Welcome to week four!
Today (25 March) is CENSUS DATE for trimester 1 units. This means it is the last day you can withdraw from trimester 1 units without HECS/financial liability It’s also the last day UNE can legally accept whole/part up-front HECS payments, and the last day to submit your Commonwealth Assistance Form
If you need any assistance or advice, get in touch as soon as you can. Remember, although you can withdraw up until midnight, you can only seek advice until close of business. We will be available to talk on 1800 560 677 until 6PM. If you think you might need us to refer you elsewhere, though, make sure you call before 4:30 pm.
We made a video last week with some tips about managing your study load you can find it here (please note that we have already completed the Q&A session mentioned in the video).