Congratulations to  #UNELaw’s Head of School Professor Michael Adams, who was recently appointed Brand Ambassador of the Governance Institute of Australia. Michael is also a past president (2001) of the Governance Institute.

There are three key issues and challenges that Michael believes the governance and risk management profession faces. The first is around reimagining corporate culture. He believes “the old saying ‘the fish rots from the head’ is true, but it is the layers of management below the CEO, senior executives, and board where culture can be misinterpreted.” The second issue is around artificial intelligence: guarding against unconscious bias, and data protection; and, thirdly, investing in the workforce.

The Institute hosts many events. Michael says that “each event the Institute creates provides opportunity for networking, sharing experiences and continuing to learn” and “we have so much to learn from each other”. He is looking forward to promoting these opportunities to help build the profession.