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Trimester 2 Moodle pages are now available as we prepare to commence Trimester 2, next Monday 8th July. 

If you are already enrolled, you should have access to your unit Moodle pages now. If you have only just enrolled in a unit then please keep in mind that it can take up to 24 hours for your access to become available, so don’t stress if you can’t see the Moodle page immediately. 

Although Moodle pages are now open, Unit Coordinators may not necessarily be active until the beginning of the trimester, next Monday. 

We encourage you to take some time to familiarise yourself with how each of your Trimester 2 units is set out, and to have a look at any assignment information and due dates to start planning out your trimester. 

Please note that you have until Monday the 15th July to add units to your enrolment for Trimester 2. If you require assistance with altering your enrolment, or want to speak about unit options or managing your study load then please don’t hesitate to give our Student Success Team a ring on either 1800 560 677 or 02 6773 2000 (between 8am-6pm weekdays).