he Australian Centre for Agriculture and Law (AgLaw Centre) was established to provide innovative scholarship on laws and institutions affecting rural communities and develop strategies and policies to improve rural sustainability and social justice. 

 Here’s a quick update on what’s been happening at the centre: 

#UNELaw’s Dr Andrew Lawson, Professor Paul Martin, and AgLaw doctoral candidate (Ann Hamilton) led an experts’ meeting on institutional decarbonisation as part of the centre’s UK government-funded collaboration with Northumbria University. The planned next stage includes a landholder survey, a report, and a journal article. The centre aims to identify some fundable research opportunities through this work. 

 Recently, Professor Paul Martin met with New England Federal MP Barnaby Joyce to discuss the centre’s work with NSW Landcare and other organisations on possible new approaches to investment in rural stewardship. This is one of several meetings and conversations held with key stakeholders. The centre continues to develop case studies with rural stakeholders on stewardship barriers and opportunities. 

 The centre has also been working with farming and government organisations in the New England region and with water researchers at UNE to propose a possible regional engagement hub, to focus on water and land-management issues. Currently, a draft proposal is under development. 

 If you would like to learn more about the AgLaw Centre and its current projects, visit: https://www.une.edu.au/research/research-centres-institutes/the-australian-centre-for-agriculture-and-law