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Are you a recent graduate or graduating before 2021? If so, you might be interested in the nbn Graduate Program.

A dedicated, rotation-based program, nbn’s Graduate Program is ideal for those keen to explore roles across different areas of the business – and to start making a real contribution from day one.Highly valued for the fresh perspective they bring to the organisation, over the course of 18 months, graduates spend six months each in three separate business units, building their knowledge and putting their skills to work.The rotational nature of a graduate program means participants can test the corporate waters to discover (or confirm) the kind of work they find interesting, the kind of work they want more of (or less), and the kind of work where they can really shine.

In nbn’s next graduate intake – applications are now open – two streams will be on offer to further help graduates explore their area of interest:

  • Business, Economics, Finance and Marketing
  • Coding, Computer Engineering and IT

More information on the program and how to apply can be found here.