School of Law

University of New England

2020 Kirby Seminar Series

Dr Tony Buti

A Stolen Life: The Bruce Trevorrow Case

Via Zoom Webinar Monday 7 September 2020 at 1pm AEST

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On Christmas Day 1957, Joe Trevorrow walked through the blistering heat to seek help for his sick baby boy. When relatives agreed to take Bruce to hospital, Joe was relieved – his son was in safe hands – but, within days, Bruce would be living with another family, and Joe would never see his son again. At the age of ten, Bruce would be returned to his Indigenous family, sparking a lifelong search for an identity that could never truly be known and a court case that made history: Trevorrow v State of South Australia [No 5] [2007] SASC 285, the story of the only member of the Stolen Generations to win compensation for his removal from his family:

Dr Antonio (Tony) Buti was educated at the University of Western Australia, the Australian National University, Oxford University and Yale Law School. Prior to his election as Member for Armadale in the Western Australian Parliament in 2010, he was an Associate Professor in Law at the University of Western Australia (where he retains an honorary position) and previously worked at the Murdoch University School of Law. He has written books, articles and other publications on the ‘stolen generations’, British child migrants, human rights and sports law, including the biography of High Court of Australia justice and President of the Human Rights Commission, Sir Ronald Wilson: A Matter of conscience; Sir Ronald Wilson (UWA Publishing). A four-time competitor in the Concours International de Plaidoiries in Caen, France, Tony has also co-produced and co-directed a documentary on racial vilification in sport.

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