Our students are heads down in exams and assessments as they stay the course and complete the academic work of this trimester. For me, the most compelling view of their activities is the collegiality of all and their willingness to reach out and offer rich peer support. I am sure all will join with me in wishing our students every success. The fact that we have reopened discussions about possible options for graduation celebrations later this year is another sign of our confidence in the resilience of education and the value of community.
Our strong community spirit was also evident in the generosity of support being provided to the UNE Food Bank initiative and the provision of emergency resources to our international students at a time of great need. One is reminded that a little goes a long way, and there is never enough!
UNE has also been a contributor to discussions about the development of plans for the safe return of international students to Australia – first those needing to complete their studies and then a gradual opening of borders and study opportunities as conditions allow. This is very promising news for all those students who suffered disruption as a result of the necessary constraints upon international travel. Alongside these conversations has been the ongoing work of the teams planning their way through UNE operations recovery, and a model for a safe, staged return to each of our campuses has been another key dimension of the week. It is a complex multidimensional challenge but great progress has been made this week with support from all divisions and units enabling progress. |
Thank you for your regular newsy update. Sorry To hear about the arm, Brigid, and hope the recovery goes well. Anything I can do to assist in any way? Perhaps a bit of spare time to read my poetry book, “Grey Eagle, Soar” which was your Christmas gift.. mobile inside cover so do call if I can assist. All best Helen McAllister PhD Student SoE