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Following the release of Trimester 2 results, emails have been sent out to check in with students who have not met the UNE Course Progression Requirements.

The emails relate to Academic Progression Alerts and Requests to Show Cause. If you’re not sure what this means, you can read more about this in our blog post here

The purpose of an Academic Progression Alert is to check in with you and to ensure that you are well set up to succeed in your next trimester of study. 

A Show Cause is more serious and will follow two consecutive Academic Progression Alerts. It is important that you respond to a Show Cause Notice within the time frame noted in your email. You can respond directly to the email outlining your case and including any supporting documentation. 

What to do if you have received an Academic Progression Alert or a Request to Show Cause:

If your results weren’t what you’d expected and you’d to chat with someone about your options or what might happen from here, please give our team a call on 02 6773 2000. Alternatively, you can book an appointment online at a time that suits you, and we’ll call you. 

Our team is here both to ensure that you are aware of any options available to you with regards to your Trimester 2 results, and also to assist you in putting together your action plan for future Trimesters.

Depending on the challenges you have encountered, there are a range of different services and resources that we can connect you with to assist you as you proceed with your studies. If you’d like to know more about the different personal or academic support options available, please don’t hesitate to get in contact.