The CourseLoop production environment will be unavailable to staff from 2pm on Thursday 2 February until approximately midday on Monday 6 February to enable the upgrade to take place.
Reminder of this outage will be provided to identified UNE CourseLoop users one week from the outage, the day before the outage, the morning of the outage, and 30 minutes before the outage.
Please note that there is no impact to the UNE Course Handbook or Prospective Student Catalogue (PSC) – both will remain available during the upgrade. However, any course/unit changes completed in the system on Thursday 2 February will not appear in the Prospective Student Catalogue until Monday 6 February.
An email advising when the CourseLoop upgrade has been completed and confirming when users are able to log back into the production environment on Monday 6 February, 2023.