It is with great pleasure, that we’d like to introduce you to the individual that is here to help you get settled in, and navigate through your first year *Drumroll*…

Your Law School First Year Advisor, Nola Holmes!

Please allow us to break the ice and introduce you to Nola, so you can get to know her a little better.

Q. Who are you and what is your role?

My name is Nola Holmes and I’m the ‘First Year and Academic Advisor’ for both the Business School and Law School.

Mine is an academic role and I assist students to manage their academic requirements, skills, assessments and outcomes in specific disciplines. This often includes ‘demystifying’ university for commencing students as they transition into and through their first year and continue with their studies. There can be lots of ‘unknowns’ that impact on academic success, and I try to help students in a holistic way to achieve their academic goals in their specific course.

What can first year students look forward to as a part of the UNE Law School?

Very friendly and helpful teaching staff – unit coordinators, lecturers, tutors – who have a lot of ‘real world’ experience. They want to see students succeed and progress (but students must put in the effort).

What is the most common question you get asked as a first-year advisor?

“Can I please get some help to ‘get started’ with my studies/assessments/exam preparation? I’m not quite sure where to begin…” and variations of that as the Trimester progresses. Students feel relieved when I tell them they are not alone with this concern, there are many students of all ages who feel the same – they just need to ask for help.

Nola with some of #UNELaw’s staff

What is your top piece of advice for first year students?

Be an active learner. Engage. Invest some time in getting organised at the start of each trimester. ‘Trawl around’ the UNE websites and your unit/s’ Moodle site – click on all the little icons to see what is there so that you feel comfortable and informed. This especially helps later when you may feel a bit pressured and stressed trying to find something. Try to keep up-to-date with your weekly unit requirements and, if time permits, even get ahead so you have a buffer. If there is something you’re not sure of or if ‘life gets in the way’ of your studies, know that there are many people at UNE who can help you – you just need to let us know. Never suffer in silence, contact us as early as possible – we can’t help/advise you if we don’t know.

Most importantly, try to enjoy your learning journey!

Lastly, what is the best thing about working at UNE?

Staff, both academic and professional, really want to get to know our students as ‘people’, not just as ‘students’ (That’s you guys!)

If you need assistance you can contact Nola here:

Phone: 02 6773 2181


Or you can find her at: W38 – Room 31, EBL Building