The Program is pleased to be able to continue to offer financial support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander students and graduates via scholarship funded internships as pathways to jobs in the Indigenous sector and beyond. Scholarships will cover daily living expenses ($800/week) as well as travel and accommodation costs for away-from-home placements.
The Program places students with backgrounds in law (including some business), anthropology, some social sciences (including archaeology, community development, cultural heritage, environmental management, education, history, human geography, Indigenous studies, media/communications and sociology) as well as health science and social welfare (including social work and psychology) and at Indigenous sector organisations involved in native title, land rights, justice, policy and community development, health, social welfare and research, Australia wide
Applications will be open from 9.00am Monday 10 August through to 5.00pm Friday 28 August.
More information about applying can be accessed via the Aurora website at