F.M.S. wish to advise that there will be an interruption to the following areas due to works being undertaken:
Location: Ground floor toilets, T.C Lamble Building, C033
Issue: Toilets closed (please use toilets located on another level when closed), contractors onsite working from ladders in ceiling spaces
Reason: Replacing heating valves on mechanical ventilation plant
Date(s): Tuesday, 29th November to Friday, 2nd December, 2016
Records Management Office toilets closed, Tuesday, 29th November 2016
Office of Advancement toilets closed, Wednesday, 30th November 2016
All ground floor female toilets closed, Thursday, 1st December 2016
All ground floor male toilets closed, Friday, 2nd December 2016
Time(s): 8.00am – 5.00pm
Contact Name: Graham Harland
Contact Phone: ext. 3103