIFS_H300HUGHES WILLIAM (3)1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance January 17961796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance January 1796
uneNIFS_H301HUGHES WILLIAM (4)1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792entered into Victualling Book, settler and free person, Marine settler, from/per Detachment
uneNIFS_H302HUME ANDREW1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1792-1793delivered maize 20 bushells
uneNIFS_H303HUMM DANIEL1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1805New South Wales Corps, Serjeant, 55 days victualled
uneNIFS_H304HUMPHREY ADOLARIUS WILLIAM1805Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Buffalo1805Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Buffalo
uneNIFS_H305HUMPHRIES HENRY1788male convict1794farmer, jobbing work
uneNIFS_H306HUNT DENNIS1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 28 days on treasury ration,
uneNIFS_H307HUNT FRANCIS1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_H308HUNT JAMESdistinct from HUNT JAMES GREGG 1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_H309HUNT JAMES GREGGdistinct from HUNT JAMES 1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply, Port Jackson1795<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, status and origin not stated
uneNIFS_H310HUNT JOSEPH1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_H311HUNT ROBERT1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795victualled in 1795 for 226 days all species
uneNIFS_H312HUNT SUSANNAH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_H313HUNT THOMAS MARTINalso known as Thomas MARTIN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1809VDL Derwent River settler, 30 acres, New Town District
uneNIFS_H314HUNTER JOHN1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_H315HUNTER WILLIAM1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_H316HURLEY ROBERT1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1805male convicts, 181 days victualled
uneNIFS_H317HUSDSON ROBERT1805Ensign in New South Wales Corps, no wife, no children1805Ensign in New South Wales Corps, no wife, no children
uneNIFS_H318HUSSEY SAMUEL1788male convict1817at Hobart Town
uneNIFS_H319HUTCHINS RICHARD1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1794removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_H320HUTCHINSON CHARLOTTE1805baptised, child of William Hutchinson and Mary Hutchinson1812child victualled
uneNIFS_H321HUTCHINSON ELIZABETH1810female child victualled1812child victualled
uneNIFS_H322HUTCHINSON HANNAH (1)1802born Jun 1802, convict child1802born Jun 1802, convict child
uneNIFS_H323HUTCHINSON HANNAH (2)1811child not victualled1812child not victualled
uneNIFS_H324HUTCHINSON WILLIAM1801married COOPER-HUTCHINSON MARY (2)1813left on Norfolk island to assist evacuation, Superindentant, 1 wife, 6 children
uneNIFS_H325HYAM JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795victualled in 1795 for 35 days all species
uneNIFS_H326HYLAND CATHERINE1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_H327HYLAND JAMES1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_H328HYLAND JOHNaka John Foley Jnr1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Foley James, born at Norfolk Island, on stores, Constable (Dist.)
uneNIFS_H329HYSON GEORGE1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing1807male convicts, 184 days on stores
uneNIFS_I001IKEN OBEDIAH1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Serjeant, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 310 days all species
uneNIFS_I002IKEN SARAH1793entered into Victualling Book, free woman, from/per Kitty1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus
uneNIFS_I003ILLID CHARLES1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_I004INETT ANN1788female convict1790Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_I005INGHAM WILLIAM1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance, found concealed in the ship
uneNIFS_I006INGLE JOSEPH1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_I007INGLE OTAWELL1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792taken off stores, Two acres of Ground
uneNIFS_I008INGRAM BENJAMIN1790prisoner, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_I009INNES MARTIN1810Civil Department, Provost Marshall, 90 days victualled 1810Civil Department, Provost Marshall, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_I010INSELL JAMES1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_I011INVITT THOMAS1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_I012IPSEY THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1793punished for suspicion of theft
uneNIFS_I013IRELAND EDWARD1813left on Norfolk island to assist evacuation, Cooper, 1 wife, 1814Conditional Pardon granted by Macquarie, IRELAND EDWARD per Guildford 1812
uneNIFS_I014IRVINE JAMES1802boats crew, received stores and/or slop clothing1805male convicts, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_I015IRVING JOHN1790Assistant to Surgeon, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply 1791
uneNIFS_I016ISAAC JOHN1792punished for absenting themselves from public work1792punished for absenting themselves from public work
uneNIFS_I017ISAAC SAMUEL1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Buffalo June 1798
uneNIFS_I018ISAACS JACOB1803male convicts, 239 days victualled 1807free man from sentence expired, 55 days on stores
uneNIFS_I019ISRAEL ANN1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1805child above two years on the stores,
uneNIFS_I020ISRAEL ELIZABETH1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_I021ISRAEL GEORGE1805baptised, child of Thomas Chafey and Maria Israel1805baptised, child of Thomas Chafey and Maria Israel
uneNIFS_I022ISRAEL HANNAH1803baptised, child of Thomas Chafey and Maria Israel1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_I023ISRAEL LYDIA1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1795<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_I024ISRAEL MARIA (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1805woman from sentence expired on the stores,
uneNIFS_I025ISRAEL MARIA (2)1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_I026ISRAEL ZACHARIAHaka Zachariah Chaffey1802child above two years of age, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Chaffey Zach, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_J001JACKSON ELIZABETH1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_J002JACKSON EYRE1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus
uneNIFS_J003JACKSON HANNAH1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Chesterfield
uneNIFS_J004JACKSON HENRY1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795victualled in 1795 for 14 days all species
uneNIFS_J005JACKSON JAMES (1)Child1804child above two years of age at half rations, 147 days victualled 1804child above two years of age at half rations, 147 days victualled
uneNIFS_J006JACKSON JAMES (2)1809recommended for mitigation of sentence1810male convicts, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_J007JACKSON JOHN1807free man Apprentices, 28 days on stores1807free man Apprentices, 28 days on stores
uneNIFS_J008JACKSON SARAH1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_J009JACKSON THOMAS1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1802male convict, on stores for 22 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_J010JACOBS ABRAHAM1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1807free man Apprentices, Seaman, 42 days on stores
uneNIFS_J011JACOBS DAVID1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_J012JAMES CHARLES1813left on Norfolk island to assist evacuation, Boats Crew1814Conditional Pardon granted by Macquarie, JAMES CHARLES per Anne 1810
uneNIFS_J013JAMES JOHN1805free man from sentence expired, 181 days victualled 1805free man from sentence expired, 181 days victualled
uneNIFS_J014JAMES THOMASdistinct from THOMAS JAMES1802free men and settlers from marines etc, Seaman from H M Ship Porpoise, on stores for 57 in 1802 (since June)1802free men and settlers from marines etc, Seaman from H M Ship Porpoise, on stores for 57 in 1802 (since June)
uneNIFS_J015JAMES WILLIAM1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 55 days victualled
uneNIFS_J016JAMIESON JOHNdistinct from JAMISON JOHN 1792entered into Victualling Book, civil department, Superintendent, from/per Port Jackson1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_J017JAMIESON MARIA1792entered into Victualling Book, free woman, <[?]> <[?]>, from/per Philadelphia1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_J018JAMIESON SAMUEL1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1799Troops for Port Jackson, from Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_J019JAMIESON WILLIAM THOMAS1807has a grant, 34 acres in total1807has a grant, 34 acres in total
uneNIFS_J020JAMISON ELIZABETH1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_J021JAMISON FRANCES1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_J022JAMISON HARRIETT1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_J023JAMISON JOHNdistinct from JAMIESON JOHN 1792entered into Victualling Book, child of civil military and free, 1/2 rations, from/per Port Jackson1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance February 1796
uneNIFS_J024JAMISON PHILIP1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply, Port Jackson<[blank]>entered into Victualling Book, child of civil military and free, 1/2 rations, born
uneNIFS_J025JAMISON THOMAS1788Surgeon Mate 1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_J026JANNER MARY<[blank]> buried, free woman<[blank]> buried, free woman
uneNIFS_J027JARVIS JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_J028JAUCETT WILLIAMJohn Jewett - Jowell - Duet1791convict, Phillipsburgh1802buried,
uneNIFS_J029JENDERS JOSEPH1791mentioned in Clark's Journal18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Jenders Joseph, per Matilda, off stores,
uneNIFS_J030JENDERS WILLIAM1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Jenders William, per Matilda, on stores, Constable
uneNIFS_J031JENKINS CHARLES1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Serjeant, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_J032JENKS JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1808Individual not holding land, to embark on the City of Edinburgh
uneNIFS_J033JENNER WILLIAM1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1808settlers, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_J034JEPHKINS JOHN1805free man from sentence expired, 93 days victualled 1805free man from sentence expired, 93 days victualled
uneNIFS_J035JEPP JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Philphedia
uneNIFS_J036JILLETT ROBERT1803male convicts, 70 days victualled 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Jillett Robert, per Hillsborough, off stores,
uneNIFS_J037JOBSON JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795victualled in 1795 for 302 days all species
uneNIFS_J038JOHN WILLIAMSON HARRIS1790midshipman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius1790midshipman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius
uneNIFS_J039JOHNS STEPHEN1789prisoner, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island1795victualled in 1795 for 21 days all species
uneNIFS_J040JOHNSON / PYERS MARY1803child under two years of age, 43 days victualled 1806child above 2 Years at 1/2 ration, 398 days on stores to 12 August, 129 days on stores 13 August to 31 December
uneNIFS_J041JOHNSON / PYERS RICHARD1803child above two years of age, 36 days victualled 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Pyers Richard, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_J042JOHNSON CATHERINE1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_J043JOHNSON ELIZABETH1805female convictoff the stores, 1805female convictoff the stores,
uneNIFS_J044JOHNSON GEORGE1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance January 17961796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance January 1796
uneNIFS_J045JOHNSON JAMES1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_J046JOHNSON JANE1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise, 2/3 provisions1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise, 2/3 provisions
uneNIFS_J047JOHNSON JOHN1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1808free man from sentence expired, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_J048JOHNSON MARY (1)1801married1805female convictoff the stores,
uneNIFS_J049JOHNSON RICHARD1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_J050JOHNSON SARAHaka Sarah Pyers1801married1807female convicts, 14 days on stores
uneNIFS_J051JOHNSON THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_J052JOHNSON WILLIAM1811government servant victualled, labourer, servant to Commandant1812government servant victualled, town clerk
uneNIFS_J053JOHNSTON CATHERINE1789entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Supply1794free, married, 3 children, maintained off stores by her own means
uneNIFS_J054JOHNSTON EDWARD1791punished for detected of robbing a garden1801Norfolk to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_J055JOHNSTON ELIZABETH1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus1793<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born
uneNIFS_J056JOHNSTON GEORGEdistinct from JOHNSTONE GEORGE 1790Captain Lieutenant, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1796entered into Victualling Book, military department, Captain, from/per Reliance Port Jackson
uneNIFS_J057JOHNSTON JAMES1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_J058JOHNSTON JOHN (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 310 days all species
uneNIFS_J059JOHNSTON JOHN (2)1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1807free man from sentence expired, 81 days on stores
uneNIFS_J060JOHNSTON MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_J061JOHNSTON RICHARD1802child above two years of age, on stores for 358 days in 1802 (since January)1805Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Buffalo July 1805
uneNIFS_J062JOHNSTON WILLIAM1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_J063JOHNSTONE ELIZABETH1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1790mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_J064JOHNSTONE GEORGEdistinct from JOHNSTON GEORGE 1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply 17911796entered into Victualling Book, child of civil military and free, 1/2 rations, from/per Port Jackson
uneNIFS_J065JOHNSTONE JOHN17901st Lieutenant, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_J066JOINER HENRY1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 237 days on military ration1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 55 days victualled
uneNIFS_J067JONES (+)1790mentioned in Clark's Journal<[blank]> buried, freeman
uneNIFS_J068JONES CATHERINE1800to Norfolk Island per Porpoise<[blank]> free women from sentence expired, 181 days on stores
uneNIFS_J069JONES DAVID1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 237 days on military ration1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 55 days victualled
uneNIFS_J070JONES EDWARD1793entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Kitty1793entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Kitty
uneNIFS_J071JONES ELIZABETH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1804baptised, child of Robert Jones and Elizabeth Goldsmith
uneNIFS_J072JONES FRANCIS1800to Norfolk Island per Porpoise1809child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 98 days victualled departed 8 April 1809 Port Jackson
uneNIFS_J073JONES GABRIEL (1)1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson
uneNIFS_J074JONES GABRIEL (2)1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_J075JONES HANNAH PLESANT1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1794free, single, 0 children, maintained off stores by washing and sewing
uneNIFS_J076JONES JAMES (1)1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_J077JONES JAMES (2)1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_J078JONES JAMES (3)1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1804settlers from Seamen, Marines, free man etc, Free Man, 125 days victualled
uneNIFS_J079JONES JAMES (4)1802born November 1802, convict child1809child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 56 days victualled departed 7 April 1809 Port Jackson
uneNIFS_J080JONES JAMES BUFORD1803baptised, child of Francis Howe and Catherine Jones1803baptised, child of Francis Howe and Catherine Jones
uneNIFS_J081JONES JANE1790Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1790Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_J082JONES JOHN (+)1794butcher, jobbs for Aaron Davis, settler, by the week1805Boats Crew, Norfolk Island, coxwain
uneNIFS_J083JONES JOHN (1)1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791convict, Sydney Town
uneNIFS_J084JONES JOHN (2)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_J085JONES JOHN (3)1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply
uneNIFS_J086JONES JOHN (4)1800to Norfolk Island per Porpoise1805child above two years of age, 25 days victualled
uneNIFS_J087JONES JOHN (5)alias William Ryley - Reilly - Riley1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1806free man from sentence expired, 181 days on stores
uneNIFS_J088JONES JOHN (6)1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 237 days on military ration1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_J089JONES JOHN (7)1803male convicts, 44 days victualled 1803male convicts, 44 days victualled
uneNIFS_J090JONES JOHN (8)1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_J091JONES JOHN (9)1805Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Buffalo1805Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Buffalo
uneNIFS_J092JONES LYDIA1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_J093JONES MARGARET1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_J094JONES MARY (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_J095JONES MARY (2)1792entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Pitt1795sick with blank
uneNIFS_J096JONES PATRICK1802military department, Private, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1802military department, Private, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_J097JONES ROBERT (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize1809Civil Department, Superintendent, 89 days victualled departed 24 April 1809 Port Jackson
uneNIFS_J098JONES ROBERT (2)1800to Norfolk Island per Porpoise1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_J099JONES ROBERT (3)1802child above two years of age, on stores for 119 days in 1802 (since November)1810child above 2 years at 1/2 rations, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_J100JONES SARAH (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Chesterfield
uneNIFS_J101JONES SARAH (2)1793entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Hormuzear1809child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 56 days victualled departed 7 April 1809 Port Jackson
uneNIFS_J102JONES SARAH (3)1805child under two years of age, 144 days on stores1806child under 2 years at 1-4 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_J103JONES SARAH (4)aka Sarah Howe1805baptised, child of Francis Howe and Catherine <[blank]> 1806child under 2 Years at 1-4 Ration, 411 days on stores to 12 August, 3 days on stores 13 August to 31 December
uneNIFS_J104JONES SARAH (5)1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance September 17961796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance September 1796
uneNIFS_J105JONES STEPHEN1794carpenter, hired for a twelve month by Patrick Connell, settler1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_J106JONES THOMAS (+)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1805sentence expired off the stores, labourer
uneNIFS_J107JONES THOMAS (1)1788male convict1794victualled in 1794 for 339 days all species
uneNIFS_J108JONES THOMAS (2)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1794victualled in 1794 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_J109JONES THOMAS (3)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander
uneNIFS_J110JONES THOMAS (4)1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_J111JONES THOMAS (5)1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_J112JONES THOMAS (6)1796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 17961796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 1796
uneNIFS_J113JONES THOMAS (7)1801Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise1804New South Wales Corps, Private, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_J114JONES WILLIAM (+)1792punished for accused of stealing provisions1792punished for accused of stealing provisions
uneNIFS_J115JONES WILLIAM (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1817at Hobart Town
uneNIFS_J116JONES WILLIAM (2)1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1793victualled in 1793 for days all species
uneNIFS_J117JONES WILLIAM (3)1792male convict, stowaway on the Admiral Barrington1792male convict, stowaway on the Admiral Barrington
uneNIFS_J118JONES WILLIAM (4)1809child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 56 days victualled departed 7 April 1809 Port Jackson1809child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 56 days victualled departed 7 April 1809 Port Jackson
uneNIFS_J119JONES WILLIAM (5)1809male convicts, 41 days victualled 1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_J120JORDAN CATHERINEaka Catherine Butler born 1800 Norfolk Island1803child above two years of age, 105 days victualled 1812child victualled
uneNIFS_J121JORDAN JAMES (1)1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, first class, 4 children
uneNIFS_J122JORDAN JAMES (2)aka James Butler born 1802 Norfolk Island1805child of all descriptions off the stores1812child not victualled
uneNIFS_J123JORDAN JOHN1810male child not victualled1812child not victualled
uneNIFS_J124JORDAN RICHARDaka Richard Butler1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, second class
uneNIFS_J125JORDAN THOMASaka Thomas Butler born 1807 Norfolk Island1810male child not victualled1812child not victualled
uneNIFS_J126JOSEPH JAMES18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Joseph James, born at Norfolk Island, off stores, 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Joseph James, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_J127JOSEPH WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_J128JOY RICHARD1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize1792-1793delivered maize 13 bushells
uneNIFS_K001KEARNON THOMAS1804child above two years of age, 55 days victualled 1806child above 2 Years at 1/2 ration, 99 days on stores
uneNIFS_K002KEARNON WILLIAM1804child above two years of age, 55 days victualled 1806child above 2 Years at 1/2 ration, 99 days on stores
uneNIFS_K003KEEF DANIEL1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Marquis Cornwallis, Europe
uneNIFS_K004KEEL WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 310 days all species
uneNIFS_K005KEELING JOHN HERBERT1789entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Supply1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_K006KEIRMAN JOHN1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per late Endeavour Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per late Endeavour Port Jackson
uneNIFS_K007KELLOW ROBERT17901st Lieutenant, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply 1791
uneNIFS_K008KELLY ANN1803female convict, 35 days victualled 1803female convict, 35 days victualled
uneNIFS_K009KELLY BENJAMIN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1793removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_K010KELLY JAMES1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by labour for government, remained on Norfolk Island without Leave1799Troops for Port Jackson, from Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_K011KELLY JOHNdistinct from KLLEY JOHN1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1802witnessed marriage
uneNIFS_K012KELLY MARY1796entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Port Jackson1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_K013KELSO JOSEPH1809recommended for mitigation of sentence1809recommended for mitigation of sentence
uneNIFS_K014KELTIE JAMES1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_K015KEMP ANTHONY FENN1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Ensign, from/per Supply Port Jackson1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Ensign, from/per Supply Port Jackson
uneNIFS_K016KEMP W1788 <[?]>entered into Victualling Book, Ensignorigin not stated1788 <[?]>entered into Victualling Book, Ensignorigin not stated
uneNIFS_K017KEMPENNY GEORGEaka Kempeney1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing1813left on Norfolk island to assist evacuation, Coxswain
uneNIFS_K018KEMPSTER GEORGE1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1790mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_K019KENDALL MICHAEL1802labourer, received stores and/or slop clothing1805sentence expired off the stores, labourer
uneNIFS_K020KENDRICK SAMUEL1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per late Endeavour Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per late Endeavour Port Jackson
uneNIFS_K021KENNEDY CHRIST1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance September 17961796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance September 1796
uneNIFS_K022KENNEDY JOHN1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_K023KENNEDY MARY1790Marine Wives and children, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790Marine Wives and children, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_K024KENNEDY ROBERT1805Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Buffalo1805Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Buffalo
uneNIFS_K025KENNY THOMAS1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per late Endeavour Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per late Endeavour Port Jackson
uneNIFS_K026KENTON THOMAS1807has <[?]>1809VDL Derwent River settler, 30 acres, From Hobarttown to Brown's River
uneNIFS_K027KEOUGH DENNIS1802military department, Private, on stores for 42 in 1802 (since April)1804New South Wales Corps, Private, 84 days victualled
uneNIFS_K028KERENY THOMAS1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_K029KERNHAM DANIEL1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_K030KERNY THOMAS1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_K031KERR JOHN1806male convict, victualled from stores1806male convict, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_K032KERR WILLIAM1806male convict, victualled from stores1810free man From sentence expired, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_K033KERRIGAN CORNELIUS-NEALaka KERRIGAN CORNELIUS1798Boats Crew Norfolk Island1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, second class
uneNIFS_K034KERVAN <[child]>1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_K035KEYS FANNY1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_K036KIDNER THOMAS1788entered into Victualling Book, settler and free person, employed as a Stone cutter, from/per Supply1809VDL Derwent River settler, 22 acres, From Hobarttown to Brown's River
uneNIFS_K037KIERMAN CATHERINE (1)1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1808individual holds no land, to embark for the Derwent
uneNIFS_K038KIERMAN CATHERINE (2)1796<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, status and origin not stated1796<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, status and origin not stated
uneNIFS_K039KIERMAN JOHN1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1803baptised, child of Roger Gavan and Catherine Kierney
uneNIFS_K040KIERMAN THOMASaka Thomas Kearney1803child above two years of age, 302 days victualled 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Kearney Thomas, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_K041KIERMAN WILLIAMaka William Kearney1803child above two years of age, 302 days victualled 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Kearney William, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_K042KIMBERLEY EDWARD1791convict settler, at Mount Pitt Path, Queensboro Township, 12 acres1792-1793delivered maize 15 bushells
uneNIFS_K043KINCAID DAVID1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by government, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1805sentence expired on the stores, Sick in Hospital
uneNIFS_K044KINCAID JOHN1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1805male convicts, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_K045KING ANNA JOSEPHA1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1796removed from Victualling Book, departed
uneNIFS_K046KING FRANCESdistinct from KING FRANCIS1796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 17961796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 1796
uneNIFS_K047KING FRANCISdistinct from KING FRANCES1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1805male convicts, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_K048KING GEORGE1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_K049KING JAMES1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_K050KING JOSEPH1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, 14 days victualled 1813left on Norfolk island to assist evacuation, Private 73rd Regiment
uneNIFS_K051KING MARIA1793entered into Victualling Book, child of civil military and free, born1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Britannia, England
uneNIFS_K052KING NORFOLK INETT1790Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per HMAT Supply<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Marquis Cornwallis, England
uneNIFS_K053KING PHILIP GIDLEY1788Second Lieutenant HMS Sirius and Superintendent and Commandant of Norfolk Island <[nd]>lieut. governor, purchased lot 84, 12 acres, formerly belonging to Henry Taylor
uneNIFS_K054KING SAMUEL1788Private 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, King Samuel, per Came Free, off stores,
uneNIFS_K055KING UTRICIA1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Britannia, England<[blank]>entered into Victualling Book, child of civil military and free, status and origin not stated
uneNIFS_K056KING WILLIAM1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance January 17961809VDL Derwent River settler, 30 acres, New Norfolk District
uneNIFS_K057KINGDOM ANDREW1811government servant victualled, painter and glazier1813left on Norfolk island to assist evacuation, Stockkeeper
uneNIFS_K058KINGSTON ROBERT1791mentioned in Clark's Journal18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Kingston Robert, per Atlantic, off stores,
uneNIFS_K059KINNERLY ANDREW1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Francis, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_K060KIRBY JAMES1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1792marine settler, Joining MUNDAY the Marine lot, 60 acres
uneNIFS_K061KIRBY SARAH1802female convict, on stores for 119 days in 1802 (since January)1805female convictoff the stores,
uneNIFS_K062KIRWAN ELEANOR1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Sugar Cane
uneNIFS_K063KITCHEN ALEXANDER1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 310 days all species
uneNIFS_K064KNIGHT JOHN (1)1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Barwell1808individual holds no land, to embark for the Derwent
uneNIFS_K065KNIGHT JOHN (2)1808Individual not holding land, to embark on the City of Edinburgh1808Individual not holding land, to embark on the City of Edinburgh
uneNIFS_K066KNIGHT RICHARD1791marine, at Cascade Stream, Philipsburg Township, 60 acres1796sold lot 1, 60 acres, to STANFIELD DANIEL (1)
uneNIFS_K067KNIGHT THOMAS1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 28 days on treasury ration,
uneNIFS_K068KNIGHT WILLIAM (1)1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_K069KNIGHT WILLIAM (2)1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize1794freeman, LEVY AMELIA supported by
uneNIFS_K070KNIGHT WILLIAM (3)1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_K071KNIGHT WILLIAM (4)1808Individual not holding land, to embark on the City of Edinburgh1808Individual not holding land, to embark on the City of Edinburgh
uneNIFS_K072KNIGHT WILLIAM (5)1791Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_K073KNOWLAND DAVID1798Boats Crew, Norfolk Island1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_K074KNOWLAND JOHN1810free man not victualled, labourer1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_K075KNOWLES JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_L001LACEY JAMES1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Philadelphia1794convict, LACEY SARAH came from England with husband
uneNIFS_L002LACEY JOHN1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Minerva1804male convicts, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_L003LACEY SARAH1792entered into Victualling Book, free woman, from/per Philadelphia1794free, married, 0 children, came from England with husband J Lacey, convict
uneNIFS_L004LACUS BENEDICT1793entered into Victualling Book, settler and free person, Freeman, from/per Britannia1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_L005LADLEY JOHN1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_L006LAMB JOHN1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_L007LAMMERMAN MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1792taken off stores by Wife to George Robinson
uneNIFS_L008LANCASTER ROBERT1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1817at Hobart Town
uneNIFS_L009LANE JAMES1804male convicts, 50 days victualled 1806male convict, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_L010LANE WILLIAM1807has 17.5 acres1807has 17.5 acres
uneNIFS_L011LANGHAM CHARLES1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_L012LANGHAM MARY1791entered into Victualling Book, free woman, from/per Atlantic1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_L013LANGLEY HENRIETTA1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus
uneNIFS_L014LANGLEY JANE1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1794free, married, 3 children, maintained off stores by Thomas Chipp, settler
uneNIFS_L015LANGLEY JOSEPH (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 2-3 rations, origin not stated1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_L016LANGLEY JOSEPH (2)1798Port Jackson to Norfok Island per HMS Reliance, child at 1/2 allowance1798Port Jackson to Norfok Island per HMS Reliance, child at 1/2 allowance
uneNIFS_L017LANGLEY ROBERT1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_L018LANGSTER JOHN1793entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Kitty1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_L019LANKEY DAVID1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_L020LARKING WILLIAM1802military department, Private, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1804New South Wales Corps, Private, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_L021LARUE JAMES1791punished for detecting robbing a house1808Individual not holding land, to embark on the City of Edinburgh
uneNIFS_L022LAVELL JOHN1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791convict, Sydney Town
uneNIFS_L023LAVENDER DINAH1802baptised, child of James Morrisby and Anne Morrisby1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_L024LAVENDER GEORGE JAMESaka MORRISBY GEORGE JAMES1802child above two years of age, on stores for 351 days in 1802 (since January)18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Morrisby George, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_L025LAVENDER GRACEaka MORRISBY GRACE1802child above two years of age, on stores for 351 days in 1802 (since January)1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_L026LAVENDER HENRYaka Henry Morrisby1805child of all descriptions off the stores18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Morrisby Henry, born Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_L027LAVENDER SIMON1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Fancy Snow
uneNIFS_L028LAVIS JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Britannia
uneNIFS_L029LAVORS JOSEPH1808free man from sentence expired, 182 days victualled 1808free man from sentence expired, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_L030LAWLER JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1804New South Wales Corps, Private, 84 days victualled
uneNIFS_L031LAWRENCE LEWIS1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_L032LAWSON WILLIAM1801Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise1806New South Wales Corps, Ensign, 144 days on stores
uneNIFS_L033LAYCOCK THOMAS1804New South Wales Corps, Lieutenant, 8 days victualled 1805New South Wales Corps, Lieutenant, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_L034LEACH/LEECH WILLIAM1793punished for accused of opening a cask of pork the porperty of gov & stealing part of same1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Fancy
uneNIFS_L035LEADBEATER JOHN1803baptised, child of William Lawson and Sarah Leadbeater1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_L036LEADBEATER MARY1803child of, LEADBEATER JOHN baptised, father William Lawson1805female convictoff the stores,
uneNIFS_L037LEADBEATER WILLIAM1804baptised, child of William Lawson and Sarah Leadbeater1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_L038LEARY JEREMIAH1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1807free man from sentence expired, 141 days on stores
uneNIFS_L039LEE ELIZABETH1788female convict1792-1793delivered maize 31 bushells
uneNIFS_L040LEE GEORGE1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1796removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_L041LEE JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1794labourer, jobbing work
uneNIFS_L042LEE MARY1791entered into Victualling Book, free woman, from/per Queen1791entered into Victualling Book, free woman, from/per Queen
uneNIFS_L043LEE MATTHEW1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance June 1798
uneNIFS_L044LEE MICHAEL1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Lee Michael, per Gorgon, off stores, Certificate
uneNIFS_L045LEE THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_L046LEE/MITCHELL SARAH1790entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 2-3 rations, origin not stated1812free woman victualled
uneNIFS_L047LEES JOHN1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_L048LEGER JOHN1802Port Jackson to Norfolk Islande per Porpoise1803male convicts, 133 days victualled
uneNIFS_L049LEGG GEORGE1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1792-1793delivered maize 85 bushells
uneNIFS_L050LEGGATT ROBERT1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1793victualled in 1793 for days all species
uneNIFS_L051LEMANON MARY1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_L052LEVY AMELIA1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1794free, married, 0 children, Supported by William Knight, freeman
uneNIFS_L053LEVY ANDREW1803male sentence expired, 232 days victualled 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Levy Andrew, per Canada, on stores, Charity
uneNIFS_L054LEWIS ELIZABETH1801child of, LEWIS WILLIAM baptised, father Samuel Baker1809contracted onboard the Estramina for Port Jackson, inhabitant
uneNIFS_L055LEWIS GEORGE1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing1804male convicts, 141 days victualled
uneNIFS_L056LEWIS JAMES (1)1792male convict, stowaway on the Pitt1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_L057LEWIS JAMES (2)1795entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Fancy1795entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Fancy
uneNIFS_L058LEWIS JAMES (3)1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born1817crew on the Harriett bound for New Zealand and then back to Sydney, by birth in Norfolk Island; age 23 years
uneNIFS_L059LEWIS JOSEPH1789Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1810Detachment of the 102" Regiment, Private, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_L060LEWIS LAURENCE1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 237 days on military ration1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 55 days victualled
uneNIFS_L061LEWIS MARY1791entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Atlantic1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_L062LEWIS SOPHIA1791entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Atlantic1794victualled in 1794 for 304 days all species
uneNIFS_L063LEWIS WILLIAM (1)1794entered into Victualling Book,1794entered into Victualling Book,
uneNIFS_L064LEWIS WILLIAM (2)1801buried, child1801buried, child
uneNIFS_L065LIMPUS THOMAS1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1796entered into Victualling Book, settler continued from December 1795, status and origin not stated
uneNIFS_L066LINTON HOPTON1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Lintern Hopton, per Salamander, off stores, Certificate
uneNIFS_L067LITTLE FRANCIS1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1793victualled in 1793 for days all species
uneNIFS_L068LITTLE SAMUEL1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_L069LITTLE THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795victualled in 1795 for 198 days all species
uneNIFS_L070LIVINGSTONE JOHN1788Late belonging to the Sirius 1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_L071LLEWELLEN GEORGE1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_L072LLEWELLYN JOHN1800Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise1804New South Wales Corps, Private, 84 days victualled
uneNIFS_L073LLEWELLYN THOMAS GEORGE1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance September 17941798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance September 1794
uneNIFS_L074LLEWELLYN WILLIAM1802military department, Private, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1805New South Wales Corps, Private
uneNIFS_L075LLOYD ANDREW1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_L076LLOYD JOHN1791punished for suspected of stealing provisons1791punished for suspected of stealing provisons
uneNIFS_L077LLOYD JOSEPH1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1802free people from sentences expired, on stores for 29 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_L078LLOYD THOMAS1791Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1802military department, Private, on stores for 330 in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_L079LOCK DANIEL1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 237 days on military ration1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 55 days victualled
uneNIFS_L080LOCK ELIZABETH1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1795victualled in 1795 for 42 days meat only
uneNIFS_L081LOCK THOMASaka LOCKE1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, second class
uneNIFS_L082LOCKE JOHN<[nd]>late a convict, purchased lot 60, 12 acres, formerly belonging to Edward Kimberly<[nd]>late a convict, purchased lot 60, 12 acres, formerly belonging to Edward Kimberly
uneNIFS_L083LOCKLEY JOHN1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1807has a lease, 44 acres in total
uneNIFS_L084LODER GEORGE1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_L085LONG JOSEPH1788male convict1793removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_L086LONG LEWIS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1792punished for detecting stealing callavanacies the property of the government
uneNIFS_L087LONG MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1794convict, married, 0 children, maintained off stores by Edward Bedford, settler
uneNIFS_L088LONGFORD WILLIAM1800convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porposie1807free man from sentence expired, 125 days on stores
uneNIFS_L089LOVELL GEORGE1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_L090LOVELL HENRY1789entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Supply1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_L091LOWE ELIZABETH1810free woman victualled1813certificate issued to, for livestock
uneNIFS_L092LOWE JAMES1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1809VDL Derwent River settler, 30 acres, New Town District
uneNIFS_L093LOWE JOSEPH1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, first class with 1 wife, 2 children
uneNIFS_L094LOWE WILLIAM1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Barwell1803male convicts, 133 days victualled
uneNIFS_L095LOWES JOHN1790Surgeons 2nd Mate, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius1790Surgeons 2nd Mate, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius
uneNIFS_L096LUCAS CHARLES1802child above two years of age, on stores for 245 days in 1802 (since May)1818passenger on the John Palmer for Port Darymple , brother of George Lucas; age 16
uneNIFS_L097LUCAS GEORGE1802child above two years of age, on stores for 245 days in 1802 (since May)1818passenger on the John Palmer for Port Darymple , age 19; brother of Sarah Lucas
uneNIFS_L098LUCAS JAMESdistinct from LUCAS JAMES HUNT 1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1805child above two years of age, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_L099LUCAS JAMES HUNTdistinct from LUCAS JAMES1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Ensign, from/per Francis Port Jackson1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_L100LUCAS JOHN1802child above two years of age, on stores for 245 days in 1802 (since May)1805child above two years of age, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_L101LUCAS NATHANIEL1788male convict1792-1793delivered maize 120 bushells
uneNIFS_L102LUCAS SARAH1803child under two years of age, 28 days victualled 1818passenger on the John Palmer for Port Darymple , age 15; daughter of Olivia Lucas
uneNIFS_L103LUCAS THOMAS (+)1802received stores and/or slop clothing1802received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_L104LUCAS THOMAS (1)1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Corporal, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1809VDL Derwent River settler, 530 acres, From Hobarttown to Brown's River
uneNIFS_L105LUCAS THOMAS (2)1800convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porposie1803male convicts, 21 days victualled
uneNIFS_L106LUNN JOSEPH1791Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 55 days victualled
uneNIFS_L107LUNN THOMAS1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_L108LYNCH ANNaka WILLIAMS ANN1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1804witnessed marriage
uneNIFS_L109LYNCH HUMPHREY1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1809VDL Derwent River settler, 30 acres, From Risdon to Clarence Plains
uneNIFS_L110LYNCH JAMES (1)1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_L111LYNCH JAMES (2)1803child above two years of age, 365 days victualled 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, McCormick James, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_L112LYNCH JEREMIAH1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, Private, 14 days victualled 1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_L113LYNCH JOHN1802child above two years of age, on stores for 308 days in 1802 (since March)1802child above two years of age, on stores for 308 days in 1802 (since March)
uneNIFS_L114LYNCH MARY1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_L115LYNCH THOMAS1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_L116LYNES REBECCA1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_L117LYNN RICHARD1789entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Supply1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_L118LYONS MICHAEL1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_L119LYONS SARAH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_M001MAAMBY TRISHAM1795entered into Victualling Book, free people, New Hollander, from/per Port Jackson1795entered into Victualling Book, free people, New Hollander, from/per Port Jackson
uneNIFS_M002MACDONALD TERENCE1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_M003MACKAY JAMES (1)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792-1793delivered maize 10.5 bushells
uneNIFS_M004MACKAY JAMES (2)1809male convicts, 41 days victualled 1812government servant victualled, labourer
uneNIFS_M005MACKBAKER JOHN1805free man, no wife, no children, 12 acres under cultivation1805free man, no wife, no children, 12 acres under cultivation
uneNIFS_M006MACKEY GEORGE1812government servant victualled, labourer1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_M007MACKEY JOHN (1)1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_M008MACKEY JOHN (2)1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Pitt, "sentenced for death at Sydney Port Jackson but respited on condition of transportation to Norfolk Island1804free man from sentence expired, 112 days victualled
uneNIFS_M009MACPEAK JOHN1811 originally transported per Ann, tried Castlebare 1799, Life1812Pardoned by Governor McQuarie
uneNIFS_M010MACPEAK THOMAS1810convict recommended for pardon, A faithful servant to Gov, Employee at various labourer1810convict recommended for pardon, A faithful servant to Gov, Employee at various labourer
uneNIFS_M011MACQUEEN THOMAS1808free man from sentence expired, 182 days victualled 1810free man From sentence expired, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_M012MADDOX GRACE1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1804free women from sentence expired, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_M013MAGEE SARAHOther names:Magie; 1808Women whose sentence expired, 7 days victualled 1810Women whose sentence are expired, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_M014MAGINNIS WILLIAM1803male convicts, 365 days victualled 1804male convicts, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_M015MAGUIRE THOMAS1805sentence expired on the stores, School Master1805sentence expired on the stores, School Master
uneNIFS_M016MAHAR PATRICKalais MAHA Arrival on Norfolk Island: Eliza 25 Mar 1806. Departure: Minstrel 18 Feb 1813. 1806male convict, victualled from stores1812government servant victualled, attendant hospital
uneNIFS_M017MAHAR WILLIAMalais MAHA Arrival on Norfolk Island: William Pitt 19 Jul 1806. Died: 31 Dec 1810 Norfolk Island1805male convicts, 88 days victualled 1810male convicts, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_M018MAHER WILLIAM1809Corporal1809Corporal
uneNIFS_M019MAHON PATRICK1810government servant victualled, servant hospital1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_M020MAHON WILLIAM1810government servant victualled, labourer1810government servant victualled, labourer
uneNIFS_M021MAITLAND CAPTAINCaptain Maitland of the Justinian1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1790mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_M022MAJOR ALEXANDER1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1804male convicts, 99 days victualled
uneNIFS_M023MAJOR MAX1803male convicts, 357 days victualled 1803male convicts, 357 days victualled
uneNIFS_M024MAKA PATRICK1806male convicts, 234 days on stores to 12 August, 141 days on stores 13 August to 31 December1806male convicts, 234 days on stores to 12 August, 141 days on stores 13 August to 31 December
uneNIFS_M025MALCOLM ALEXANDER1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 310 days all species
uneNIFS_M026MALCOLM JOHN1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_M027MANDRA PETER1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_M028MANNING JAMES1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance January 17961799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_M029MANNING SARAH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1808Women whose sentence expired, 47 days victualled departed 16 February 1808 River Derwent
uneNIFS_M030MANSELL JAMES1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_M031MANSFIELD JOHN1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_M032MAQUEEN THOMAS1805free man from sentence expired, 181 days victualled 1809Men From sentence expired, 181 days victualled
uneNIFS_M033MARA JOHN1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_M034MARCH HENRY1801witnessed marriage1801witnessed marriage
uneNIFS_M035MARCH WILLIAM1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_M036MARCUS JOSEPH1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by labour for government, remained on Norfolk Island without Leave1804male convicts, 104 days victualled
uneNIFS_M037MARGARET MAURICE1805Norfolk Island to Port Dalyrmple per Buffalo October 18051805Norfolk Island to Port Dalyrmple per Buffalo October 1805
uneNIFS_M038MARGRATH THOMAS1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_M039MARINER WILLIAM1788male convict1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Chesterfield, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_M040MARITOOA/MARRITTOA1804free man from sentence expired, 70 days victualled 1804free man from sentence expired, 70 days victualled
uneNIFS_M041MARKET FREDERICK1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance February 1796
uneNIFS_M042MARKHAM JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1792removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_M043MARKS SOLOMON1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1804male convicts, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_M044MARLBOROUGH MICHAEL1803New South Wales Corps, Private, 99 days on treasury ration, 237 days on military ration1804New South Wales Corps, Private, 174 days victualled
uneNIFS_M045MARLING JOHN1809Private1809Private
uneNIFS_M046MARSDEN ANNHARMSWORTH/MARSDEN ANN1808child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 40 days victualled 1810child above 2 years at 1/2 rations, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_M047MARSDEN CATHERINE1802died January 1802, child1802died January 1802, child
uneNIFS_M048MARSDEN JAMES1809Private1809Private
uneNIFS_M049MARSDEN JOSEPH1800to Norfolk Island per Porpoise1810child above 2 years at 1/2 rations, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_M050MARSDEN SAMUEL (1)1795entered into Victualling Book, civil department, Chaplain, from/per Port Jackson1795entered into Victualling Book, civil department, Chaplain, from/per Port Jackson
uneNIFS_M051MARSDEN SAMUEL (2)1791Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1810Detachment of the 102" Regiment, Private, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_M052MARSDEN SARAH1803baptised, child of Samuel Marsden and Anne Marsden1810child above 2 years at 1/2 rations, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_M053MARSDEN THOMAS1805baptised, child of Samuel Marsden and Anne Marsden1810child above 2 years at 1/2 rations, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_M054MARSHALL ELIZABETH1788female convict1793victualled in 1793 for 68 days all species
uneNIFS_M055MARSHALL JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_M056MARSHALL MARGARET1805female convictoff the stores, 1806female convicts, 123 days on stores
uneNIFS_M057MARSHALL MARY1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_M058MARTIN ANN1789prisoner, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island1791sow provided to by Government
uneNIFS_M059MARTIN HENRY1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing1805sentence expired on the stores, constable
uneNIFS_M060MARTIN JOSEPH1804male convicts, 8 days victualled 1805male convicts, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_M061MARTIN MARY1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1794free, single, 0 children, maintained off stores washing and sewing
uneNIFS_M062MARTIN STEPHEN1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius<[nd]>late a convict, purchased lot 81 & 95, 60 acres, formerly belonging to Thomas Chipp
uneNIFS_M063MARTIN-PEELING MARY ANN1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1806married
uneNIFS_M064MASLOW JAMES1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave
uneNIFS_M065MASON JOSEPH1802soldier for public work, received stores and/or slop clothing1810Detachment of the 102" Regiment, Private, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_M066MASON RICHARD1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_M067MASON THOMAS1805male convicts, 93 days victualled 1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_M068MASON WILLIAM (1)1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_M069MASON WILLIAM (2)1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_M070MASSEY COXaka John Massey Cox1808individual holds no land, to embark for the Derwent1808individual holds no land, to embark for the Derwent
uneNIFS_M071MASSEY JOHN1793purchased land from GUEST GEORGE18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Massey John, per Pitt, off stores, Certificate
uneNIFS_M072MATHER ANNE1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Atlantic
uneNIFS_M073MATHER JOSEPH1792removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Atlantic, Port Jackson1795<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born
uneNIFS_M074MATHEWS JAMES (1)1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_M075MATHEWS JAMES (2)1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_M076MATONY WILLIAM1807free man Apprentices, Seaman, 42 days on stores1807free man Apprentices, Seaman, 42 days on stores
uneNIFS_M077MATTHEWS JOHN1794victualled in 1794 for 88 days all species1793 <[sic: 1794]>entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson
uneNIFS_M078MATTHEWS ROBERT1807male convicts, 184 days on stores1814Free Pardon granted by Macquarie, MATTHEWS ROBERT per Coromandel 1804
uneNIFS_M079MAUL JOHN1805sentence expired off the stores, labourer1808Individual not holding land, to embark on the City of Edinburgh
uneNIFS_M080MAUM WILLIAM1805male convicts, 102 days on stores18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Maum William, per Minerva, off stores, Clarence Plains
uneNIFS_M081MAUNARD SAMUEL1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_M082MAUND JOSEPH1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_M083MAUNDRELL JOHN1800Ensign NSW Corps, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise1803buried, Ensign
uneNIFS_M084MAWDEN SARAH1808child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 182 days victualled 1808child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_M085MAY JOHN1805male convicts, 59 days victualled 1805male convicts, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_M086MAYBERRY JOSEPH1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Barwell1808settler, to embark on the Estramina
uneNIFS_M087MAYRICK JOSEPH1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_M088MCAVENAUGH BARNEY1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791Private, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_M089MCBREGEN PATRICK1803settlers from Seamen, Marines, free man etc, Free (Conspirator), 365 days victualled 1804settlers from Seamen, Marines, free man etc, Free Man, 125 days victualled
uneNIFS_M090MCCANN JOHN1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_M091MCCANN THOMAS1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1805male convicts, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_M092MCCARTHY JAMES1809free man, 98 days victualled departed 8 April 18091809free man, 98 days victualled departed 8 April 1809
uneNIFS_M093MCCARTHY TIMOTHY1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1804male convicts, 34 days victualled
uneNIFS_M094MCCARTY CHARLES1791Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_M095MCCARTY DANIEL1803male convicts, 239 days victualled 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, McCarty Daniel, per Atlas, off stores,
uneNIFS_M096MCCARTY FLORENCE1802Port Jackson to Norfolk Islande per Porpoise1804male convicts, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_M097MCCARTY JAMES (1)1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance September 17961803male convicts, 190 days victualled
uneNIFS_M098MCCARTY JAMES (2)sailor landed from the Mary South Whaler1808free man from sentence expired, 29 days victualled 1809contracted onboard the Estramina for Port Jackson, inhabitant sailor landed from the Mary South Whaler
uneNIFS_M099MCCARTY JOHN1791marine, at Left Queensboro path, Queensboro Township, 60 acres18191819: Mustered at Hobart, McCarthy John, per Came Free, off stores,
uneNIFS_M100MCCARTY MARY1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_M101MCCARTY MARY ANNE1794convict, single, 0 children, at service with Nathaniel Lucas1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply
uneNIFS_M102MCCARTY THOMAS1798Boats Crew Norfolk Island1798Boats Crew Norfolk Island
uneNIFS_M103MCCAULDEN JOSEPH1789Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance January 1796
uneNIFS_M104MCCLARELY JAMES1807free man Apprentices, Seaman, 42 days on stores1807free man Apprentices, Seaman, 42 days on stores
uneNIFS_M105MCCLELLAN CHARLES1788male convict1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Marquis Cornwallis, Europe
uneNIFS_M106MCCLODE WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_M107MCCLOUD JOHN (1)1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1817at Hobart Town
uneNIFS_M108MCCLOUD JOHN (2)1805baptised, child of John McCloud and Mary Potter18191819: Mustered at Hobart, McCloud John, born Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_M109MCCLOUD SARAH1805baptised, child of John McCloud and Mary Potter1805baptised, child of John McCloud and Mary Potter
uneNIFS_M110MCCLOUD WILLIAM1801buried, a child1801buried, a child
uneNIFS_M111MCCORMICK JAMES (1)1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1805free man, 181 days victualled
uneNIFS_M112MCCORMICK MARY1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_M113MCCORMICK SARAH (1)1789prisoner, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island1792removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Atlantic
uneNIFS_M114MCCORMICK SARAH (2)1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Fancy, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_M115MCCOY JOHN1802overseer, received stores and/or slop clothing18191819: Mustered at Hobart, McCoy John, per Pitt, off stores,
uneNIFS_M116MCDEED RICHARD1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791convict, Sydney Town
uneNIFS_M117MCDONALD ELENOR1792entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Pitt1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_M118MCDONALD JAMESaka WOOD JAMES1801baptised, child of John Woods and Mary McDonaugh 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Woods James, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_M119MCDONALD JOHN1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Port Jackson NSW
uneNIFS_M120MCDONALD MARYaka McDONAUGH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1806free, indebted for merchandise drawn from public stores
uneNIFS_M121MCDONALD WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1817at Hobart Town
uneNIFS_M122MCDONNELL PATRICK1812free man victualled, labourer, servant to Beach Master1812free man victualled, labourer, servant to Beach Master
uneNIFS_M123MCDONOUGH PATRICK1811free man victualled, seaman and labourer, landed from the Endeavour Schooner stowaway1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_M124MCDOUGLE JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 310 days all species
uneNIFS_M125MCERVEN MARTIN1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance February 1796
uneNIFS_M126MCEWAN PATRICK1790Private, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius1790Private, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius
uneNIFS_M127MCFEE JANE1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_M128MCFIEAL SARAH1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Britannia,1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Britannia,
uneNIFS_M129MCGARTH THOMAS1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_M130MCGILL OWEN1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, 14 days victualled 1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, 14 days victualled
uneNIFS_M131MCGILLICUDDY JEREMIAHaka MCGILLICUDDY JERRY1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, Corporal, 14 days victualled 1813left on Norfolk island to assist evacuation, Corporal 73rd Regiment
uneNIFS_M132MCGILLICUDDY OWEN1810military establishment victualled, Private1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_M133MCGINNIS WILLIAM1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1805male convicts, 181 days victualled
uneNIFS_M134MCGLASSON FRANCIS1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave
uneNIFS_M135MCGOWEN THOMAS1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply
uneNIFS_M136MCGREGOR PATRICK1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_M137MCGUINNESS HUGH1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen18191819: Mustered at Hobart, McGuines Hugh, per Queen, off stores,
uneNIFS_M138MCGUIRE DENNIS1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Minerva1806male convicts, 95 days on stores
uneNIFS_M139MCGUIRE MICHAEL1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_M140MCGUIRE PETER1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing1806free man from sentence expired,, 21 days on stores 13 August to 31 December
uneNIFS_M141MCGUIRE ROGER1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Friendship1805male convicts, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_M142MCHENRY JAMES1802military department, Private, on stores for 42 in 1802 (since April)1804New South Wales Corps, Private, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_M143MCHENRY SARAH1802free women and child above ten years of age, 337 in 1802 (since January)1808free woman, 127 days victualled Off Stores 6 May 1808
uneNIFS_M144MCHORN JAMES1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Buffalo June 17981798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Buffalo June 1798
uneNIFS_M145MCINERARY PATRICK1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per late Endeavour Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per late Endeavour Port Jackson
uneNIFS_M146MCINTOSH JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 310 days all species
uneNIFS_M147MCIVER THOMAS1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_M148MCKAY JOHN 1788entered into Victualling Book, settler and free person, gave his ground up, from/per Sirius1802issued wine and spirits for extra labour prison gang
uneNIFS_M149MCKELLAR NEIL1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Ensign, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Ensign, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson
uneNIFS_M150MCKELVIE JAMES1792punished for stealing a kettle and selling the same for shoes the property of the government, and selling his own shoes1794labourer, hired for twelve month by Thomas Spencer, settler
uneNIFS_M151MCKENZIE MARIA1792entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Pitt1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_M152MCKENZIE MAURICE1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_M153MCKINLEY JOSEPH1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Minerva1805male convicton the stores, Retained since this was made out
uneNIFS_M154MCLEAN PETER1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Minerva1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Minerva
uneNIFS_M155MCMAHON JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1806free man, 123 days on stores
uneNIFS_M156MCMAHON PATRICK1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_M157MCMANAMON PATRICK1804male convicts, 127 days victualled 1804male convicts, 127 days victualled
uneNIFS_M158MCMANUS ANDREW1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance September 17961796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance September 1796
uneNIFS_M159MCMANUS JAMES1791entered into Victualling Book, settler and free person, Marine settler, from/per Detachment1792removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Atlantic, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_M160MCMCPEAK JOHN1803male convicts, 365 days victualled 1812free man not victualled, no land
uneNIFS_M161MCNAMARA NICHOLAS1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply 17911791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply 1791
uneNIFS_M162MCNAMARA PATRICK1803male convicts, 203 days victualled 1803male convicts, 203 days victualled
uneNIFS_M163MCNAMARA WILLIAM1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1793entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Kitty
uneNIFS_M164MCNEAL JOHN1790Able Seaman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius1790Able Seaman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius
uneNIFS_M165MCPEAK JOHN1802Port Jackson to Norfolk Islande per Porpoise1812free man not victualled, labourer
uneNIFS_M166MCQUEEN THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1806free, indebted for merchandise drawn from public stores
uneNIFS_M167MEE FRANCIS1789Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791Private, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_M168MEECH JANE1791entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Atlantic1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_M169MEEHAN THOMAS1812arrived in NSW a convict in 1800, current status not given1812arrived in NSW a convict in 1800, current status not given
uneNIFS_M170MEREDITH ANN (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize<[blank]> buried, Settlers Wife (crossed out)
uneNIFS_M171MEREDITH ANN (2)1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_M172MEREDITH CATHERINE1802child above two years of age, on stores for 65 days in 1802 (since January)1807orphan at 2/3 rations, 145 days on stores
uneNIFS_M173MEREDITH ELIZABETH ANN1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_M174MEREDITH HARRIETT1802child above two years of age, on stores for 65 days in 1802 (since January)<[blank]> buried, a child
uneNIFS_M175MEREDITH JAMESaka James Belbin Jnr1805child of all descriptions off the stores18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Belbin James, born in the Colony, on stores, Inspector of Stocks' son
uneNIFS_M176MEREDITH MARY ANN1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1802child above two years of age, on stores for 65 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_M177MEREDITH SARAH1802child above two years of age, on stores for 65 days in 1802 (since January)1807orphan at 2/3 rations, 143 days on stores
uneNIFS_M178MEREDITH SUSAN1802child above two years of age, on stores for 64 days in 1802 (since January)1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_M179MEREDITH THOMAS1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1802buried, a soldier
uneNIFS_M180MERRETT JOHN1805settler from convict, no wife, no children, 14 acres under cultivation1805settler from convict, no wife, no children, 14 acres under cultivation
uneNIFS_M181MERRETT WILLIAMdistinct from MERRIOT WILLIAM 1802free, received stores and/or slop clothing1808free man from sentence expired, 138 days victualled
uneNIFS_M182MERRICK JAMES1794labourer, jobbing work1794labourer, jobbing work
uneNIFS_M183MERRICK JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_M184MERRICK JOSEPH1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance February 1796, found concealed in the ship1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance February 1796, found concealed in the ship
uneNIFS_M185MERRICK THOMASaka MARRITT – MERRITT – MYRICK -MEYRICK1791convict settler, at Left of Cascade Road, Philipsburg Township, 12 acres18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Merrick Thomas, per Came Free, off stores,
uneNIFS_M186MERRICK TJHOMAS1805sentence expired off the stores, landholder1808free man from sentence expired, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_M187MERRICK WILLIAM1806male convict, victualled from stores1806male convict, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_M188MERRIMAN JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander
uneNIFS_M189MERRIOT WILLIAMdistinct from MERRETT WILLIAM 1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply
uneNIFS_M190MERRITT JOSEPH1791convict, Queensborough1791convict, Queensborough
uneNIFS_M191MERRITT WILLIAM1805sentence expired off the stores, labourer1807free man from sentence expired, 126 days on stores
uneNIFS_M192MESIAS JACOB1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1808individual holds no land, to embark for the Derwent
uneNIFS_M193MESSAGE PETER1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_M194MESSING JOHN1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 310 days all species
uneNIFS_M195MESSINGER THOMAS1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_M196METCALF BARNARD1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1794removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_M197MIDDLETON JOHN1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_M198MIDDLETON ROBERT1791Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1794victualled in 1794 for 191 days all species
uneNIFS_M199MIDGLEY SAMUEL1789entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Supply18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Midgely Samuel, per Came Free, off stores,
uneNIFS_M200MILEHAM JAMES1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1802civil department, on stores for 71 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_M201MILEHAM LUCY1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_M202MILHAM JOHN1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_M203MILLEDGE SUSANNAH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for <[blank]>, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_M204MILLENSASON JOHN1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_M205MILLER JOHN1791Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance February 1796
uneNIFS_M206MILLMAN JOHN1799Troops for Port Jackson, from Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Troops for Port Jackson, from Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_M207MILLS JOHN1791punished for detected in a robbery1793removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_M208MILLS MARY1804female convict, 49 days victualled 1805female convicton the stores,
uneNIFS_M209MILLS MATTHEW1789prisoner, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island1789prisoner, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island
uneNIFS_M210MILSON HENRY (1)1811free man victualled, seaman and labourer, landed by premission from the Spring Grove Whaler1811free man victualled, seaman and labourer, landed by premission from the Spring Grove Whaler
uneNIFS_M211MILSON HENRY (2)1811government servant victualled, clerk1811government servant victualled, clerk
uneNIFS_M212MILTON CHARLES1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791Prisoner under confinement
uneNIFS_M213MINCE WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1817at Hobart Town
uneNIFS_M214MINES WILLIAM1810male convicts, 90 days victualled 1810male convicts, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_M215MINISSON MICHAEL1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply
uneNIFS_M216MINNS JOHN1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, 14 days victualled 1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_M217MINTON JOHN1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_M218MISSING JOHN1796troops going to Norfolk Island per Supply 17961799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_M219MITCHELL HENRY1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Mitchell Henry, per Matilda, off stores,
uneNIFS_M220MITCHELL JAMES1802married LEE-MITCHELL SARAH18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Mitchell James, per Came Free, on stores, Post Master
uneNIFS_M221MITCHELL MARY1791entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Queen1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Francis
uneNIFS_M222MITCHELL THOMAS1792punished for charged of stealing potatoes the property of wm balmain esq1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Chesterfield
uneNIFS_M223MITCHELL WILLIAM (1)1791marine, at Grenville Vale, Sydney Township, 60 acres1794marine, gave his ground up
uneNIFS_M224MITCHELL WILLIAM (2)1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Mitchell William, per Came Free, on stores, Invalid
uneNIFS_M225MITCHELL WILLIAM (3)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1793removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_M226MOBBS SAMUEL1790prisoner, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island1791convict, 1 acres cleared, Sydney Town
uneNIFS_M227MOHAIR DENNIS1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_M228MOLLETT LUCY1802free child under two years of age, 71 in 1802 (since January)1802free child under two years of age, 71 in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_M229MOLLEY BENJAMIN1803child above two years of age, 161 days victualled 1803child above two years of age, 161 days victualled
uneNIFS_M230MOLLEY SARAH1803child above two years of age, 161 days victualled 1803child above two years of age, 161 days victualled
uneNIFS_M231MOLLOY ANN1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_M232MOLLOY BARNYaka Bernard Walford Jnr1805child of all descriptions off the stores18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Walford Bernard, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_M233MOLLOY ELIZABETH1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_M234MOLLOY JANE1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1805female convictoff the stores,
uneNIFS_M235MOLLOY MARY1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_M236MOLLOY REBECCA1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_M237MONDROSS <[AIM?]>1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_M238MONDSON JAMES1803male convicts, 57 days victualled 1804male convicts, 6 days victualled
uneNIFS_M239MONK GEORGE1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_M240MONKMAN WILLIAM1796entered into Victualling Book, settler continued from December 1795, from/per Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, settler continued from December 1795, from/per Port Jackson
uneNIFS_M241MONKS CATHERINE1802born February 1802, settlers child1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_M242MONKS JAMESaka James Crahan1805child of all descriptions off the stores18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Crahan James, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_M243MONKS MARY1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_M244MONKS THOMAS1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_M245MONNAGAN JAMES1799Boats Crew, Norfolk Island1799Boats Crew, Norfolk Island
uneNIFS_M246MONTAGUE JOHN1802Port Jackson to Norfolk Islande per Porpoise1807male convicts, 114 days on stores
uneNIFS_M247MOON WILLIAM1796Norfolk Island Boats Crew1796Norfolk Island Boats Crew
uneNIFS_M248MOORE ANN (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1806child of, BOLTON JEMIMA baptised, father John Herbert
uneNIFS_M249MOORE ANN (2)1810free woman, 14 days victualled 1812woman of the detachment
uneNIFS_M250MOORE EDWARDaka John Saunders1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_M251MOORE HENRY1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_M252MOORE JANE1810child above 2 years at 1/2 rations, 14 days victualled 1812female child of the detachment
uneNIFS_M253MOORE JOHN (1)1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_M254MOORE JOHN (2)1796entered into Victualling Book, military department, Ensign, from/per Supply Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, military department, Ensign, from/per Supply Port Jackson
uneNIFS_M255MOORE JOHN (3)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, second class
uneNIFS_M256MOORE MARY1802female convict, on stores for 35 days in 1802 (since January)1812woman of the detachment
uneNIFS_M257MOORE PETER1810child of the detachment victualled, male1812child of the detachment
uneNIFS_M258MOORE RICHARD1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, 14 days victualled 1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_M259MOORE WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_M260MOORO1805per Buffalo, embassy to Governor King1805per Buffalo, embassy to Governor King
uneNIFS_M261MORDECAI JONAS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1808Individual holding no Land, to embark on the Estramina
uneNIFS_M262MORE BRIDGET ANN1801Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Porpoise1801Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Porpoise
uneNIFS_M263MOREY JOHN1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Hillsborough1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Hillsborough
uneNIFS_M264MOREY MARY ANN1802child of, MOREY WILLIAM baptised, father William Abel1805female convictoff the stores,
uneNIFS_M265MOREY THOMAS (1)<[blank]> buried, a child<[blank]> buried, a child
uneNIFS_M266MOREY THOMAS (2)aka Thomas Abel born 1805. 1802baptised, child of William Abel and Mary Anne Moreh1805baptised, child of William Abel and <[blank]>
uneNIFS_M267MOREY WILLIAM (1)1800to be sent to Norfolk Island, arrived in NSW per Hillsborough1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_M268MOREY WILLIAM (2)aka William Abel jnr; born 18001802baptised, child of William Abel and Mary Anne Moreh18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Abel William, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_M269MORGAN JOHN (1)1795entered into Victualling Book, settler and free person, seaman, from/per Supply1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Expressment, Europe
uneNIFS_M270MORGAN JOHN (2)1792male convict, stowaway on the Admiral Barrington1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_M271MORGAN JONATHAN1795entered into Victualling Book, free people, seaman, from/per His Majesty Ship Supply1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Marquis Cornwallis, Europe
uneNIFS_M272MORGAN RICHARD1790prisoner, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island<[nd]>late a convict, purchased lot 83, 60 acres, formerly belonging to Isaac Farr
uneNIFS_M273MORGAN ROBERT1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_M274MORGAN THOMAS1804witnessed marriage1804witnessed marriage
uneNIFS_M275MORGAN WILLIAM (1)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Chesterfield
uneNIFS_M276MORGAN WILLIAM (2)1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_M277MORGAN WILLIAM (3)1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by labour for government, remained on Norfolk Island without Leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by labour for government, remained on Norfolk Island without Leave
uneNIFS_M278MORGAN WILLIAM (4)1802military department, Private, on stores for 42 in 1802 (since January)1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_M279MORLEY JOSEPH1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_M280MORLEY ROGER1788Able Seaman 1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_M281MORRIS JAMES1791Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_M282MORRIS JOHN1794labourer, rents five acres from William Hambly, settler1808male convict, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_M283MORRIS JOHN CHAPMAN1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply 17911794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus
uneNIFS_M284MORRIS RICHARD1803male convicts, 231 days victualled 1804male convicts, 141 days victualled
uneNIFS_M285MORRIS WILLIAM1804male convicts, 134 days victualled 1814Free Pardon granted by Macquarie, MORRIS WILLIAM per Atlas 1802
uneNIFS_M286MORRISBY JAMES1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Morrisby James, per Scarbrough, off stores, Certificate
uneNIFS_M287MORRISON GEORGEdistinct from MORRISBY GEORGE JAMES 1805Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Buffalo1807has a grant, 10 acres in total
uneNIFS_M288MORRISON JAMES1817at Hobart Town1817at Hobart Town
uneNIFS_M289MORRISON PATRICK1807intended for Hobart Town1808free man from sentence expired, 47 days victualled departed 16 February 1808 River Derwent
uneNIFS_M290MORTIMER JOHN1788male convict1808landholder, to embark for the Derwent
uneNIFS_M291MORTIMER NOAH1788male convict18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Mortimer Noah, per Charlotte, off stores, dash
uneNIFS_M292MORTIMORE AGNES1795entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_M293MORTIMORE CATHERINE1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_M294MORTIMORE ELIZABETH1803child above two years of age, 36 days victualled 1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_M295MORTIMORE JAMESaka James O'Brien1805child of all descriptions off the stores18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Obrien James, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_M296MORTIMORE MARY (1)1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_M297MORTIMORE MARY (2)<[blank]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, status and origin not stated<[blank]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, status and origin not stated
uneNIFS_M298MORTIMORE MARY ANN1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_M299MORTIMORE SUSAN1790entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 2-3 rations, origin not stated1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_M300MORTIMORE SUSANNAH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_M301MORTIMORE WILLIAMaka William O'Brien1802born February 1802, settlers child18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Obrien William, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_M302MOSELY JOSEPH1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_M303MOSS JOHN1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1804male convicts, 154 days victualled
uneNIFS_M304MOULTON WILLIAM1792marine, 60 acre lease first possessed in September 1792, government Lot1792-1793delivered maize 5 bushells
uneNIFS_M305MULLETT ELIZABETH1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_M306MULLINS HENRY1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Port Jackson1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, free
uneNIFS_M307MULLINS JOHN1796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 17961796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 1796
uneNIFS_M308MULLINS MARYdistinct from MULLINS MARY ANN1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1802child above two years of age, on stores for 50 days in 1802 (since January)
uneNIFS_M309MULLINS MARY ANNdistinct from MULLINS MARY1803child above two years of age, 36 days victualled 1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_M310MUNDAY ANN1791entered into Victualling Book, free woman, from/per Atlantic1805free woman off the stores,
uneNIFS_M311MUNDAY ANNE1805baptised, child of Petter Wilson and Elizabeth Monday1805baptised, child of Petter Wilson and Elizabeth Monday
uneNIFS_M312MUNDAY EDWARD1791entered into Victualling Book, child of civil military and free, from/per Atlantic1805New South Wales Corps, Private
uneNIFS_M313MUNDAY ELIZABETH1791entered into Victualling Book, child of civil military and free, from/per Atlantic1805free woman off the stores,
uneNIFS_M314MUNDAY JOHN (1)1791marine, at Grenville Vale, Sydney Township, 60 acres1792-1793delivered maize 5 bushells
uneNIFS_M315MUNDAY JOHN (2)1795entered into Victualling Book, child of civil military and free, from/per Supply1819passenger on the Martha for Derwent River, John Munday age 27 by birth in NSW & Mrs Mary Ann Taylor now Munday by birth in NSW SANSW4-4771-174-05
uneNIFS_M316MUNDAY JONAS1802baptised, child of William Cartwright and Elizabeth Monday1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_M317MUNRO ELIZABETH1803baptised, child of Andrew Goodwin and Leticia Goodwin1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_M318MUNRO JAMESaka James Goodwin1805child of all descriptions off the stores18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Goodwin James, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_M319MUNRO JOHN1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus1794<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_M320MUNRO LUCINDA1802baptised, child of Andrew Goodwin and Lydia Goodwin1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_M321MUNRO LYDIA1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_M322MUNRO MARGARET1802baptised, child of Andrew Goodwin and Lydia Goodwin1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_M323MUNRO MARIA1802born January 1802, settlers child1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_M324MUNRO MARY1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1806free, indebted for merchandise drawn from public stores
uneNIFS_M325MUNRO SARAH1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Briscoe Sarah, per <[blank]> , on stores, Charity; Entry Crossed out
uneNIFS_M326MURLEY ROGER1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_M327MURPHY (+)1796late convict, single, proprietor of Lot No.18, 12 acre lease, first settler in 17911796late convict, single, proprietor of Lot No.18, 12 acre lease, first settler in 1791
uneNIFS_M328MURPHY GEORGE1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795victualled in 1795 for 310 days all species
uneNIFS_M329MURPHY JAMES (1)1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792-1793delivered maize 21.5 bushells
uneNIFS_M330MURPHY JAMES (2)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_M331MURPHY JOHN (1)1794settler, PICKETT SUSANNAH maintained off stores by1804male convicts, 55 days victualled
uneNIFS_M332MURPHY JOHN (2)1798Port Jackson to Norfok Island per HMS Reliance, child at 1/2 allowance1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_M333MURPHY MARY1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_M334MURPHY MICHAEL (1)1794victualled in 1794 for 88 days all species1793 <[sic: 1794]>entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson
uneNIFS_M335MURPHY MICHAEL (2)1798Port Jackson to Norfok Island per HMS Reliance, child at 1/2 allowance1805male convicts, 57 days victualled
uneNIFS_M336MURPHY MICHAEL (3)1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, Private, 14 days victualled 1813left on Norfolk island to assist evacuation, Private 73rd Regiment
uneNIFS_M337MURPHY THOMAS (+)1796entered into Victualling Book, settler continued from December 1795, status and origin not stated1805sentence expired off the stores, landholder
uneNIFS_M338MURPHY THOMAS (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Murphy Thomas, per Scarbrough, on stores, Constable New Norfolk
uneNIFS_M339MURPHY THOMAS (2)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1805settler from convict, 1 wife, no children, 9.5 acres under cultivation
uneNIFS_M340MURRAY BRYAN1800prisoner for Norfolk Island per HMS Buffalo1801buried,
uneNIFS_M341MURRAY JOHN1800Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise1804New South Wales Corps, Private, 84 days victualled
uneNIFS_M342MURRAY KENNEDY (1)1796passenger to Norfolk Island per Supply 17961802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_M343MURRAY KENNEDY (2)aka Kennedy White and Kennedy Sydes1802child above two years of age, on stores for 35 days in 1802 (since May)1812child victualled
uneNIFS_M344MURRAY MICHAEL1809recommended for mitigation of sentence1814Free Pardon granted by Macquarie, MURRAY MICHAEL per Barwell 1798
uneNIFS_M345MURRAY NICHOLAS1792punished for breaking into the house of thomas watts and stealing there a check shirt and some provisions1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for <[blank]>, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_M346MURRAY WILLIAMSurgeon Justinian 17901790mentioned in Clark's Journal1790mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_M347MURRELL JOSEPH1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porposie January 1801
uneNIFS_M348MUSCHETOAboriginal aka Musquttoe, Musquito; 1806free man, victualled from stores1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, prisoner
uneNIFS_M349MUTCH THOMAS1804free man from sentence expired, 184 days victualled 1804free man from sentence expired, 184 days victualled
uneNIFS_M350MYERS JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_M351MYLER JAMES1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave
uneNIFS_N001NAGLE JACOB1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_N002NAIRN JAMES1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1817at Hobart Town
uneNIFS_N003NAIRNE WILLIAM1791punished for suspected of robbing a garden1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_N004NALLIS EDWARD1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson
uneNIFS_N005NANBERYAboriginal1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_N006NASH GEORGE1791punished for detected stealing government corn1791punished for detected stealing government corn
uneNIFS_N007NASH JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_N008NASH MARIA1790Marine Wives and children, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790Marine Wives and children, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_N009NASH MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus
uneNIFS_N010NASH ROBERT (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1817at Hobart Town
uneNIFS_N011NASH ROBERT (2)1798 or 1799died and buried on Norfolk Island1798 or 1799died and buried on Norfolk Island
uneNIFS_N012NASH SARAH1797died and buried on Norfolk Island1796<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_N013NASH STEPHEN1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedalus
uneNIFS_N014NASH WILLIAM1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_N015NAUREBARING1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_N016NEALAND THOMAS1807free man Apprentices, Seaman, 42 days on stores1807free man Apprentices, Seaman, 42 days on stores
uneNIFS_N017NEALE ARCHIBALD1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by labour for government, remained on Norfolk Island without Leave1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_N018NEPEAN NICHOLAS1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Captain, from/per Brittannia Port Jackson1794victualled in 1794 for 297 days all species
uneNIFS_N019NEVITT THOMAS1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791Private, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_N020NEW ZEALAND NATIVEdistinct from NEW ZEALANDER TOMMY 1808free man apprentices, 182 days victualled1809free man, 106 days victualled Died 16 Jun 1809
uneNIFS_N021NEW ZEALANDER GEORGE1812free man not victualled, labourer, New Zealanders1812free man not victualled, labourer, New Zealanders
uneNIFS_N022NEW ZEALANDER JOE1812child not victualled, Commandant servant1812child not victualled, Commandant servant
uneNIFS_N023NEW ZEALANDER JOSEPH1811child not victualled, New Zealanders1812free man not victualled, labourer, New Zealanders
uneNIFS_N024NEW ZEALANDER TOMMY1812free man not victualled, no land, landed from the Frederick Whaler1812free man not victualled, no land, landed from the Frederick Whaler
uneNIFS_N025NEWBY THOMAS1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize<[nd]>late a convict, purchased lot 38, 10 acres, formerly belonging to James Dodding
uneNIFS_N026NEWENHAM DENNIS1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per late Endeavour Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per late Endeavour Port Jackson
uneNIFS_N027NEWHOUSE MICHAEL1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Newhouse Michael, per Atlantic, off stores,
uneNIFS_N028NEWLAND JAMES1791convict, Sydney Town1791convict, Sydney Town
uneNIFS_N029NEWMAN MARY1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Supply
uneNIFS_N030NEWMAN WILLIAM1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Newman William, per Minorca, off stores, Emancipated
uneNIFS_N031NEWNHAM DAVID1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_N032NEWTON THOMAS (1)1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance June 1798
uneNIFS_N033NEWTON THOMAS (2)1800Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise1810Detachment of the 102" Regiment, Private, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_N034NICHOLAS RICHARD1790Corporal, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1796sold lot 6, 60 acres, to FISK THOMAS
uneNIFS_N035NICHOLAS WILLIAM1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Philadelphia1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Philadelphia
uneNIFS_N036NICHOLLS NORFOLK1810male child not victualled1812child not victualled
uneNIFS_N037NICHOLSON JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1792taken off stores by Thomas Sparks, to work for Sparks
uneNIFS_N038NICHOLSON THOMAS1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_N039NIXON JAMES1801Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise1805New South Wales Corps, Private
uneNIFS_N040NIXON THOMAS1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, Private, 14 days victualled 1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_N041NOLT WILLIAM1792punished for deserting the boat contrary to the conswain's order1792punished for deserting the boat contrary to the conswain's order
uneNIFS_N042NORMINGTON LUKE1802overseer, received stores and/or slop clothing18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Normanton Luke, per William & Ann, off stores,
uneNIFS_N043NORRIS ELIZABETH1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance September 17961799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_N044NORTON GEORGEaka Greg Norton1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_N045NORTON JAMES1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Corporal, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_N046NOTT WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795victualled in 1795 for 35 days all species
uneNIFS_N047NOWLAND CHARLES1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_N048NOWLAND JAMES1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_N049NOWLAND JOHN1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1811 originally transported per Alexander, tried Maidstone 1787, 7 years
uneNIFS_N050NOWLAND MICHAEL1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize<[nd]>late a convict, purchased lot 87, 15 acres, formerly belonging to William Doidge
uneNIFS_N051NUGENT JAMES1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_N052NUNN ROBERT (1)1790prisoner, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island1796entered into Victualling Book, settler continued from December 1795, convict, settler, from/per Sirius
uneNIFS_N053NUNN ROBERT (2)1792removed from Victualling Book, died1795<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born
uneNIFS_N054NURSE JOHN1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per late Endeavour Port Jackson1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per late Endeavour Port Jackson
uneNIFS_O001OAKLEY GEORGEson of OAKLEY MARY (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Oakley George, born at Norfolk Island, off stores,
uneNIFS_O002OAKLEY ISABELLAdaughter of OAKLEY MARY (1)1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1804child above two years of age at half rations, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_O003OAKLEY MARY (1)Convict died 27 August 1796 Norfolk Island1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1796removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_O004OAKLEY MARY (2)daughter of OAKLEY MARY (1) aka Mary Nash1796entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1808child above 2 Years at 1/2 rations, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_O005OBRIEN JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1794settler, STEELE JOHN rents two acres from
uneNIFS_O006OBRIEN THOMASMarine Settler1791marine, at Cascade Stream, Philipsburg Township, 60 acres18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Obrien Thomas, per Came Free, on stores, Invalid
uneNIFS_O007ODWYER MICHAEL1807male convicts, 153 days on stores1807male convicts, 153 days on stores
uneNIFS_O008OHARA EDWARD1802Port Jackson to Norfolk Islande per Porpoise1804male convicts, 118 days victualled
uneNIFS_O009OLDHAM RICHARD1800convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porposie1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_O010OLDWRIGHT SIMON1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_O011OLIVER ROBERT1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Pitt1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_O012ONEALE PETER1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1803male convicts, 365 days victualled
uneNIFS_O013ONEILL CORNELIUSSoldier 73rd. Arrival on Norfolk Island: Lady Nelson 1810. Departure: Minstrel 1813. 1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, Serjeant, 14 days victualled 1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, storekeeper
uneNIFS_O014ONSLOW CHARLES1798Port Jackson to Norfok Island per HMS Reliance, child at 1/2 allowance1798Port Jackson to Norfok Island per HMS Reliance, child at 1/2 allowance
uneNIFS_O015ORMAND JAMES1796entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Port Jackson1808free man from sentence expired, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_O016ORMSBY JAMES1796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance September 17961796Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per Reliance September 1796
uneNIFS_O017ORPHAN CHILD1802orphan, received stores and/or slop clothing1802orphan, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_O018ORPHAN CHILDREN1802received stores and/or slop clothing1802received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_O019ORRIGAN GEORGE1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance September 17961798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance September 1796
uneNIFS_O020OSBORNE JAMES1806male convict, victualled from stores1806male convict, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_O021OSBORNE THOMAS1800convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porposie1807male convicts, 93 days on stores
uneNIFS_O022OSBORNE WILLIAM1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1804male convicts, 111 days victualled
uneNIFS_O023OVELTON JOHN1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_O024OVENHEALTH WILLIAM1799Troops for Port Jackson, from Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Troops for Port Jackson, from Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_O025OVERALL WILLIAM1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_O026OWEN JOHN (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Fancy, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_O027OWEN JOHN (2)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_O028OWLES JOHN1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius<[nd]>late a convict, purchased lot 7, 60 acres, formerly belonging to Robert Watson
uneNIFS_P001PACKHURSH JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1792removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_P002PADGETT JOSEPH1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1796sold lot 85, 10 acres, to KING PHILIP GIDLEY
uneNIFS_P003PAGE JAMES1804male convicts, 50 days victualled 1805male convicts, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_P004PAGE MARY1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_P005PAGE WILLIAM1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1805male convicts, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_P006PAINTER JAMES1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1796sold lot 49, 60 acres, to CROWDER THOMAS RESTELL
uneNIFS_P007PAKER WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_P008PALMER (+)1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1791mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_P009PALMER HENRY1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1790mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_P010PALMER JAME1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Francis Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_P011PALMER JOHN1792punished for being idle at his work1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_P012PALMER THOMAS1804male convicts, 8 days victualled 1809contracted onboard the Estramina for Port Jackson, inhabitant
uneNIFS_P013PANTER GEORGE1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_P014PARDOE ANNE1790entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 2-3 rations, origin not stated1790entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 2-3 rations, origin not stated
uneNIFS_P015PARDOE GEORGE1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_P016PARDOE MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1794free, married, 2 children, maintained off stores by Peter Hibbs, settler
uneNIFS_P017PARDOE PETER1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1794entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born
uneNIFS_P018PARKER CHARLES1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_P019PARKER GEORGE1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_P020PARKER PETER1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_P021PARKER ROBERT1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_P022PARKINSON EDWARD1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1793<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, origin not stated
uneNIFS_P023PARNELL DANIEL1803male sentence expired, 232 days victualled 1804free man from sentence expired, 48 days victualled
uneNIFS_P024PARSON WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Parsons William, per Salamander, on stores, Constable
uneNIFS_P025PARSONS HENRY1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1791Private, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_P026PARSONS JOSEPH1807intended for Hobart Town1810free man From sentence expired, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_P027PARSONS WILLIAM1802public shoemaker, received stores and/or slop clothing1808free man from sentence expired, 182 days victualled
uneNIFS_P028PARTE JAMES1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_P029PATERSON ELIZABETH1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty
uneNIFS_P030PATERSON JAMES1805male convicton the stores, Sawyer1805male convicton the stores, Sawyer
uneNIFS_P031PATTERSON GEORGE1807free man Apprentices, Gunner Mate, 42 days on stores1807free man Apprentices, Gunner Mate, 42 days on stores
uneNIFS_P032PATTERSON JOHN1810military establishment victualled, Private1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_P033PATTERSON WILLIAM1791mentioned in Clark's Journal1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_P034PATTULLO WILLIAM1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porposie January 18011801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porposie January 1801
uneNIFS_P035PATULLO JANE1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_P036PAUL JOHN1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by labour for government, remained on Norfolk Island without Leave1808settler, to embark on the City of Edinburgh
uneNIFS_P037PEAK WILLIAM1792taken off stores by P O'Connell (Connell), to work for Connell1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_P038PEAL THOMAS1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, Private, 14 days victualled 1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_P039PEARCE ANN1805child above two years of age, 181 days victualled 1805child above two years of age, 181 days victualled
uneNIFS_P040PEARSON SAMUEL1792male convict, stowaway on the Admiral Barrington1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for <[blank]>, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_P041PEARSON THOMAS1792punished for carrying a log of on fire through the standing wheat, contrary to orders1792punished for carrying a log of on fire through the standing wheat, contrary to orders
uneNIFS_P042PEASLEY JANE1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795victualled in 1795 for 251 days all species
uneNIFS_P043PEAT MARY1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise, 2/3 provisions1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Porpoise, 2/3 provisions
uneNIFS_P044PEAT WILLIAM1792entered into Victualling Book, civil department, Master carpenter, from/per Port Jackson1795removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_P045PECK JANE1803child above two years of age, 50 days victualled 1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_P046PECK JEREMIAH1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_P047PECK JOHN1803child above two years of age, 50 days victualled 18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Peck John, born in the Colony, off stores,
uneNIFS_P048PECK JOSHUA (1)1788male convict1809VDL Derwent River settler, 55 acres, New Norfolk District
uneNIFS_P049PECK JOSHUA (2)1803baptised, child of Joshua Peck and Mary Peck1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_P050PECK MARY ANN (2)1803child above two years of age, 50 days victualled 1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_P051PECK THOMAS1803baptised, child of Joshua Peck and Mary Peck1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_P052PECK WILLIAM1803child above two years of age, 50 days victualled 1809VDL Derwent River settler, 30 acres, New Norfolk District
uneNIFS_P053PEELING HANNAH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1795sick with Dysenteria
uneNIFS_P054PENDERGRASS PATRICK1802Port Jackson to Norfolk Islande per Porpoise1805male convicts, 59 days victualled
uneNIFS_P055PENNY JOHN1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize1792removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Atlantic
uneNIFS_P056PENTONY WILLIAM1804came prisoner1805settler from convict, 1 wife, 2 children, 35 acres under cultivation
uneNIFS_P057PERKINS GEORGE1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1798Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_P058PERROTT EDWARD BEACROFT1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Philphedia, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_P059PERRY EMANUEL1802military department, Private, on stores for 365 days in 1802 (since January)1810Detachment of the 102" Regiment, Private, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_P060PETERS JACOBaka Jacob Potters1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_P061PETERS JAMES1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1796removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_P062PETERS THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1794paper stainer, jobbing work
uneNIFS_P063PETIT JOHN1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, supported by a settler, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_P064PETRIE THOMAS1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_P065PETRIE WILLIAM1793punished for quitting their work in a mutinous manner1793punished for quitting their work in a mutinous manner
uneNIFS_P066PHILBURN LUKE1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_P067PHILLIMORE RICHARDaka William PHILLIMORE 1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1792-1793delivered maize 61.5 bushells
uneNIFS_P068PHILLIPS ELIZABETH1805child of all descriptions off the stores1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_P069PHILLIPS JAMES (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1795victualled in 1795 for 310 days all species
uneNIFS_P070PHILLIPS JAMES (2)1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_P071PHILLIPS JAMES (3)1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island without leave
uneNIFS_P072PHILLIPS JOHN (+)1792punished for detected gaming for government clothes1794punished for gambling
uneNIFS_P073PHILLIPS JOHN (1)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen
uneNIFS_P074PHILLIPS JOHN (2)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Marquis Cornwallis, Europe
uneNIFS_P075PHILLIPS JOHN (3)1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_P076PHILLIPS JOSEPH1804came prisoner1804came prisoner
uneNIFS_P077PHILLIPS MARK1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1792removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_P078PHILLIPS RICHARD1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1808Individual not holding land, to embark on the City of Edinburgh
uneNIFS_P079PHILLIPS SARAH1791entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, born1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_P080PHILLIPS THOMAS1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_P081PHILLIPS WILLIAM1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing1805male convicts, 54 days victualled
uneNIFS_P082PHILLIPS/STEVENS MARY1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1812free woman victualled
uneNIFS_P083PHIPPS JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, settler and free person, Lt Govs Servant, from/per England1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Sugar Cane
uneNIFS_P084PICKERING JOHN1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1799Norolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_P085PICKERING WILLIAM1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_P086PICKETT EDWARD1792punished for accused of stealing wheat, callavandes and indian corn the property of the government1792punished for accused of stealing wheat, callavandes and indian corn the property of the government
uneNIFS_P087PICKETT SAMUEL1788male convict1792removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Atlantic
uneNIFS_P088PICKETT SUSANNAH1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1812free woman victualled
uneNIFS_P089PICKEUN WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Queen1796removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Reliance, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_P090PIDD WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795victualled in 1795 for 14 days all species
uneNIFS_P091PILES JOHN1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1790child, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius
uneNIFS_P092PILES MARY-SARAH1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1792taken off stores by Wife to William Wright
uneNIFS_P093PILLENGER JAMES1802free people from sentences expired, on stores for 113 days in 1802 (since January)18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Pillenger James, per Pitt, off stores,
uneNIFS_P094PILLMIRE JOHN1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_P095PINDAR MARYaka PENDER MARY1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_P096PINELL WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander
uneNIFS_P097PINNEY WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander
uneNIFS_P098PIPER HUGH (1)1802nsw corps, received stores and/or slop clothing1804New South Wales Corps, Ensign, 174 days victualled
uneNIFS_P099PIPER HUGH (2)1802military department, Private, on stores for 301 in 1802 (since March)1802military department, Private, on stores for 301 in 1802 (since March)
uneNIFS_P100PIPER JOHN1793entered into Victualling Book, military department, Ensign, from/per Kitty Port Jackson1810Detachment of the 102" Regiment, Lieutenant Commandant, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_P101PIPKIN CATHERINE1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_P102PIPKIN ELIZABETH1789Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance
uneNIFS_P103PITCHARD GEORGE1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795victualled in 1795 for 198 days all species
uneNIFS_P104PITCHARD WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1795removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Supply
uneNIFS_P105PITCHER SARAHarrived Norfolk Island per Phoenix Apr 1813; departed Kangaroo Februray 18141814Conditional Pardon granted by Macquarie, PITCHER SARAH per Sydney Cove 18071814Conditional Pardon granted by Macquarie, PITCHER SARAH per Sydney Cove 1807
uneNIFS_P106PITTAWAY SAMUEL1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1792removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_P107PITTMAN THOMAS1795entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Supply Port Jackson<[blank]> buried, Soldier
uneNIFS_P108PLACE JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1796removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_P109PLOMER MICHAEL1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_P110PLOWMAN JAMES1789Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1795victualled in 1795 for 310 days all species
uneNIFS_P111PLUTO THOMAS1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Philadelphia1793removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_P112PLYER GEORGE1789Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Pryer George, per Came Free, off stores,
uneNIFS_P113PLYER JAMESdistinct from John Plyer 1792marine settler, Mt Pitt Valley, Phillipsburg Township, 60 acres1792marine settler, Mt Pitt Valley, Phillipsburg Township, 60 acres
uneNIFS_P114PLYER JOHNdistinct from James Plyer Child1791sow provided to by Deputy Commisionary on Government order1809VDL Derwent River settler, 50 acres, From Risdon to Clarence Plains
uneNIFS_P115POAT JAMESaka James Poate1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_P116POCOCK JOSEPH1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_P117PODMORE RICHARD1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 55 days victualled
uneNIFS_P118PODMORE SARAH1804baptised, child of Richard Podmore and Phebe Flaherty1804baptised, child of Richard Podmore and Phebe Flaherty
uneNIFS_P119POEL THOMASaka Thomas Poeles1790Able Seaman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius1790Able Seaman, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson to per Sirius
uneNIFS_P120PONDALL WILLIAM1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1798Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_P121PONTER JEREMIAH1790entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Surprize1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Chesterfield
uneNIFS_P122POOL JANE1789prisoner, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island1792removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Atlantic
uneNIFS_P123POOL MARGARET1792removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Atlantic1792<[?]>entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, origin not stated
uneNIFS_P124POOLE JOHN1793punished for gambling1793punished for gambling
uneNIFS_P125POOLE JOSEPH1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1794punished for idleness
uneNIFS_P126POOLE SAMUEL1802constable, received stores and/or slop clothing1802constable, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_P127POORE ANNE (1)1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1806child of, POORE ANNE (2) baptised, father John Cesar
uneNIFS_P128POORE ANNE (2)1792entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1813embarked for Port Dalrymple per Lady Nelson, third class
uneNIFS_P129POORE JOHN1793entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, born1806child above 2 years at 1/2 ration, victualled from stores
uneNIFS_P130PORTER GEORGE1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Porter George, per Scarbrough, on stores, Constable
uneNIFS_P131PORTER SAMUEL1794entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Daedalus Port Jackson1801Norfolk to Port Jackson per Porpoise
uneNIFS_P132PORTER THOMAS1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave1796survivor of the Endeavour, remained on Norfolk Island with leave
uneNIFS_P133POSSON THOMAS1803male sentence expired, 365 days victualled 1804free man from sentence expired, 126 days victualled
uneNIFS_P134POSTLE/POSSLE JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795victualled in 1795 for 91 days all species
uneNIFS_P135POTTER ANN1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_P136POTTER ELIZABETH1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1805child of all descriptions off the stores
uneNIFS_P137POTTER MARY1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1807has 10 acres
uneNIFS_P138POTTER SARAH1805child of all descriptions off the stores1818passenger on the Frederick for Derwent then to India, from birth in Norfolk Island; age 16 years
uneNIFS_P139POTTS ELEANOR1802female convict, on stores for 119 days in 1802 (since January)1805female convictoff the stores,
uneNIFS_P140POWELL EDWARD1790entered into Victualling Book, convict's child, 1/2 rations, origin not stated1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Francis
uneNIFS_P141POWELL RICHARD1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson<[blank]>removed from Victualling Book, died
uneNIFS_P142POWELL WILLIAM1802for making fishing lines, received stores and/or slop clothing1802for making fishing lines, received stores and/or slop clothing
uneNIFS_P143PRENTICE JOHN THOMAS1790entered into Victualling Book, military department, Ensign, from/per Supply Port Jackson1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance September 1796
uneNIFS_P144PRESNELL WILLIAM1802convict, received stores and/or slop clothing18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Presnell William, per Barwell, off stores, Emancipated
uneNIFS_P145PRESTON ANTHONY1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1801Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_P146PRICE ANN1800to Norfolk Island per Porpoise1804child above two years of age at half rations, 147 days victualled
uneNIFS_P147PRICE JAMES (+)1791punished for disobedience of orders and abuse of public works1794GAMBLE MARY maintained off stores by
uneNIFS_P148PRICE JAMES (1)1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1790mentioned in Clark's Journal
uneNIFS_P149PRICE JAMES (2)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1794labourer, hired for six months for William Cable, settler
uneNIFS_P150PRICE JAMES (3)1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic1794labourer, rents five acres from William Dempsey, settler.
uneNIFS_P151PRICE JAMES (4)1802military department, Private, on stores for 365 in 1802 (since January)1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_P152PRICE JOHN1788male convict1793punished for neglecting their work
uneNIFS_P153PRICE JONATHAN1800Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise1810Detachment of the 102" Regiment, Private, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_P154PRICE SAMUEL1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_P155PRICE ZACHARIAH1804New South Wales Corps, Private, 126 days victualled 1804New South Wales Corps, Private, 126 days victualled
uneNIFS_P156PRICKET SUSANAH1802free woman, received stores and/or slop clothing1810Women whose sentence are expired, 90 days victualled
uneNIFS_P157PRIEST THOMAS1802free people from sentences expired, on stores for 7 days in 1802 (since January)18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Priest Thomas, per Neptune, on stores, Constable
uneNIFS_P158PRIEST WILLIAM1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795victualled in 1795 for 365 days all species
uneNIFS_P159PRIOR SARAH1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1805woman from sentence expired off the stores
uneNIFS_P160PRIOR THOMAS1790convict, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1794shoemaker, blank, blank children, maintained off stores by his profession
uneNIFS_P161PRITCHARD WILLIAM1800to Norfolk Island per HMS Buffalo, Sergeant1800to Norfolk Island per HMS Buffalo, Sergeant
uneNIFS_P162PROCTOR JAMES1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1801buried, Settler
uneNIFS_P163PROCTOR WILLIAM1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_P164PROSSER THOMAS1802Port Jackson to Norfolk Islande per Porpoise1812Free Pardon granted by Macquarie, PROSSER THOMAS per Minerva 1800
uneNIFS_P165PROVAN CATHERINE1810child of the detachment victualled, female1812child of the detachment
uneNIFS_P166PROVAN JOHN (1)1810Detachment 73rd Regiment, Private, 14 days victualled 1812military detachment 73rd Regiment, Private
uneNIFS_P167PROVAN JOHN (2)1810child above 2 years at 1/2 rations, 14 days victualled 1812child of the detachment
uneNIFS_P168PROVAN MARGARET1812child of the detachment1812child of the detachment
uneNIFS_P169PROVAN MARY1810free woman, 14 days victualled 1812woman of the detachment
uneNIFS_P170PRYER JAMESNSW Corps. James Prior-Parr1801Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise1801Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Porpoise
uneNIFS_P171PUGH JOHN1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMAT Supply1791Private, Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMAT Supply
uneNIFS_P172PULLEY JOHN1805settler from convict, 1 wife, 2 children, 7 acres under cultivation1805settler from convict, 1 wife, 2 children, 7 acres under cultivation
uneNIFS_P173PURCELL HENRY1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance1799Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_P174PURDON MICHAEL1807has wife, intended for Hobart Town18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Purdon Michael, per Came Free, off stores,
uneNIFS_P175PYERS SAMUEL1792entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Atlantic Port Jackson18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Pyers Samuel, per Active, off stores, Certificate
uneNIFS_P176PYERS WILLIAM1809VDL Derwent River settler, 43 acres, New Town District1809VDL Derwent River settler, 43 acres, New Town District
uneNIFS_P177PYLES SARAH1791sow provided to by Deputy Commisionary on Government order1791sow provided to by Deputy Commisionary on Government order
uneNIFS_Q001QUAHHOO1805per Buffalo, embassy to Governor King1805per Buffalo, embassy to Governor King
uneNIFS_Q002QUARRIMAN/QUARRYMAN ROBERT1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1805sentence expired off the stores, labourer
uneNIFS_Q003QUINTON BARNABY1802labourers and mechanics, received stores and/or slop clothing18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Quinton Bernard, per Minorca, off stores,
uneNIFS_R001RADCLIFFE THOMAS1792punished for refusing to obey his overseer's instructions1805New South Wales Corps, Private, 60 days victualled
uneNIFS_R002RADFORD JOSEPH1790Private, Port Jackson to Norfolk Island per HMS Sirius1796Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Reliance September 1796
uneNIFS_R003RAINBOW THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, military department, Private, from/per Queen Port Jackson1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_R004RALPH GEORGE1792entered into Victualling Book, settler and free person, seaman, from/per Queen 1793removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Kitty, Port Jackson
uneNIFS_R005RAMSDEN JOHN1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1795victualled in 1795 for 224 days all species
uneNIFS_R006RANDALL MARY1790entered into Victualling Book, female convict, from/per Surprize1812time expired
uneNIFS_R007RANFORD JOHN1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance1799Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per HMS Reliance
uneNIFS_R008RANSOME THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Salamander18191819: Mustered at Hobart, Ransom Thomas, per Scarbrough, off stores, Superintenant Boat Builders
uneNIFS_R009RAPER GEORGE1790mentioned in Clark's Journal1791Norfolk Island to Port Jackson per Supply
uneNIFS_R010RATCLIFF THOMAS1791entered into Victualling Book, male convict, from/per Mary Ann1794removed from Victualling Book, departed, per/for Daedal