2021, Volume 24, Paper 6
ISSN: 2209-6612

COVID-Related Changes in Consumer Preferences and Food Value Chain Responses

Garry Griffith
Associate Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics and Agribusiness, University of Melbourne
Adjunct Professor, Global Centre for Food and Resources, University of Adelaide
Adjunct Professor, Centre for Agribusiness, University of New England


The year 2020 saw a seismic shift in world economies, businesses and households, brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Movement was restricted and borders were closed. Business models had to change to reflect the new constraints. In this paper we examine how consumer preferences changed over this period and how food value chains have and might in the future respond tactically and strategically to these changes. Some suggestions for further research are made.

Keywords: consumer preferences, strategic fit, responsiveness, uncertainty, COVID-19

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