Trimester Two is upon us! This is an exciting time for #UNELaw students, but it can also be overwhelming. We have collated a few tips to help you out before beginning Trimester Two.
If you have not already done so, work through the new UNE Online Orientation Moodle module: ‘UNE101’. Although this activity is not compulsory, it is strongly recommended for #UNELaw students as it will help you get started and ready for your law degree. ‘UNE101’ answers many questions students starting out will have.
The Academic Integrity Module (AIM) has been refreshed for all commencing students from trimester 2 2019 onwards. It aims to increase awareness of academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism for commencing students at UNE. It consists of five modules, each with a final quiz. Students will be required to complete all five modules and score at least 80% in each quiz before they can submit any assessment tasks and will take approximately to 2.5 hours. Only students commencing in trimester 2 2019 or beyond will be required to complete this new AIM. Students who have already completed the current version of the AIM will retain their badge as evidence of completion and will not need to re-do the module.
Enrolled students now have access to their Trimester Two unit moodle sites. Before the beginning of teaching, students must read every page of the unit Study Guide in each of their units. Also read every page of the Essential Guide to Studying Law units.
Another very helpful tip is to record all the due dates for assessments for each of your units. Although you may not be able to see what the assessment is, it is important that you know when they are due and to see if there are any clashes with due dates. This will help you prepare your timetable.
You should also browse through all sections of the Law Skills Hub – this can be found under the ‘Big Blue Brain’ icon on your moodle site. Law students should familiarise themselves with this great resource, which is there to help throughout the course of your studies.
Law students must also have a copy of AGLC4. This is the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (4th Edition). It does not matter whether students have a pdf copy or hard copy but it is integral that all students have their own copy. It is essential to have this resource, especially when it comes to referencing your assignments.
It is impossible to study a law unit without the relevant textbooks. You must have a copy of the prescribed textbook/s for each unit. Prescribed materials are available for purchase from the United Campus Bookshop located in the UNE Campus courtyard or check out their website:
There is also a section dedicated to second hand texts at the United Campus Bookshop. These pre-loved textbooks are offered at a discounted price, so it is worthwhile checking if your text is available at:
Also checkout websites such as StudentVIP where students sell their old textbooks, and join ‘buy, swap & sell’ textbook groups on Facebook to find the text you need at a fraction of the cost of purchasing it new.
Trimester Two is also a great opportunity to apply for scholarships. UNE has a few scholarships on offer for continuing and commencing students. Be sure to check out the Good Universities Guide which have a collection of law specific scholarships with closing dates in the later part of the year.
If you are having difficulties with your studies please contact Nola Holmes, the First Year Advisor for the Law and Business Schools. She can be contacted at and her office is Rm 31, EBL Building (W38). AskUNE is also a good place for start for any general enquiries you may have. Contact AskUNE by visiting their website at:
Good Luck in Trimester Two #UNELaw Students!