Lot of catch ups this week, with a growing number now held human-to-human as many senior staff are now working for part of the time from the second floor in the Dixson Library; where once there were students scattered through the stacks, there is now a mottley crew of executives all hot desking and standing around, in socially responsible clusters, with cups of coffee. After the weeks in isolation it is really nice to see a different model of working emerge.
The Zoom monster is still with us though and most of my meetings still require technology to link our distributed communities. I joined the inaugural HASSE executive meeting on Monday and had afternoon tea with the staff in the Academic Innovation Division on Tuesday. My cat and I joined the Armidale WiNG colleagues for a virtual breakfast early Tuesday morning and shared notes around both personal and business survival challenges. On Wednesday, I shared an early morning tea with the Principals of the boarding schools here in Armidale to discuss our various plans to manage the safe return of staff and students.
Some of you will be saying what no committee meetings! Be assured there were plenty of those (including SET, Finance and Infrastructure, NSWVCCs and a couple of late night trans-hemisphere calls to discuss knowledge partnerships and international recruitment prospects). |