UNE has cancelled in-person, paper-based exams for Trimester 1 per government advice to avoid large indoor gatherings.
Instead, all exams will either be transferred to other modes of assessment, or offered online.
Most exams are already offered online and in that case, information can be found in your unit’s Moodle site.
The University is considering alternatives for students who are unable to access their exams online.
The exam timetable was due to be released this week but it was held back to avoid confusion, as we reconfigure it in light of this decision.
The online exam period for Trimester 1 will occur between 9th to 19th June.
To provide as much flexibility as possible, most online exams will allow students to select their preferred start time on the scheduled day.
Immediate information on online exams is available on UNE’s Online Supervised Exams page to give you an idea of what this involves.
We will provide more concrete information including exam dates to all students over the next 7 days (by 27th March).
Why isn’t the census date being pushed out? If “more concrete information including exam dates to all students” isn’t going to be available up to the 27th March what happens to our fees if we can’t do the exam? I can’t do online exams. I don’t have the internet connection to do it, and I can’t look at a screen for that long. If that is my only alternative I’ll have to drop my units, but if I don’t know until after the census date, will I get a refund?
Hi Prue,
The move to online exams is intended to provide students with options to complete your units at a time when face-to-face exams are unlikely to be possible. The uni is looking into ways to cater to students who are unable to sit exams online.
As this situation is outside of your control, please be assured that if following Census Date, you are provided with further information and you find that you are unable to complete the unit, you can certainly apply for Remission of Fees.
Kind regards,
Thanks Amy.
Hi Amy,
Over here: https://www.une.edu.au/current-students/my-course/examinations/exam-timetables we are now given instructions on how to access our exam timetables.
However, its still not working. When going to https://exams.une.edu.au/timetable/ it says “Exam Timetables. T3 Exam Event, 2019. Sorry, this feature is not available after 29/02/2020”
Could you look into this please?
Hey John,
I’m definitely happy to look into it for you. 🙂
I can see that on the first link it has been announced that the T1 2020 Exam timetable is available in Excel form or PDF at the links provided. It also looks like they’re saying you may not be able to access your personalised Exam Timetable through your myUNE until you receive an email confirming this function is good to go for you.
Could you please point me to where you were directed to the broken timetable link you’ve provided? Then I can check it out.
Hi Amy,
I hadn’t seen that info about the email, but I can see that now.
On that same page it says “If you are not able to access your exam timetable via myUNE, you can go to exam timetable and follow the link ‘To view your personalised exam timetable, click here’. Do not use the unit code search box as it will not show any results.”
But following the ‘exam timetable’ link says ““Exam Timetables. T3 Exam Event, 2019. Sorry, this feature is not available after 29/02/2020”
Over here: https://www.une.edu.au/coronavirus-information it says “UNE has cancelled in-person, paper based exams for Trimester 1. Details and timetables are now available.”
Perhaps, as you say, we just need to wait for email confirmation (despite what the page says)?
I am not happy about being forced to do my exams online. What are the alternatives? I have never wanted to do exams online as I cannot type as quick as I can write. I’ve just looked at the requirements for the online exam and I cannot meet them. This just creates an extra level of stress. I do not have a private room I can lock myself in to do this, unless the bathroom is acceptable. I would really like to hear what the alternative are, sooner rather than later.
An online exam is simply a non-starter for me for two main reasons;
1. Uninterrupted internet cannot be guaranteed.
2. My typing speed isn’t good enough for an
online exam.
I really think the census date needs to be pushed back in lieu of all this uncertainty. Give people some more time to consider their trimester once more information is available.
I agree with Russell. Like others, I am unable to do my exams on line. The announcement that the paper exam in an exam centre option will no longer be available may be make or break for a lot of students. I understand that circumstances beyond the University’s control has forced this decision, but the announcement coming on Census Date may compel many of us to make hasty and regrettable decisions to discontinue.
May I suggest
1. That the Census date be pushed back, so that the University has time to consider what suitable alternative arrangements can be made to keep paper-based exams in play, and
2. That if and when that decision is made, that the self-distancing rules be applied in exam centres, so that people can sit the paper-based exam in larger centres to allow for prescribed space between examinees. If large numbers are involved, extra centres may need to be set up.
3. That examination rules be relaxed to allow examinees to take into the exams whatever equipment/materials etc needed to reduce transmission of the virus between people. People could also be required to wash hands before and after the exam.
Others reading these posts may have other ideas, but I urge the University Admin to reconsider this decision, which could have negative outcomes for students and staff wider that the transmission of COVID-19 (as serious as that event would be).
Computer requirements for exams such as webcams in my city are sold out, due apparently to people working from home. I will have to drop all my units. Trying to finish an assignment but I can’t really see the point. Second what everyone is saying about census date.
Yes I feel the same way I am a fast typist but connecting my mind to the short essay questions and typing that fast wont work for me either, if I could write it out first and then type it would help me with the short essay questions.
An alternative to completing the exams online needs to be taken into consideration, as I am terrible at completing exams from a screen. I have never opted to complete exams online and still would prefer not to. Couldn’t completion in an area with less individuals (to meet the 2m proximity rule) per room, but still on paper, be an option for those who elect to not complete the exam online?