The process for uploading student data and requesting a report has been updated following the introduction of the QuickSmart Portal. Here is a guide to take coordinators and instructors through the new process.

Part 1: Pre-testing

  1. The instructor conducts pre-tests with students in OZCAAS and collects each student’s latest PAT results (used as an independent pre-test).
  2. The instructor creates an OZCAAS Numeracy and/or Literacy Licence Class for the cohort year in the QuickSmart Portal (
  3. The instructor adds all of their students to the class and enters both the OZCAAS and PAT pre-test data for each student (students can be added in bulk via the template in the “Add User” section).

Part 2: Post-testing

  1. The instructor conducts final post-tests with students in OZCAAS and collects each student’s latest PAT results.
  2. The instructor enters both the OZCAAS and PAT post-test data for each student

Part 3: Requesting and Reviewing the Report

  1. Once the post-test data has been uploaded for all that year’s classes, the school QuickSmart program coordinator clicks “Request Report Review” for any class and enters any relevant comments*.
  2. The submitted report is fully reviewed and checked by our data analyst.
  3. The reviewed Word report and Excel spreadsheet (which includes all the data added by the instructor to the class) is uploaded to the Portal and a notification email will be sent to all users in the “Principal”, “Executive”, “Coordinator” and “Instructor” roles.
  4. The report will be downloadable from either the OZCAAS Numeracy Licence or OZCAAS Literacy Licence links in the Reports section of the Portal**.
  5. The coordinator/instructor reviews their report and, if they notice any incorrect data, can contact SiMERR via to have the class unlocked in order to edit any necessary results and request a revised report (which goes through the same process as above)

*Please note that each school can only request one report for all classes in that year. For example, if a school has two Numeracy classes for 2021, the report request will cover both. The classes will be locked after the report is requested, and no more data or users can be added to either class.

**Please note that reviewed reports will be available for viewing by anyone at the school with a QuickSmart Portal account.

If you experience any technical issues, please contact our IT Support on 02 6773 5061 or via email at

A full user guide for the QuickSmart Portal can be viewed here.