by Amy | Feb 22, 2020 | Latest News, News
The week started with Valentines Day celebrations and ended with a trans-global teleconference. I thought for a change you might like to work out for yourselves how the rest of my week played out – here are the clues! Despite the travails of the roundabout work...
by Amy | Feb 14, 2020 | Latest News, News
Another week of interesting news and events.. The world remains gripped by the ongoing spread of COVID-19 infections; the unfurling reality of the epidemic both in human and economic terms does not make for pleasant reading. The recent spate of storms have finally...
by Amy | Feb 7, 2020 | Latest News, News
Rain, rain and more rain! I have spent the week in Sydney where it has rained kangaroos and wallabies every day. I visited our Parramatta campus on Monday to meet with staff and discuss how to design our required move to new facilities – the civic development plans...
by Amy | Jan 31, 2020 | Latest News, News
It seems that we have moved quickly from one set of environmental challenges to a medical emergency. Overnight the World Health Organisation has determined the spread of the novel coronavirus has reached global epidemic proportions. We have been active all week...
by Amy | Jan 24, 2020 | Latest News, News
Given we are only three weeks into the new year with many staff still on annual leave it is amazing how busy we already are! With Trimester 3 just finishing and registration still in play for the 2020 academic year, it has been an interesting week with different types...