The Chancellor celebrated another birthday this week and after a long day of meetings, those of us here in UNE Armidale enjoyed a piece of his chocolate cake. The number of appended candles is reported as commercial in confidence…
In the middle of all of this, I joined the audience for the 2020 Frank Archibald Lecture; UNE alumna Professor Michelle Trudgett stood proud and tall and delivered an inspiring lecture to a virtual audience of over 80 attendees. Both Michelle, the Events Team and MC Noni Hawkins (another UNE alumna!) all deserve a loud shout out for their generous contributions.
I have been toing and froing with colleagues in the UK and EU around their experiences around the scale return of their students to campus. UNE residential students are very keen to return and rightly want clarity for 2021. As restrictions ease and we consider new models of distributed working and the framing of attendance criteria across our whole workforce, then the practical insights of others are welcome.
Another small celebration was required Wednesday night when the 2020 Australian Prime Minsters Science Prizes were announced – recognition again for women in science!
Onwards to Sydney next week for various Board meetings and partner engagements. Given I am still standing and enjoying life, I am off to Packsaddle tonight for a cultural boost. I hope that you each have great plans for the weekend and can relax too. |
Thanks you for the Armidale weather report