by ahendric | Jan 26, 2016 | TDS Announcements
Echo360 videos (within Moodle units) have been unavailable since 12.15pm today Tuesday 26 January. “The EchoSystem returned an unexpected response” UNE staff have isolated the issue and are now waiting on the supplier for a solution. No estimated fix...
by ahendric | Aug 26, 2010 | Uncategorized
The IT Service Desk is running a survey to get your feedback on how well we support you. At present, the number of staff responses is less than half what is needed to allow us to participate in this sector-wide comparison of customer satisfaction. If you have used the...
by ahendric | Jul 23, 2009 | TDS Announcements
IT Staff have resolved the email problem that occurred overnight and resulted in delivery problems for email services this morning. A;ready you should have received emails that were backlogged on our email servers and email services are operational although not yet...
by ahendric | Aug 1, 2008 | TDS Announcements
Attention staff and students On Tuesday 5 August 2008 the following web services will be unavailable for up to one hour between 8am – 9am AEST. MFD Credit Top Up – 2009 Course and Unit Catalogue –...
by ahendric | Jun 5, 2008 | Employment Opportunities
CURRENT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Full details on positions can be obtained from , Human Resource Services, on extension 3972 or from the front office of Human Resource Services. ACADEMIC STAFF POSITIONS Associate Lecturer in Academic...