by smcdiar2 | Apr 28, 2017 | EBE Announcements
F.M.S. wish to advise that there will be an interruption to the following area: Location: Kirby SMART Farm Issue: Possible short delays Reason: Grading of the road from the cattle grid to the chicken shed Please...
by smcdiar2 | Apr 13, 2017 | EBE Announcements
FMS wish to advise that there will be an interruption to the following services due to works being undertaken: Location(s): Campus Wide – Stop and Give Way lines not completed in previous line markings Issue: Minor Delays Possible...
by smcdiar2 | Apr 13, 2017 | EBE Announcements
FMS wish to advise that there will be an interruption to the following services due to works being undertaken: Location(s): Carparks to the east of FMS Workshops and Printery building Issue: Car Parks Closed Reason: Line marking...
by smcdiar2 | Apr 11, 2017 | EBE Announcements
FMS wish to advise that there will be some minor inconvenience due to works being undertaken: Location(s): Earle Page and Austin College Issue: Minor inconvenience, possible partial loss of access at Austin Reason: Painting of external handrails in...
by smcdiar2 | Mar 31, 2017 | EBE Announcements
FMS wish to advise that there will be some minor inconvenience due to works being undertaken: Location(s): Room 175 Booth Block (c027) Issue: Minor inconvenience, loss of access while work is being carried out Reason: Painting of Room...
by smcdiar2 | Mar 28, 2017 | EBE Announcements
FMS wish to advise that there will be an interruption to the following services due to works being undertaken: Location: Mary White College Issue: Temporary loss of power Reason: Cutting...