Following enquiries from students with a passion for public international law, this year, the Law School at UNE will register a team to Jessup Mootcourt – the most prestigious international mootcourt, with some 800 law schools from more than 100 countries and territories attending every year.
The fictional case, released every year in mid-September, simulates a case between two states at the International Court of Justice (Hague). Based on a complex set of facts pertaining to various areas of public international law, the Applicant and the Respondent have to submit written arguments by mid-January, and then orally defend their case in the Australian rounds, held at ANU (Canberra) in February. Every year, 2 teams out of the total of approximately 20 participant universities represent Australia at the world rounds, in Washington (early April).
The costs for attending both the national rounds in Canberra, and – in case of qualification – the international rounds in Washington, DC, are covered by the law school. In exchange, the team of 5 students representing UNE at this most prestigious competition are expected to devote a significant proportion of their time to building solid written arguments and to enhance their oral advocacy skills, under the supervision of academic staff with extensive Jessup experience and legal practice.
This is a unique opportunity to engage in hands-on legal advocacy at highest international standards, and to boost your employability (a successful participation is Jessup is highly regarded by employers of law graduates). Contact Dr Ciprian Radavoi for further details and for expressions of interest. Conditions for being admitted in the UNE team: good knowledge of public international law, including litigation at the International Court of Justice; a strong commitment; and a team oriented attitude.