UNE herd gets Taggled

PARG deployed Taggle Tracking ear tags across most of the UNE cow herd today. The tags give us a position every 15 minites. You can have a look at the position data coming in real-time here:...

PARG welcomes Michael Schaefer to the research team

PARG PhD student, Michael Schaefer, joins UNE-PARG as our newest staff member. While putting the last-minute, finishing touches to his PhD thesis, Michael has joined Dr Alex Held’s group at CSIRO Canberra, working with the team on the national Terrestrial Ecosystem...

Dr Paul Coop completes monolayer detection PhD

Congratuations go out to PARG PhD student and long time member of the UNE Physics and Electronics department Dr Paul Coop (PhD).  Paul's doctorate investigated possible techniques for determining if a monolayer (one molecule wide) existed on the surface of water in...

Farming, PA and Australia’s Digital Future

The opportunities for NBN to make a difference to rural and regional Australia was discussed at the recent National Economic Development Conference (“NEDC2011 The Digital Economy”) held in Adelaide. Precision Agriculture is set to play a big role in Australia’s...

New SMART Farm website launched

The next big thing at PARG is the launch of the SMART Farm concept. To demonstrate the concept a new website has been developed at www.une.edu.au/smart . The UNE SMART Farm is to be implemented on the UNE rural property "Kirby" and will involve sensor networks and...

Spatial livestock guru Derek Bailey visits UNE-PARG

Professor Derek Bailey from New Mexico State University has spent a week discovering the depth of livestock research being performed at PARG.  Derek is a world renowned researcher in the field of rangeland cattle monitoring earning a reputation as the best in the...