‘Never in our wildest dreams did we expect QuickSmart to be so popular’ said co-developers Professors John Pegg and Lorraine Graham as they reviewed plans for 2014.

QuickSmart, a numeracy and literacy program conducted by SiMERR, is expected to be implemented in its 1000th school in Australia during 2014. This is an amazing journey from the initial trial in two schools in 2001.

Following a low-key roll-out in its early years, the look and feel of the program material was significantly upgraded in 2008. With the support of education jurisdictions and significant Federal funding to schools the program has grown dramatically in the past five years, adding over 800 new schools.

Professor Pegg said ‘the outcomes recorded from approximately 25,000 students tell a compelling story of the efficacy of the program’. Independent analysis of QuickSmart student’s national test results show that these students consistently achieve up to three years’ academic growth over a 30-week period.

SiMERR is expecting another busy year for QuickSmart. Some time in April it is likely that staff of the 1000th QuickSmart school will be participating in their initial professional learning workshop and preparing to implement the program at their school.