This May the University of New England has the great pleasure of holding the International Students’ Farewell Ceremony. Many of our students need to return home at the completion of their studies and this is an opportunity for the University to thank them for their contribution to our community, and recognise their achievements.
The Celebration will be held in Arts Theatre A1 at 3pm on Friday 31st May 2019. We ask that all guests and students attending please arrive no later than 2:45pm.The Farewell Ceremony is a formal event at which students can wear their national dress, or (for men) a jacket and tie is suitable. Please be mindful of stairs to mount the stage and wear appropriate footwear.
For students taking part in the ceremony, an academic gown will need to be worn and can be arranged at the Ceremony registration.
Students will be presented to the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor to receive a Certificate of Participation. The University photographer will be present to take photographs of the event.
After the ceremony, we invite all attending students and their guests to join us for refreshments and canapés at Booloominbah.
The event will be live streamed on the UNE International Facebook page for any students, families and friends who are unable to attend the ceremony.