by smcdiar2 | May 12, 2017 | EBE Announcements
F.M.S. wish to advise that there will be an interruption to the following area due to works being undertaken: Location: Driveway entrance to FMS Mailroom, Workshop Road. JSF Barker building entrance and Small car park out front of Agronomy...
by smcdiar2 | May 8, 2017 | EBE Announcements
F.M.S. wish to advise that there will be the following inconvenience due to works being undertaken: Location(s): Kirby Chicken sheds Issue: Contractors onsite, areas cordoned off Reason: Dead tree...
by smcdiar2 | May 8, 2017 | EBE Announcements
F.M.S. wish to advise that there will be an interruption to the following area due to works being undertaken: Location: Car Park and Road between IAEP Building W077 and Pharmacy Wing W034 Issue: Roadway and car...
by smcdiar2 | May 8, 2017 | EBE Announcements
FMS wish to advise that there will be an interruption to the following services due to works being undertaken: Location: The Lodge E016 and Oorala E022 Issue: Power Outage – please turn off all sensitive...
by smcdiar2 | May 8, 2017 | EBE Announcements
F.M.S. wish to advise that there will be the following inconvenience due to works being undertaken: Location(s): EBL Buildings W037-W042 Issue: Contractors onsite, areas cordoned off Reason: ...
by smcdiar2 | May 8, 2017 | EBE Announcements
F.M.S. wish to advise that there will be an interruption to the following area due to works being undertaken: Location: Academic and Residential Campuses Issue: Hard surface and garden weed spraying – areas being sprayed will have...