Notice to users of the Computer Science teaching system (turing) and HPC hosts (miller + nodes)
There will be a 2 day outage of these systems on Thursday and Friday, 12-13th of October, 2023.
This is to allow for some major electrical work and the moving of these systems to new racks. The work is not expected to take the full two days, however over this time systems will be unavailable at short notice as the work is completed.
The timing of this work coincides with the Moodle outage, also scheduled for the 12-13th of October.
The following systems in the Computer Science and HPC network will be unavailable:
Computer Science Teaching: turing, bourbaki, hopper, codd
HPC: miller, amdahl, dijkstra, engelbart, hamilton, lovelace, mirzakhani, moore, tukey, m100-m106 miller nodes.