Blog.UNE: Impending blog purge

by | May 10, 2013 | Blog Announcements | 0 comments

Attention Bloggers:

If you have a blog that has not been updated for 3 years or more, it will be deleted at the end of next week. (17-May-2013)

The database that runs blog.une is suffering from bloat and there are many blogs that people simply don’t seem to be using any more.
By removing these unused/old blogs we will make everything run faster and better for those of you who are still using blog.une.

If you have an old blog & you don’t want it to be deleted, simply add a new post or page or update something you’ve already published. That should be enough to reset the ‘last updated’ date and remove it from the impending purge.

You can export the content of your blog, by going to the Dashboard and then “Tools” -> “Export”.

Most of the old blogs will continue to be available, albeit in a static form, via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Simply go to and enter your blog’s URL into the box in the middle of the page and click “Take Me Back”
Here’s an example:

If you really feel that your blog needs to stay & you can’t update it for some reason, simply email me:

Thanks in advance…
Ross M. W. Bennetts
Web Editor