Planning for the return of staff and students to each of our campuses and the re-opening of our study centres still occupies time in various ways. As does the process of supporting students through the challenge of online exams as they complete Trimester 1 – various technology challenges did create a frisson of anxiety for all of us over the last couple of weeks. The teams in IT and Student Success are to be congratulated for maintaining full service despite several challenging events.
Post Council retreat catch ups have been running across my diary as work to complete the next stage of the process for the UNE21+ conversation unfolds. The interactive portal through which staff, students and the wider community can engage goes live next week; all the small housekeeping tasks needed some attention to ensure we are ready to launch our first ‘all of community’ conversation.
The level of engagement with this week’s UNE in Conversation around the Future Campus signals wider participation and a willingness to contribute, which augurs well for the UNE21+ development process. Another key indicators of improved participation is the level of interest being expressed in our upcoming elections for tier 1 UNE governance committees and the new student consultative model. All those who have contributed to developing the relevant conversations are to be congratulated for stimulating such a high level of interest. |