The rhythm of corporate business washed over me with a number of board meetings running almost in parallel across the week. These events prove most useful when I get to hear how other entities are working through the issues that face us all, and how they are coping with the increasing burden of COVID related artefacts upon business resilience and sustainability. We are also running into our own busy period in the governance cycle so a lot of papers to work through as we prepare for committees and draft reports to various external bodies.
A muffin and catch up with another new group of staff returning to campus provided relief and a few moments to just check in and sense check that our plans are working in the manner we hoped to support a safe return and create a safe harbour at each of our work sites.
The week was also boosted by the launch of our UNE Tamworth expansion plans. The energy of the Tamworth community in support of our innovative plans for an embedded education model is uplifting and inspires me greatly! The opportunities it creates for UNE, here I am thinking about our much needed growth platform, tie in with plans for the Armidale campus – especially the new Science Precinct, the growing authority of the UNE SRI as an engine for enterprise, and further promotion of our Agrisciences, Health and Creative and Performing Arts credentials. |
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
“Things are crook at Muswellbrook.”
(or Cooloongolook for the coasties)
“Things are weak at Werris Creek.”
One almost feels like crying while reading this rather depressing blog entry.