Written by Julia Day

I was extremely encouraged when speaking with Associate Professor Mia Rahim to learn that love really is what makes the world go around!!

Initially I was in awe, and honestly a bit intimidated, by Mia’s many academic achievements. He mentioned his first, his second, then his third master’s degree- wow I thought one was enough!! Then he spoke of his judicial career as a Judge in the District Court in Bangladesh where he heard both civil and criminal cases. His decade long judicial career was soon followed by the successful completion of a PhD in Corporate Regulation at Macquarie University in 2013. He then started working as an academic at Queensland University of Technology and the University of South Australia, before taking up a role as an Associate Professor at the UNE Law School. Wow- what an over achiever!!!

The really impressive thing about Mia though is the obvious love he has for his wife and two daughters. Mia’s wife, Bipasha Binte Haque, is an academic over achiever like Mia. As well as having several masters’ degrees and a PhD, Bipasha was also an Associate Professor who specialised in psychology, language and accents. Now Bipasha has decided to follow her passion and become a full time poet whilst looking after her family. Mia knew that living in a rural setting would be an ideal environment for Bipasha to pursue her poetry- this was one of the fundamental reasons he decided to accept a position at UNE. Of course the promotion he achieved was an added bonus!!

When I asked Mia to describe the best day of his life, he initially said ‘it was the days when I was young and first in love with my now wife.’ He soon qualified this statement by noting ‘life with my wife and kids just keeps getting better and better!!’

I was also excited to find out that Mia is a passionate vegetable gardener like I am. He notes ‘I feel so much joy seeing an eggplant or a cauliflower getting bigger each day. Vegie gardening is a lovely thing to do.’ Mia also loves watching movies and recently enjoyed seeing The Lion King.

Mia’s main teaching and research areas relate to corporate governance and ethics. Students in Trimester 3 will benefit from his expertise when he will be teaching Corporations Law and a Research Methodologies unit for Masters Students.

Welcome to UNE Associate Professor Mia Rahim!